Tuesday we go to the ballgame, but he fool us… he no show up.” — Chico Marx in “Duck Soup”
The Wayland City Planning Commission Tuesday evening was supposed to deal with a request for site plan review from Village Apartments representatives, but they no show up.
So the commission tabled any kind of action, but did take comments from an audience of residents who live near the apartment complex at 532 Forrest St.
Engineers from the GLM Corp., developer, were supposed to explain plans for construction of two 24-unit apartment buildings to be added to the current complex
Zoning Enforcement Administrator Jason Derry said he would take residents’ concerns to the engineers and inform engineer Brad DeVries from Wightman & Associates, representing the city.
The residents who did show up expressed concerns and reservations about the project.
One, Nancy Vandevoord at 524 Forest said she wanted to see the site plans, but that didn’t happen without the presence of the Village Apartments engineers.
Kevin Gulch of 514 Forrest said of some of the current residents “are not the most responsible people” cutting across his property. He and another resident said they worried about the increased traffic the two new buildings with a total of 48 units would bring to their neighborhood.
Yet other citizen commented, “It sounds like the owners aren’t keeping up with the property they have… I’d rather not see it (the project go forward).”
Vandevoord told the commission, “We did not know who the new owner was until we came here tonight.”
The owner of the house at 524 Forrest before Vandevoord said when she lived there its back yard too often was plagued by flooding.
However, police and fire authority representatives at the meeting said they had no issues with the project.
The site plan review now is scheduled to take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, atCity Hall council chambers.