by Lynn Mandaville

I think he does it to show the Republican Party that they belong to him. Really. He knows they kow-tow to him.  Fear contradicting him.  Support any ideas he dreams up, regardless of their merit.  The emperor has nothing on, and not a single Republican will tell him he’s naked.

Once again, Trump has done the verbal equivalent of shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, and his base, and the Republican House and Senate, are deaf and mute.

Over the weekend Trump showed us his stellar, sophisticated, diplomatic style by making unacceptable comments about four US Congresswomen.  All are women of color, all are citizens of the United States.  Only one was born abroad (Ilhan Omar is Somali-born), the others born here.

Trump believes they should go back “where they came from,” specifically, disastrous countries that are torn by war and strife and economic travails that he mistakenly thinks are their countries of origin.  Trouble is, three of them came from the Bronx (NY), Detroit and Chicago.

He has doubled down on his weekend hate speech by calling them socialists rather than progressives, and he has hinted that they might be communists.  Here are a couple of quotes from our most articulate leader.

“I’m saying that they’re socialists, definitely.  As to whether or not they’re communists, I would think they might be.

“They can leave.  And you know what?  I’m sure there will be many people that won’t miss them.  But they have to love our country.  They’re congresspeople.”

White nationalist groups have found common ground with the president’s sentiments, and he doesn’t seem at all bothered by the association.  But what’s the old saying?   “Birds of a feather flock together.”

This may be just another distraction cooked up by our untraditional president.  Maybe he’s concerned about his association with Jeffrey Epstein and what may be uncovered investigating the sweetheart deal Acosta schemed up twelve years ago against the pedophile/sex trafficker.

A little racism to throw the public off the scent?

And so far the Republicans are taking shelter behind the racist comments, silent and unbothered by such blatant hate-mongering.

I read an interesting quote this morning, someone in congress calling Trump a “racial arsonist.”

Creates an interesting image, doesn’t it?  Setting fire to the American psyche with yet another Molotov-cocktail of ignorant hate speech?  Intended to raise the heat of emotion that comes with this kind of firebrand rhetoric?

These are the comments Trump makes that inflame some of us so intensely we fall into his snake pit of name-calling infantilism.

Why is it that Republicans aren’t as appalled as we?  Or are they just too chicken-s**t to speak up against a would-be tyrant?  After all, he has to love our country, too, right?  He’s the president!

Speak up, Republican readers.  Defend the racist/white supremacist who so uncouthly maligns four fine women duly elected by their citizenry!  Or are you chicken, too?


