Our president, the disreputable Donald J. Trump, says we can call his wall “Peaches” if it makes it easier to approve the 5.7 billion dollars he would like earmarked for the construction of a wall along our southern border with Mexico!

What fresh, absurd, new hell have we entered where an elected official – the highest elected official in the land – can hold hostage 800,000 federal workers, and  the estimated 3.7 million collateral workers in the private sector, to extort billions of dollars of the peoples’ money to build a wall that, even by the reckonings of a reliable cross section of conservative thinkers, is ill-advised, financially wasteful, redundant in purpose, and ignores technological advances that could provide actual protection from imagined and real threats from outside our borders?

Every day I hope to wake up to find that our fearful leader has seen the light and given up on his egomaniacal wall.

Every day I hope to find that his lackeys and bootlickers have stood up to him and said NO MORE! to the destructive forces he has unleashed on all Americans with his government shutdown.

It is crystal clear that Donald Trump cares not one hairy rat’s behind about the people whose lives he is destroying, about the government chaos he has created, the wasteful spending he has engendered, that will continue long into our futures to restore order created by this shutdown.  He has no sense of – or, more importantly, care for – the bigger picture unfolding before us because he made a ridiculous promise to his base, then whipped that promise into a mindless frenzy by appealing to their basest fears and biases.

To add to the mayhem, Republicans and conservatives of many stripes are making false claims that Democrats and liberals of all kinds do not want secure borders.  Those right-wingers want everyone to buy into the fear-mongering lies that a few anecdotal stories of true tragedy committed by a minuscule percentage of illegal aliens represent a vast wave of rape, murder, thievery and wanton disregard of the lives of “real” Americans that the press refuses to report on.

I find it very hard to believe that smart, educated men and women can be bamboozled into this line of thinking, then support the actions of a megalomaniacal, would-be tyrant as he sets about his destructive agenda.

Since Dec. 22, 2018 – twenty-two days by my reckoning as I write this – an enormous number of people have been thrown into varying states of fear and anxiety over their financial survival.

If we break it down, based on reliable news sources and government statistics, approximately 800,000 of those people are federal employees who are considered non-essential.  They include government agency office workers, as well as the maintenance people, custodial and security workers, and cafeteria staffers who man federal offices all over the United States, not just in the District of Columbia.  (I have tried to find numbers for the Grand Rapids area, based on the number employed at the Gerald R. Ford Federal Building, to bring this situation home, without success.)

Then there are the collateral victims of the shutdown in Washington and in numerous cities and towns like Grand Rapids. It is estimated — and this is a high estimate — that 3.7 million workers are affected in the private sector nationwide.  These would be your relatives, friends and neighbors who work in food service (restaurants and food trucks), who staff parking garages, or who drive taxies or Ubers, people who work as contract workers on special projects, or who are independent contractors who provide services for the feds.

Unless you are one of these people, you are related to or live next door to or go to church with those affected, the numbers exist without context, devoid of emotion.  But to those who may see the repo man taking their cars, or who may see penalties or interest added to their debt (mortgages, credit cards, etc.), or whose credit scores may tank due to no reported income, they know the personal disasters that are the tsunami-size “ripples” of one man’s temper tantrum fueled by his prejudices and imaginings.

Our president has said he owns this shutdown, that he alone bears the mantle of it and does not blame the Democrats.  (You’ve seen the film and heard the audio.)  Mitch McConnell has become his partner in crime by refusing to bring to the Senate floor the legislation passed by the Democratic House of Representatives to reopen all but Homeland Security.  Senate Republicans have signed on as complicit participants by vowing to vote down anything the president says he will not support.

By all reasonable measure, there is no one else to blame for one man’s attempt to extort a wall from you and me.

We got here because a huge number of electors bought snake oil from a charlatan. These electors preferred the spectacle of Trump’s theater over the boring, overwhelming qualifications of a woman whose own past is circumspect.

Now we are grappling with the consequences.

Trump supporters are plagued with the reality that they have welcomed the fox into the henhouse, yet they are not willing to own up to it and do something to fix the situation.

Trump nay-sayers are losing patience with their inability to affect a solution to the carnage.

Tribalism reigns, and the voices of reason are lost among the chanting and drum beats.

It is well past time to cease and desist.

It is time to sit down and be unemotional, to be completely academic and analytical with regard to facts, not fictions, about immigration and its promises and pitfalls.

I find myself pining for the idealistic benevolent despot my Ma used to invoke when she became world-weary.  She envisioned a wise, modern-day King Solomon who could cut through the bullshit to the true heart of governance, but who she knew was a pipe dream.

I wish she were still here to tell me that everything will be all right, even though she would know the truth, that we are headed to hell in a handbasket of our own weaving.


