by Lynn Mandaville

It’s very difficult to write when your emotions get the better of you.  You start to say dumb things and cast blame onto the wrong sources.

Such it has been for me as I try to write about what life is like in Arizona as it floats to the top of the five (or is it four now?) most infected states in the union with SARS-CoV-2, better known as COVID-19 or the coronavirus.

There are several aspects from which to evaluate how we are doing here.

• There is our governor and his handling of the pandemic for his constituents.

• There are the medical professionals who have to cope with the casualties of the public’s exposure to the virus.

• There are the businesse enduring a rollercoaster ride of open-closed-open-closed, partially open with extreme conditions.  And there are their employees who have to work when the business is open, whether they want to or not.

• There are the school kids who miss school, but whose parents are afraid to send them, but who also feel ill-equipped to teach them at home.

• There is the economic impact that this virus is having on the state and local governments.

• There are the people in at-risk groups.

And there are the virus deniers.

It’s a pretty diverse cross-section of the population, therefore, it is very hard to make everyone satisfied that their needs and wants are being met.

I want to begin with our governor, Doug Ducey, Republican, first elected in 2014, and re-elected in 2018.  His qualifications include and are limited to being trained in management at Arizona State University and being partner and CEO of Stone Cold Creamery.  Having watched him during this crisis, he seems to be a man who serves two masters, those being the residents of Arizona and the Trump Republican Party.

As Ducey began to deal with COVID-19, he preferred to remain hands-off, letting Washington D.C. and the pandemic gurus set the rules.  When Trump announced that he was going to let the states handle their own situations, Ducey seemed not to know whether to sh*t or go blind.  (See!  Here I go saying dumb things.)

Ducey announced, finally, that he would declare a shut-down of businesses in the state unless they were deemed essential, such as grocery stores.  At a 3 p.m. news conference he made the announcement, saying that beauty and nail salons could remain open, along with tattoo parlors and massage therapists.  The pubic went bananas, flooding the governor’s office with objections to these enterprises being deemed essential when they were among the most prone to infection, exposure and spread due to the close proximity of client and provider.  By 9 o’clock the next morning those businesses were declared closed for the foreseeable future.

Thus, Ducey had tamed the voters while still toeing the line for his president.

He has continued to waffle throughout the past several months, providing no leadership whatsoever, so that we have a public that overwhelmingly provides its own leadership by following best practices of social distancing and masking up, while assisting those for whom going out is a prohibitive risk.

Ducey was quick to reopen the state to please his president, at a time when the state was just beginning to blossom with COVID-19, and when the state hadn’t met even one of the milestones established by the Task Force. As a result, there was no lock-down over the Memorial Day holiday.  Now we are experiencing an enormous surge in new cases and hospitalizations, mostly young adults, which takes us to the medical professionals who are affected by this surge.

My daughter-in-law is an RN in the pediatric oncology department of one of the area’s biggest hospitals.  Before the virus surged, she was in little danger of exposure because of how well protected the oncology unit is.

But Laura’s dad was very ill at home.  He was diagnosed with ALS in February, and his form of that disease was progressing terrifyingly fast.  Since Laura was quickly becoming her dad’s main medical advocate and one of the constant caregivers, she took a hiatus from her job, for fear she would bring the infection home to him.

Jim died in mid-June, and Laura returned to work.  She posted these words on Facebook her first day back:

Now I am back to work.  What I see inside the hospital is air thick with stress and exhaustion, worried looks under masks and hurried steps.  Staffing is short.  Rooms are full.  Crisis measures in place to decide if your patient scores high enough for a ventilator.  Crisis mode.

 Laura faces this every day she goes to work.

ICU beds are now more than 92% occupied with COVID-19 patients.  Contrary to the President’s propaganda, PPE is still inadequate.  Staff is being asked to reuse their equipment and make do with what’s there.  Arizona records more than 3,000 new cases per day.  (And here’s a little tidbit of trivia.  The population of AZ is just over 7 million.   The entire European Union is 442 million.  AZ records the same number of new cases per day as the EU.)

As of today, more than 25% of people tested for the virus are testing positive!  Highest rate in the country.  Almost 2,000 Arizonans have died from it!  Our number of first responders is being diminished because of required isolation after positive tests for coronavirus!  People are understandably anxious.

The governor has capitulated somewhat, as has the President.  Ducey now encourages people to wear masks where social distancing is difficult.  But being the weak leader he is, he has passed off responsibility to the local municipalities to decide whether to mandate masks.  Most cities, including Chandler, have done so, and Maricopa County followed suit by mandating masks in public.

But this brings us to the COVID-19 deniers, the people who haven’t had an epiphany about the virus.  These are the folks who confront mask-wearers with greeting like “Hey, you libtard wuss!”

Here is the incident report my son, Nick, filed with his supervisor on July 7, at the high-end furniture consignment shop where he works:

A “gentleman” entered the store without a mask.

Me (Nick):  Excuse me, sir?  Do you have a mask?  We require a mask.

