Spencer Baird, 36, of Plainwell, who drove his truck that crashed into a mail carrier and killed a postal worker from Martin last January will spend 20 days in jail.
Baird was sentenced Thursday in Allegan. County District Court by Judge Joseph Skocelas. He also was given one year of probation and a $2,000 fine. He could have faced up to one year in jail for a moving violation causing death.
- Deputies from the Allegan County Sheriff’s office said Baird Bair’s truck drifted off the highway and struck the postal carrier’s vehicle as Rackley was delivering the mail on 10th Street in Gun Plain Township. The crash caused the mail delivery truck to roll over into a ditch and catch fire.
Baird’s attorney claimed his client suffered amnesia and shock and couldn’t remember the crash happening.
Judge Skocleas mentioned Baird’s driving history in which he was cited for caused three crashes, the other two in 2014 and 2015.
20 days in jail for taking a life because of negligence. And two accidents before killing her? And you wonder why people are losing confidence in the legal system?
God help us.