Cody Cory-Lea Connolly, 26, of Wayland in Allegan County Court June 20 to up to 20 to 45 years in prison for attacking his wife last August. Connolly was accused…
Though his name will appear on the Aug. 2 Republican primary ballot, Allegan County Commissioner Jon Campbell is no longer a candidate for Allegan County Clerk-Register of Deeds. Campbell, a…
The local folk music session will be held as usual on the first Saturday evening of the month at Vibrant Grains Bakery and Restaurant, 142 S. Main St., Wayland. Coordinator…
One more classic example of the intolerance of our friends on the left side of the political debate is the violence at Donald Trump for President rallies. The left feels…
Despite suggestions of nepotism and cronyism by Trustee John Tuinstra, Jesse Miling was approved as permanent assistant maintenance worker for Dorr Township this summer. Miling is the son of Dorr…
Discussions of and proposals about Dorr Township Board policies took up about three-quarters-of-an hour Thursday night, but none went anywhere. Trustee John Tuinstra initiated discussions on an invoice policy amendment,…
The Dorr Township Board Thursday evening got an earful of complaints from citizen Laurel Jansen about cemetery policy. Jansen told Supervisor Jeff Miling, “You have destroyed gravestones that were in…
Dorr Township Clerk Brian Boot Thursday evening was chosen to succeed Dan Weber as a member of the Dorr Township Planning Commission. Boot, who has been clerk for the past…
The St. Therese Parish of Wayland is welcoming Father Alphonse Savarimuthu as its new pastor. Father Alphonse, who was trained by the Missionaries of Francis De Sales, has been reassigned…
In 1952, when Adlai Stevenson was running against Dwight Eisenhower for the presidency, he was told that well-educated, intelligent Americans would vote for him. Stevenson replied, “That’s not enough. I…