Him:  F*ck you, *ssh*le!

Me:  Excuse me?

Him:  Go f*ck yourself!  My body – My choice, *ssh*le!

Me: I don’t appreciate the language, sir. There’s no need to swear at me.  I don’t deserve that.

Him:  F*ck you!  What are you going to do about it, *ssh*le?

Me:  I could call the police and have you removed?

Him:  Freedom of speech!  They can’t do nuthin’.  Not on your property.  (He steps off the curb into the parking lot.)  Go f*ck yourself!  (Steps back on the sidewalk towards me.)

Me:  Why don’t I call them and we can find out?

Him:  My choice.  (mutters something that sounds like he called me a pussy)

 And this scenario repeats itself daily, sometime more than once a day, at his place of business.  Now picture this happening all over retail stores in Maricopa County.

I’ve only covered three of the seven aspects I listed at the outset of this piece, and I can feel my blood pressure rising.

Arizona is not a good place to be right now.  But, then, where is it a good place to be when our so-called leaders are downplaying the seriousness of COVID-19?

“It’s just like the flu.  Why get all riled up?” the deniers say.

I’ll tell you why.

Survivors of COVID-19 are showing evidence of lasting damage to kidneys, lungs, hearts.  They are showing a tendency toward stroke and blood clots.  Young people, ages 18 to 35, assuming they aren’t susceptible because of mixed messages from the White House, are becoming infected at an alarming rate.  Young children are (rarely) coming down with a COVID-19 related syndrome called MIS-C (multisystem inflammatory syndrome) which is similar to Kawasaki disease.

This is not the benign disease our President would like us to believe it is.

My husband and I, being in a high risk group (the elderly) are isolating ourselves.  We wear masks everywhere we go, but we don’t go much of anywhere.

That is the decisions we make daily.

Some decisions in life involve sacrifice.  And that sacrifice begets strength of character and strength of resolve.  It generates the stories we will tell long after this pandemic has taken its toll.

With care, and a share of luck, we will survive this worldwide event.

We will get to see our son, Randy, his wife Laura, their boys Jack and James, and Laura’s mom, Nancy, again.  Jack has lost four teeth during our self-exile.  I bet the boys have grown an inch or more, and have made emotional growth beyond measure having gone through the death of their “Papa.”

This time apart cannot be recaptured, but we don’t whine about it.

We know the risks and the rewards of taking COVID-19 seriously.

What I DO whine about is the dearth of leadership in Phoenix (our state capitol) and in the White House.

I’m sick to death of the mixed messages, the self-serving attitudes of Congress and the President and the President’s men.

I’m sick at heart that the only thing that matters is re-election, not the health of the nation.

I’m so tired of hearing that we must sacrifice health and safety for the almighty dollar.

I’m saddened by listening to essential workers who are compelled to work despite the risks.  And I’m heartsick for the people who have to work because they haven’t been able to earn a living wage and save a little for this rainy (read monsoon) day.

I read the words of Michiganders who think their governor, Gretchen Whitmer, is a tyrant as she guides the state through the pandemic.

I would give my teeth to have a governor with a backbone, a governor who listens to scientists, epidemiologists, and health experts and then takes a firm stand on a strategy to deal with this crisis.

But we don’t elect people with spines.  We don’t elect people with credentials to lead.  We don’t elect people with strength of character or minds of their own.

At least, we didn’t in Arizona.

I could go on, but to what end?

Most of you know the drill from your own experiences.

In the Before Time, I would have said “could be worse.”

Now I’m not so sure.


