Jarrod Simon is all done as maintenance supervisor for Dorr Township after more than five years on the job, and Vicki Fifelski, officer manager, may not be far behind.
Simon gave two weeks notice earlier this month, noting his $17.76 per hour salary was far below what he believes his services are worth. The Dorr Township Board bumped the pay up to $18.17, but Simon indicated on his letter of resignation that he would not accept anything less than $21.
Fifelski, who has been office manager at Township Hall for almost six years, also was given a pay raise up to $18.17 and Township Supervisor Jeff Miling and Treasurer Jim Martin made impassioned pleas for her to get $21 as well, but they were in vain. Even worse, her strained relationships with Clerk Debbie Sewers and Trustee Terri Rios rose to the surface as well.

Simon last winter launched his own “Veterans Pride” lawn care and snowplowing business, showcasing that he is a veteran of the Gulf War and Iraq War.
Trustee Josh Otto said, “Jarrod never came to the board to explain this to us… This board has never said no to Jarrod (for his requests for equipment and help).”
Martin chimed in, “I don’t think we’ll be able to hire someone as experienced as he is for $20 an hour.”
Nonetheless, the vote on the pay raise was rejected 4-2, with Miling and Martin in the affirmative and Rios, Sewers, Otto and Trustee Dan Weber in the negative.
Immediately after the vote, Miling said, “So now you’ve got to find four people who will interview candidates for maintenance manager.”
Rios responded by saying she would handle the interviews herself.
The debate at times became heated when Fifelski was discussed.
Rios dismissed her duties as, “She just answers the phone.”
She told a story about how Fifelski refused to sort and staple papers for her in preparation for a meeting.

Miling said, “She takes care of every aspect of our township offices,” noting that one she found a way for repair the copier when she really didn’t have to. “When she leaves, I cringe. We’ll lose a lot.”
Sewers said, “Vicki learned that job. Someone else will come in and do that, too.”
Rios insisted Fifelski is not much more than a glorified secretary.
Martin responded with, “The question is, do we want to become a revolving door?”
Sewers said both Simon and Fifelski received a 2.8% pay raise last April, but Martin retorted that the amount was just making up for a delay in a cost of living increase.
The treasurer added by charging Sewers and Rios, “Every time her (Fifelski’s) name comes up, you guys always vote no.”
Rios replied that it’s not the person, it’s the position.
Miling then proposed the two be paid $20 an hour, but that was shot down by the same 4-2 vote.
Rios and Sewers also voted against a proposal to add Fifelski to a list of employees reimbursed for cell phone calls.
COVER PHOTO: Jarrod Simon is done as maintenance manager and will concentrate exclusively on his Veteran’s Pride lawn care and snowplowing business.
It looks like Wayland has nothing on Dorr, both are bastions of infighting and discontent. So goes small town (and small people) politics!
This is highly disappointing!! Dorr Township should value their loyal employees more than this!! Rios should be reprimanded for her remarks about Vicki Fifelski “just answering the phones”. That comment is a disgrace, highly unprofessional, and quite clearly someone who is trying to satisfy a PERSONAL vendetta!! If her comment is not reprimanded, along with a personal apology to Mrs. Fifelski, then I will assume the rest on the Board Members agree with that remark, and that “just answering the phones” can be Mrs. Fifelski’s new job description. Answering the phones and nothing more!! Thank you Vicki, for being a loyal employee of Dorr Township!! I value the hard work that you have put in! I’ve seen your dedication to this community, and I believe you are a valuable asset to Dorr Township and the community. Hopefully the rest of the community will see these Board Members as disposable when the next election rolls around!!