The owner of Black Gold in Salem Township brought everyone together Saturday and a flag was raised in tribute to America, veterans, firefighters and business people in the area. “Everyone I talked to said it was the most patriotic thing they had ever seen,” observer Kathy Hamman Miller said. “It was all about showing appreciation to the country that they love. Boy Scout Troop Troop No. 97 of Wayland raised the flag. There also is a time capsule at the top of the pole and they suggested those interested can  Google what people put in. (Photos courtesy of Kathy Hamman Miller)


Don't Tread On Me
August 29, 2020
When will the crowds show up to protest?
Robert Traxler
August 31, 2020
Give them time, passed it today very very nice.
Chris Gesink
August 31, 2020
Great Location, very impressive Thanks to all those who were involved making it happen.
Gary Annable
August 31, 2020
Look@ their reviews sounds like they do a pretty crappy job, and hire bigots. No wonder there work sucks!
Don't Tread On Me
August 31, 2020
Gee, Gary, that was a credible post. Did you get fired from there or did they do work for you that wasn't satisfactory? Put some meat on your assertions.
Harry Smit
September 2, 2020
Gary Annable Not sure where you found those dissatisfied customers with their work. Seems most I found were satisfied and even said the company went above and beyond. Unless you personally saw the post the lady was claiming was racist....I don't think this company would have that employee working. Secondly FB usually removes anything they deem racist.. Seems most pickup on a rumor and try to discredit a person or company claiming racism against them. Lastly, there isn't a human perfect enough to not have uttered a racist comment, laughed at a racist joke., or anything else people label racism today. They do not exist . Just maybe more companies will start displaying the American Flag and promoting what our Flag and National Anthem symbolize ..
John Jones
September 1, 2020
Just what we need a new symbol of racism.
Don't Tread On Me
September 1, 2020
Are you referring to BLM or Antifa?
September 3, 2020
How is the AMERICAN FLAG even considered racist? It's a tribute to the veterans that fought so your butts can live free!! Or is it the fact that a Trump flag was raised later in the day? What people put on their own property is up to them. I suggest if the flag upsets you, move to a different country. I, for one am proud of our country and what the flag stands for. Kiss my American a$$

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