by Robert M. Traxler We as a country are fortunate in a way in that the Islamic terrorists do not understand how to start an insurrection. In Mao Zedong’s Little…
The City of Wayland unveiled the new renovated city park Thursday afternoon with a ribbon cutting, and the star of the show easily was the splash pad. Youngsters here waited…
I am suffering from Gamrat-Courser Fatigue, a disease I just made up, caused by publicity-obssessed Michigan Attorney General William Schuette. For those who may already have forgotten, but I doubt…
The Wayland girls' varsity soccer team completed its regular season Wednesday evening with an 8-0 victyory over Grand Rapids Ottawa Hills. Coach Ben Sleeman said the Lady Wildcats found the…
The Michigan Track Coaches Association state team championship will have a Hopkins team taking part for the fifth straight year this Saturday. The Lady Vikings last Friday won the Division…
Michigan State Police Wayland Post have identified the owner of found money orders, which have been returned. Troopers announced today the owner of a substantial number of money orders that…
25 Years Ago — May 29, 1991 Ralph Sytsma, 72, chairman of the Allegan County Board of Commissioners, died of cancer. A member of the board for 23 years, he…
The Wayland boys' varsity golf team Wednesday qualified for the Division 2 regional tournament Wednesday, June 1, at Saugatuck. The Wildcats, competing against a dozen other teams in the district…
The Wayland Union High School Male/Female Athlete of the Year award winners for 2016 were Michael Kelly and Ali Cutler. Kelly was a strong contributor to the Wildcat football and…
Wayland Union Schools will hold a public forum from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 8, at the middle school cafeteria to review the recent facilities needs assessment completed by…