Discussions of and proposals abIMG_0956out Dorr Township Board policies took up about three-quarters-of-an hour Thursday night, but none went anywhere.

Trustee John Tuinstra initiated discussions on an invoice policy amendment, on a policy on prudent purchasing and a policy on transparency. The transparency and invoice policy proposals were shot down with predictable 5-2 vote tallies and prudent purchasing was tabled until another time.

It was as though five of the seven board members believed Tuinstra was trying to find solutions to problems that do not exist.

Trustee Patty Senneker joined Tuinstra on each of the questions, but Supervisor Jeff Miling, Clerk Brian Boot, Treasurer Jim Martin and Trustees Josh Otto and Dan Weber prevailed.

Tuinstra said it was a matter of better promoting public trust on how the board spends the public’s money. He wanted more explicit information provided on the township’s web site.

“We could prove this by being more clear (about purchases above $1,000).

Martin objected, saying, “This is designed not to help, but to hamstring government… Having a summary of spending every month with dates and explanations, this is already being done… How much is enough and where is this going to end? It just makes more paper work and more policy.”

PHOTO: Dorr Township Fire Chief Gary Fordham (right) presents a plaque to Ron Henderson acknowledging his 31 years of fire service, 26 in Dorr and five in Wyoming. The retiring Henderson commented, “It has been a privilege to be part of such a professional organization.”

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