To the good folks in Dorr Township:

The Dorr Township Planning Commission, chaired by Bob Wagner, is in the process of a mandatory update of the township master plan. The update is being managed by Planning Commission member and Township Trustee Terri Rios, with all commission members working on it.

The State of Michigan mandates a master plan be updated every one to five years; Dorr’s plan has not had a full evaluation in well over ten years. With our current and potential growth, a long-term plan that maps out the direction the township will move in the next decade is vital to properly controlled growth.

A survey is available for everyone to provide input into the plan; you can find it online at the township web site, or you can pick up a hard copy at the office. To date we have 215 completed surveys; not a bad start, but only a start. The survey provides data and input to the Planning Commission; every one will be read and tabulated, and every voice heard.

A public meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 17, at the Township Hall and everyone is welcome.

Please fill out a survey; currently we have heard from less than 3 percent of the good folks in Dorr Township. The Planning Commission needs your input to draft a plan that reflects your wishes and desires for the direction we need to travel in the next decade and beyond.

Robert M. Traxler, vice chairman, Dorr Township Planning Commission


Rich Osbun
January 22, 2020
Thanks Bob! The following link should take the reader directly to this survey:
Robert M Traxler
January 22, 2020
Rich, My bad, for not adding the link, thank you kindly for adding it in, you are the best.

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