The City of Wayland Planning Commission Tuesday night took a big step forward in legalizing the buying and selling of marijuana within the city limits.
The commission voted 6-0 to recommend adoption of a proposed ordinance to allow such businesses in commercial districts by special use permits. The move came after a public hearing, at which only two citizens appeared, both businessmen with interest in establishing a store.
City Manager Josh Eggleston, who wrote the proposed ordinance, acknowledged that city officials aren’t particularly supportive of temporary pot festivals and there is some concern about regulating hours businesses may be open. Some insist that it’s wrong to restrict business hours for one business but not another.
There also were concerns about the special odor that marijuana smoke emits, but Chairman JD Gonzales said, “If a cigarette smoker can go out and puff in the air” it’s not fair to treat a marijuana smoker differently.
Commissioner Gary Regan agreed, saying, “As far as odor, I’m not sure you can do anything about that.”
However, it was noted that customers by state law are not permitted to light up where they buy the substance.
The city is not holding fast to the rule that such establishments cannot be located within 1,000 feet of a church or a school because it would severely reduce appropriate locations. However, they will not be allowed to set up shop at adjacent sites.
The city also will not limit the number of such businesses. Eggleston said it is best to let the market decide where and how many.
This move was not made hastily. Voters statewide approved a ballot initiative in 2018 with 56% for recreational use of marijuana and in Wayland the support was even higher, at 58%.
So the city waited for nearly four years to take action on allowing marijuana businesses.
The proposed ordinance now will go before the City Council for final approval.
What a shame. I recall a verse from the Bible…..forgive them for they know not what they do. Wander over to Bangor Michigan and see the marvelous potheads on the promenade. What a shame, my opinion and to use a liberal term, my choice.
Mr predictable, it also says don’t judge, sit back roll up a Doobie and read your book . Sounds like you hang out in Bangor quite a bit could it be someone is participating in the purchase of cannabis.?
Old faithful,
No, I am not a Red Diaper Doper Baby.
Gonna surprise some folks with this one.
Considering the amount of damage done to lives, health and property by legal alcohol, one wonders why it has taken this long to legalize cannabis.
People say “it’s a gateway drug”, I don’t buy it. Alcohol is the #1 gateway drug due to its incredible ability to impair individual judgement.
I know far more people that have tried hard drugs or made poor, life altering or life ending decisions while under the influence of alcohol than while using cannabis products.
It is beyond time we get over ourselves and face the fact that cannabis laws are outdated relics and a massive waste of police resources.