Harry Smit ( the amateur essayist)
January 13, 2019
I just have a few questions ...now the President was Democrat and was elected on one of this points was to build a wall. As one who voted for him based on the wall.would you feel as you do now ? Did not the Democrats support a controlled border? How do you control immigration with hundreds illegally entering the Country on a regular basis.? Sure there is fear in this Country, You have those trying to make this Country one of Socialism, young people questioning if they are really Male or Female, same sex marriages. abortion looked upon as a normal act, religion other than that of the Muslims trying to be removed from our Country, statues and other historical things removed because they are considered offensive today, a society where losing is offensive and the loser can change things to suit them. Parents fearing their child may become a Republican ( not made up my niece is traumatized her son has conservative thoughts) Sure we are headed to Hell in the hand basket. We just have to remember this basket has been woven years before this current President. Will because he is willing to fulfill promises he made to get elected cause the revolution we are headed to. Yes, it is very possible, sadly neither the Democrats or Republicans will win. A third entity which could be the Muslim nations, Russia, or China. Will control us and all the things that are offensive or just plain wrong will not make a difference to us the conquered Nation.
dennis longstreet
January 14, 2019
Mr Smit your comments are always full of what ifs and ?? marks. You have no solutions or ideas but quick to run down anybody who puts up an idea. Trump did not weave the basket but trying hard to install the handle.Democrats support immigration just not a wall Mexico was going to pay for.That was the campaign promise. Russia nor China were a problem till we lost all our allies . My Dad always said what if a frog had longer leg it would not bump its ass.
Harry Smit ( the amateur essayist)
January 14, 2019
Mr Longstreet Yes I do have a lot of questions and what ifs. But never receive answers. I guess I can not make it any plainer....of course. I want a wall..but an armed wall , not something easily breached without fear of the consequences. To support legal immigration my question has always been, how do you suggest we stop it. My solution is breach the border you die. If your solution is better let me know. You honestly believe Russia and China were never a problem before ....here's another question what happens if China decides to ask for payment in full for our debt to them? As you see I don't have all the answers...but my questions never get answered and my solutions are not popular
Don't Tread On Me
January 14, 2019
Mr. Longstreet. I have a brilliant idea. The federal government gives away $50.1 Billion in foreign aid (according to 2017 figures) President Trump should suspend any and all foreign aid until the wall is built, that way it won't be wasted on dictators and enemies of ours. I figure he could issue an executive order to do it, President Obama used them because as he said "uh, uh, I have a pen and a phone. So if Congree won't act, I will". President Trump, do your duty to get the cash for the wall. I can almost hear howling from the Libs now!
January 14, 2019
No Harry (amateur essayist), keeping 800,000 federal workers from receiving a paycheck and working on faith that our leadership wouldn't play chicken wouldn't matter if this had happened with a Democrat in the White House, no matter how hard you try the what if game. Truth is, if the Wall was so dammed important and critical to solving the immigration and crime "crises," as President Trump has claimed since he started using federal employees as pawns in the shutdown that began 22 Dec 2018, he would have demanded and got the funding over a year ago. If anyone cares to recall, from 20 January 2017 until 4 January 2019 the GOP controlled The White House, the US Senate and the US House of Representatives. GOP Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan had the votes for the $5.7B to build the Wall and President in The White House to sign the legislation. But that didn't happen because they went from keeping control of the legislative branch and winning the executive branch in the 2016 general election to tough talk about the Wall and doing nothing to risk seats in the 2018 election. They were worried about candidates like our own Congressman Fred Upton who won re-election with the smallest margin in two decades. I saw the 40 -econd TV ad on a recent Sunday evening warning that the Wall was critical to National Security with dire warnings about criminals and drug smuggling. As the TV ad ended and I saw the scroll at the bottom of the screen stating the ad was paid for by Trump 2020. President Trump’s official Campaign Committee he formally started on 21 January 2017, One day after he was sworn in to be the 45th president of The United States. It’s all politics, Harry. It’s all politics being directed by President Trump, who never cared about funding the Wall from January 20, 2017 until November 7, 2018, the day after the GOP lost control of the House of Representatives. Political pandering for the 2020 presidential election
Harry Smit ( the amateur essayist)
January 14, 2019
Couchman Yes it is all politics, and politics has and is no longer a friendly compromise on issues. Whether we call the workers "pawns " or "hostages" one has to ask this question: Why do not all federal workers support their fellow federal workers? The country would come to a standstill and a decision would be made in hours. The federal employees are all sheep, not willing to stand together. They are not like the UAW, Teamsters or other union workers. This seems to be today's philosophy, if it doesn't affect me I do not care. Here's another scenario... what if everyone one opposing the wall and the federal workers out of work all did not go to work? Sure, this issue would be solved but how many today would be willing to risk their income to do this? We both know few if any. Unless the Democrats can run someone who's not too radical, I fear President Trump will win another term. We'll have to see how this wall issue ends and who becomes president in 2020.
Don't Tread On Me
January 15, 2019
Mr. Couchman. You are correct, the Republicans had it all, however you left out one important fact (as liberals susually do, facts don't suit their narrative), they need 60 votes in the Senate to pass legislation for the wall and immigration bill. As usual, Democrats won't compromise. And so it goes .....
January 15, 2019
The resident "conservatives can't come to grips with the fact that deals could have been brokered unless we have someone as untrustworthy and intransigent as our current POTUS who has regularly thrown everyone from VP Pence, former cabinet members like AG Sessions, White House Chiefs of Staff and multiple White House Press Secretaries under the bus by making an agreement one moment then doing a 180 the next. We have a grifter as POTUS. We have the candidate Electoral College correctly voted for and cannot be trusted by US citizens or US Allies.
Don't Tread On Me
January 16, 2019
As usual, Trump, Trump, Trump. Mr. Couchman, you (Democrats) have the House, so they can start the legislation. Fund the wall and everyone back to work. But Speaker Pelosi isn't going to compromise - its in her court now with no solution in sight. Great leadership! She is a know nothing and do nothing. And the unblinking eyes - what is the story there?

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