by Lynn Mandaville

For as long as I’ve been writing this column, and for probably a lot longer than that, Townbroadcast editor David Young has said that Donald Trump is not the disease that plagues America.  Donald Trump, he asserts, is merely a symptom.

At first, I didn’t agree with that assertion.  I was too angry at Trump for all the foolishness, chaos, and deceit he was foisting upon the American populace to see past the smoke and mirrors.

In the two-plus years I’ve been writing, I’ve been trying to set aside emotion and look critically at facts.

Though I still fall victim to the angry woman inside my head, I know now that Mr. Young is correct.  Trump is not the disease.  He is a symptom.

BUT.  Here’s the rub.

He is a damn pervasive and persistent symptom, and in attacking the bigger disease that threatens us, it is my opinion that this symptom is so severe as to make treating the disease all the more difficult.

This particular symptom, the Donald symptom, is so unpredictable and fluctuating in nature as to camouflage the disease (Trump Derangement Syndrome?) in varying degrees.

This is a symptom that has to be conquered in order to get down to the nitty gritty of the disease.

So the question becomes, how do we conquer the symptom?

The easy way, of course, is to exercise our power of the polls.  Vote!

But November 2020 is a long way off, and the president can wreak a lot more havoc in the 14 months until the next inauguration.  That’s why it’s important to fully support the impeachment initiative currently under way.

For much too long the president has had virtual free reign.  He speaks blatant lies almost constantly.  He speaks of things he should not, revealing things to heads of foreign governments out of turn.  He demeans people, friends and foes alike, with no regard for civility.  He enacts or alters foreign policy on personal whim, without consultation with appropriate government officials.  He refuses to read daily briefings, or to consider opposing points of view.  He disdains becoming educated on issues, preferring to fly by the seat of his pants.  He relies on emotion rather than intellect to conduct affairs of state.  He has made America a laughing stock on the international stage.

Democrats have attempted to correct him, offering advice and criticism.  But, with only a couple of exceptions, Republicans have maintained a hands off attitude toward Trump, even during the most serious transgressions.

Probably the two most critical cases in point have to be the current Ukraine debacle, and the shameful abandonment of our allies, the Kurds, in Syria.

With regard to Ukraine, Republicans choose to either turn a blind eye, or go on the defensive against evidence provided by the president himself, spinning the narrative in a theater of the absurd, a theater in which gaslighting is the device used to obscure what has happened.  Even in the face of an impeachment inquiry, they choose to prop up a dangerous president and help to erode the protections of the Constitution that were put in place precisely for a loose cannon despot like Donald Trump.

With regard to the Kurds in Syria, the president has single-handedly given up an important ally in the middle east and set up the conditions for genocide of the people we had come to rely on for eradicating ISIS terrorists.  He has sent a message to the rest of the world that the United States cannot be trusted to stand by its allies, that long-standing allegiances can evaporate overnight on the basis of a phone call made by an unstable genius.

The impeachment inquiry is much too long overdue.

Democrats have sat with their thumbs up their… well, they’ve been twiddling their thumbs when they should have been rallying the nation behind a call for the rule of law where the president is concerned.

They have been avoiding this necessary confrontation with Trump, this calling-on-the-carpet, as it were, maybe in hopes that the problem would go away?  Or that Republicans would come to their senses and see that their party is being horribly co-opted by a megalomaniac?

Our representatives, Republican and Democrat, have abdicated their responsibilities to protect and defend our Constitution in the face of a domestic enemy.  They have forgotten whom they serve.  The operative word being “SERVE.”

At one time in our recent history, it seemed unthinkable that we could ever possibly, in all our wildest nightmares, live through the likes of Watergate.

But here we are.

And it’s not just an out-of-control president who believes he can manipulate an election with petty burglars and an inept cover-up.

It’s an out-of-control president who believes that it isn’t verging on treason to involve foreign governments in the scheme to defraud the electoral process.  It’s a man who thinks that the entirety of America is a ripe victim for his mob mentality, that America can be coerced to serve him – instead of the other way round – through inference, innuendo, veiled threats, and selfish disregard for the republic he swore to protect and defend.

I’m not so naïve as to think that The Donald will be removed from office through an impeachment trial by the Senate.  God knows Mitch McConnell will never allow his Republican lackeys to abandon party over country.  And even if the unimaginable removal from office could occur, it probably won’t happen before the election in 2020.

But at the very least, something will be being done to call out this charlatan-thief, to expose his tyranny to even the staunchest disciple of a false prophet.

To remain silent is to be complicit in the carnival of corruption that operates within the Peoples’ House in Washington.

So far our small voices have not raised the alarm loud enough, nor shined enough light on the morally deformed president, to stanch the bleeding from our founding documents.

Let’s hope this impeachment inquiry, and subsequent trial, are not too little too late.

At least there is the 2020 election as our backup plan.


October 18, 2019
So very true. So very sad.
Terry Parks
October 22, 2019
I'm no fan or follower of Trump. But I am always ready to defend facts, the truth, fairness and justice. If we don't, then the same errors can and will be used against us and those we support. We should all be ready to be even-handed and sober about such critical things. My problem with how the constant attacks on Trump have been and are being handled is that there is a conclusion looking for facts to back that conclusion up, rather than the other way around. It's a "Trump is guilty, now let's see if we can discover and prove how and why he is guilty." You, I and anyone would howl, decry the process and work to reverse it if that standard were used on us. You have only mentioned your view of the wrongs of Trump. I've never heard a word from you about the wrongs of the anti-Trumps. Is it that they are blameless? Not a bit of wrongdoing or hypocrasy? You didn't mention a mega-million-dollar nearly 2 year independent investigation into possible Trump wrongdoings. Why do you say that nothing until now has been done? Why isn't the impeachment inquiry based on the Mueller report? Did Mueller blow it, or are the results simply unacceptable to the Dems? And why is it that when Ukraine actually sought to support the election of HRC, it's no problem at all to the Dems? Neither is the fact that HRC and the Dems tried to get dirt on Trump by paying for it from the foreigner Steele and his foreign informants. Nope, No problem there. When Obama said to tell Putin he can be more flexible after the election, that was zero problem to the Dems too. HRC's Russion "reset button" she presented with laughter and all smiles. Or the mega-billions Obama gave to Iran while they chanted "death to America". All those things must be why the Republicans sought to impeach Obama...Oh, wait, actually I remember now, they didn't. And HRC calling all those supporting Trump "deplorables"? Stone silence from the Dems about that. I hope you can see this is a pursuit that cares nothing about being fair or even-handed. Nothing about upholding just standards applied to all. It is politics at its worst. I would say that regardless of what side is making the move. If Trump is not the disease, but rather the symptom, what is the cause of the disease? 60 million Americans voting for him? Are they the disease? You should define the disease just as clearly as you define the symptom. I'm interested to hear exactly what the disease that produces a symptom like Trump actually is, so we can cure it. You know well that you can remove a symptom without addressing the disease. So, let's talk about the cause...the disease itself. Also, precisely what is the disease that causes lies and corruption on the side of the Dems? That too will be the most helpful. Thanks and regards as always.
Terry Parks
October 22, 2019
I see typos above, after it's too late. Sorry. Want you to know they didn't go without notice.
Don't Tread On Me
October 23, 2019
Mr.Parks, A truthful reply to the obviously out of control Democrats. Great job!

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