Robert M Traxler
July 16, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, Talk about the pot calling the kettle black,"These are the comments Trump makes that inflame some of us so intensely we fall into his snake pit of name-calling infantilism." Please read your column you do exactly what you accuse others of doing. We can call the President names but not minorities/women who use overheated language?
Lynn Mandaville
July 16, 2019
I called no one names in my column. I reported facts and made speculations with specific adjectives. Were some of the words I chose overheated?" That's up to each reader to decide. It's also up to each reader to decide whether he or she sides with the racist and defends him. Then, if he or she finds the president's remarks racist, he or she can decide whether he or she has the courage to call him out for it. Where do you make your stand?
Robert M Traxler
July 17, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, "Speak up, Republican readers. Defend the racist/white supremacist who so uncouthly maligns four fine women duly elected by their citizenry! Or are you chicken, too?" Your words glad as you said " I called no one names in my column". Really?
July 16, 2019
Hey Army Bob, I think you are on the wrong Trax (Pun intended) on this commentary. Let's face it. The Republican Party has been turned into a near Cult. I really think there are republicans who do not like the way things are going; but are so fearful of losing their position in the pecking order, they keep their mouths shut and follow blindly. I hope everyone will keep in mind that unless they are full blooded Native Americans, we all came from somewhere else. That includes includes our no-class, school yard bully president. Just in case you didn't appreciate my little play on your name; just think of all the people who have had their true name obliterated and smeared just because T is upset with them. Are you saying that you didn't even wince just a little when T refused to call John McCain a hero and referred to him as a loser? T's comment about possible Communist leanings brings to mind the McCarthyism of days gone by. Do we really want to go through that era again? I think it is time to quit worshiping at the feet of a self-proclaimed God.
July 16, 2019
I was wondering how much time would pass between Lynn Mandaville’s opinion piece about civility being published to when our current President would tweet something(s) that would go beyond the pale. Turned out it was less than 7 days. It was bad enough for the POTUS to tweet: So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.” He added: “These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!” For the leader of the United States to state that four duly elected members of Congress, all US citizens like him should go back to their countries of origin is outrageous. Three of the four Congress members he was tweeting, about were born the United States. MI's Tlaib was born in Detroit, MA's Pressley in Chicago and Ocasio-Cortez in NYC (Just like Donald J Trump) and MN's Omar is a naturalized US Citizen born in Somalia who became a US Citizen 19 years ago at 17. Congresswoman Omar has been a US Citizen 5 years longer fellow naturalized US citizen First Lady Melania Trump. (How about that) The silence from Congressmen Upton and Huizenga along with that of from our State Senator Aric Nesbitt and State Representative Steve Johnson, all of who heartily endorsed President Trump's leadership in their 2018 campaigns has been deafening. The same can be said from GOP leadership in the US Congress and US Senate. I remember a couple of years ago we were being told by some that President Trump was a centrist and Democrats needed to work with him. Not looking like a centrist today. President Trump has laid out the cornerstone for his re-election campaign. Its dividing the electorate using race, gender and home of ancestral origin. Its not new. In July 2016 then candidate Trump questioned the integrity of Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel because his parents were born in Mexico, ignoring the fact Judge Curiel was born in East Chicago Indiana and graduated from University of Indiana for his undergrad and Law School degrees. This time there is no doubt. Trump 2020 is running on an "Us vs them" and if you don't like it, our county's Commander in Chief is telling you to leave. After the President's July 14, 2019 tweet author Stephen King responded in his own tweet: "First, you stoke hatred and fear of minorities," wrote King. "Then you round them up and put them in camps. "Next, you send out raiding parties to get those who have been driven into hiding," he continued. "The armbands come next right?" Horror author King is closer to the truth than many want to realize. And so it goes
Harry Smit
July 16, 2019
I guess we will see who leads this Country after the 2020 election. If the Democrats can find someone who isn't way off in left field they just may win. But good luck finding that person. Few want to accept that when Donald Trump ran ...he was saying what most who voted for him were afraid to because of political correctness and being labeled as racist. If someone has so much dislike for this Country. Why would they want to stay? Why would they run for political office? To wonder about those Republicans in our area remaining silent. If you were them ....having a very good income, superior healthcare, and more benefits than the average worker . Would you alienate those that voted for you ? So are they really afraid of the President or are they playing politics to continue to hold their position . They know that by November 2020...there will be more hot issues and asking those who dislike our Country to return home will be long forgotten. How they handle September and October will determine their fate......unless they do something ridiculous before then
July 17, 2019
Tuesday Congressman Fred Upton and Congressman Amash voted for a resolution condemning President Trump's remarks. From Congressman Upton: “Frankly I’m appalled by the President’s tweets. There’s no excuse. Inflammatory rhetoric from both sides of the aisle that is used to divide us just isn’t right. It’s not helpful. We have too many challenges facing us that we ought to be working on together — immigration, the debt ceiling, the border crisis,” “The President’s tweets were flat out wrong and uncalled for, and I would encourage my colleagues from both parties to stop talking so much and start governing more.” I am pleasantly surprised by Congressman Upton's vote. It sounds like the moderate Fred Upton we used to see. But like Congressman Amash, Upton's remarks and vote showed disagreement with President Trump and to date that gets you the wrath of the RNC and President Trump. I suspect Upton's remarks portend an announcement that he will not be seeking another term sometime early in 2020. My guess is first term State Senator Aric Nesbitt is already "rocking in the blocks" based on his donor and endorsers for 2018 for state senate.
Don't Tread On Me
July 17, 2019
Rep. Upton was and is a RINO of the first order, happy to bow down to Speaker Pelosi to get a place at Washington parties and he gets a few crumbs thrown his way. He's been a disgrace since his first term. He should go, based on his record. He only finds his values and voice when somebody focuses on him and he's a "johnny come lately" in responding.
Small Town Gal
July 17, 2019
The term White Nationalist is often used by leftists and the feeble minded to depict racism. What a shame. Because someone is a Nationalist/ Patriot and happens to be caucasian they are depicted as a racist? "Forbid it Almighty God!" Does that sound familiar?
Don't Tread On Me
July 17, 2019
The anti-Semitism drips from the "four gang". They are the racists. They attacked Speaker Pelosi and hung the racist moniker on her! They are there to represent their congressional districts- get on with it. And if you don't LOVE America, why did you ladies run for office? I suspect to do what you are doing. The media should ignore the gang of four for the illiterates they are. And Rep. AOC, there are only 24 hrs. in a day. If the readers don't get it, Google AOC and daylight savings time - explains her level of education and world experience. I bet Boston College is proud of such an ignoramus graduate.

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