The Wayland Union School District is accepting the retirements of two administrators at the end of the 2018-19 academic year.
As reported earlier this month, Steeby Elementary Principal Mike Haverdink has announced his retirement and now Pine Street Elementary Principal Jennifer Moushegian is leaving her post as well. Neither of the two is yet 50 years old, but neither has indicated reasons for leaving their positions at Wayland.
Moushegian is a 1989 graduate of Wayland High School and her parents both were teachers in the district. Her father, Zack, was a virtual legend as a Wildcat girls’ basketball coach before he died in 2012.
Jennifer Moushegian, after earning her collegiate degrees in the education field, was a teacher and athletic director at Otsego before she came back to her alma mater to serve as an administrator
She did not respond to two e-mailed inquiries about why she is stepping down at such a young age.
Director of Instruction Teresa Fulk commented, “Ms. Moushegian and Mr. Haverdink’s resignations are significant losses to the district, as they have both had a significant positive impact both on the students and staff of buildings and the district as a whole.”
Haverdink had been an assistant principal at the high school before he took the principal’s post at Steeby five years ago. He had been in Wayland since 2002.
The staff and school board will begin the process soon to seek successors.