John Wilkens
July 9, 2020
Gov Witmer is a real peach, diamond in the rough......Oh MY............Please invite her to your state. Your age being the most vulnerable, your sure to like this one. Why would you think it is so wise to put positive covid in with the most vulnerable? You might want to review on your own and not on CNN or NPR. The decisions the Governor has made certainly were not based on science. Please do your homework before spouting off a bunch of garbage. Just recently she sends her goons in to shut down the Dorr parade, and won't shut down BLM protest gatherings. Lotto, weed, booze and abortions, no knee replacments, no Church, no paint form the home centers. Yes in some rose colored glasses she might seem like a real peach. Guess again sweetheart! Cheers!! ps Tell me again why placing positive covid in nursing homes is a good thing......Can't wait to hear you defend this one........crickets........
Coleen Young
July 9, 2020
Arizona sounds like what Michigan went through in April and May. I’m thankful every day we had a strong governor that got us through this. I hate living in a county that feels wearing a mask is just a liberal idea. This should not be political.
July 9, 2020
But the most important thing is that abortion clinics never missed a day killing the innocent .
July 9, 2020
There she is, Gretchen Whitmer; paragon of leadership. Michigan COVID Cases: 75,720 Michigan COVID Deaths: 6015 Arizona COVID Cases: 112,520 Arizona COVID Deaths: 1973 See a difference? Lot more cases in Arizona with a lot less deaths. Michigan has a far higher death rate. Why? Because half or more of the deaths in Michigan are now directly attributed to the placement of recovering and contagious COVID patients in Nursing Homes with the most vulnerable elderly population. 3000+ people caught COVID and died from it that weren't infected before they got exposed because the genius in charge decided to use nursing homes filled with the elderly and people with comorbidities to "isolate" recovering COVID patients. Instead of designating regional hospital facilities that were basically "closed" for general medical practice for months. So our Governor imposed strict social distancing and lockdowns on Michigan and then undid most of it by exposing a sick and elderly population to contagious COVID patients and killing them. Arizona doesn't do lockdowns as well AND they sure are a lot less efficient at getting rid of a bunch of the elderly and infirm.
July 9, 2020
I worked with Jim for a number of years. We became friends, and our wives did also. We went out to eat, visited each other’s homes. We went to Mexico together. After retirement, Jim and Linda moved to Tucson. I remember Jim calling a few weeks ago. We chatted about this and that, and he asked about Michigan’s response to Covid-19. Arizona’s response was much more sedate. “I think your governor is extreme. We're taking a far more measured approach here in Arizona.” I responded that if our governor is extreme, “she is extreme in trying to keep us safe.” A couple weeks later I got an e-mail. “We’ve got it,” said the group email. They were self-quarantining at home. The next email was “Linda is going into the hospital. I’m staying at home and can’t even visit her.” The next email reported they were both hospitalized. After that, came the report that Linda has died, and Jim recovered and went home. It all seemed to happen very fast. They were both over 65. Linda, according to Jim, was in very good health. While we hear from Washington that things are progressing well in the effort to control this pandemic, there is plenty of evidence that this is not the case. Other countries have done well controlling this thing, but we have not. Some of the things that we know would help we, as a group, don’t do. Leadership out of the White House is abysmal, but most be know that. Masks, distancing, help. But many of us aren’t interested. It’s kind of hard to figure.
Lynn E Mandaville
July 9, 2020
Basura, I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend Linda. I'm also very sorry that they were among those I see here in AZ who don't receive their epiphany until it's too late. Denial is among the true tragedies of this disease.
Harry Smit
July 9, 2020
Ms Mandaville It's easy for all to point fingers at others at a time of crisis....but sadly we can only blame ourselves. Yes, there has been a multitude of horrible information given to us. Three things seem to be very prominent....proper hygiene, social distancing, and wearing a mask correctly. I distaste that I must wear one 8 to 10 hours a day at work. If I can except that a mask doesn't protect me, but keeps me from possibly giving the virus to you. Why...why is it so hard to wear one if it's required by the business you are going to. Don't like the mask don't patronize the business requiring them. Each and everyone because not following the three simple rules at the beginning of this now pandemic. Be it because of errors in information or the political intervention...we are responsible . So practice proper hygiene, social distancing, and wear your mask correctly...just hope a self proclaimed expert, entitled to make their own rules, and being a healthy carrier of the virus does come close enough to infect you.
Don't Tread On Me
July 9, 2020
Ms. Mandaville, We are bombarded by germs, bacteria, viruses, pollen, dust, etc. every day. Some of us will get sick and die as we age from diseases, accidents, pandemics. Dr. Fauci and other health experts said early in the virus outbreak that masks will not help. Why would he state such a thing since he now advocates wearing of masks? Because he knows the size of the virus is so small masks only provide the placebo effect to the wearers. If exposed to the virus, you will be a carrier. As for our illustrious governor, her credibility and honesty were blown when she opened up the UP and northern lower Michigan just before she was to attend a graduation in the Traverse City area. Then her husband had the audacity to demand getting their dock and boat out of storage and installed on the weekend they'd be up there. He invoked the name of the governor to get preferential treatment (intimidation?). The owner of the business said they were on the list with many ahead of them. In other words "suck it up". Then she marched with the demonstrators and doing everything she stressed not to do - no masks, no social distancing. Do as I say, not as I do! She is a joke and everyone knows it. Shutting down the state economy for 3-4 months with no huge effects - are you out of your mind? Evidently. Why is everyone quarantined and not just those affected? Why is the media angry when the virus is referred to as China virus, Wuhan virus, etc. It originated in China and it was an engineered virus, contrary to all the propaganda spewed by the media. The director of the facility authored a research paper in 2015, citing mating a bat virus with another virus (with the spikes) to make the jump to infecting humans, infecting prisoners of the state provided to her for test subjects. This is not new news. The media refuses to print the truth. As for BLM and Antifa, both Marxist groups backed by the likes of George Soros and other like-minded scum who want to bring this country down. The Democrats and Never Trumpers hate this president. That's understandable, because he beat the smartest, most evil woman in the world and a number one Marxist who hates this country. And those of you supporting very diminished, sick Joe Biden, you secretly hate this country too. You know Joe isn't up to the presidency, he's mentally impaired. Democrats never let a crisis go to waste to create strife and consternation. You guys own it, you deal with it. Black lives only matter when police are involved. Black on black crime, shootings, and killings don't matter to them - no headlines.

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