Leighton Township doesn’t seem to have a policy or fund to feed firefighters when they spend a lot of time practicing their trade, and Fire Chief Tony Banas said he’d like to see something done.

Banas’ comments were prompted by a recent fire in the Green Lake area that took seven hours to extinguish and firefighters were left without a means to be fed after all their hard work.

Supervisor Steve Deer suggested a subcommittee be appointed to determine some kind of policy on how long firefighters would have to work before being given a complimentary meal. It seemed as though four hours was the threshold most commonly supported.

Banas said such incidents would occur only two or three times a year. He added that he’s not talking about a steak dinner or expensive fare at an expensive eatery. He is thinking more along the lines of a McDonald’s, a Subway Sandwich Shop or Maria’s Pizza.

Though it was suggested an auxiliary handle such tasks and a special fund of firefighters’ contributions be established, no decision has been reached as yet.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Leighton Township Board:

• Was told by Banas the newest firefighter to join the department is Jason Kuipen.

• Noted the township issued six building permits in July with a total value of almost $1.2 million. For the year to date, a total of 30 permits have been issues with an estimated value of $7.9 million.

• Voted to approve a $30 fee for returned checks from customers.

• Adopted a resolution to have the Allegan County Road Commission provide each township with some of the extra money it’s getting this year and next to use as it sees fit. This is a change from the proposed resolution, written by Hopkins Township Supervisor Mark Evans, being circulated around the county in which the Road Commission is being asked to split the costs of installing or repairing culverts on a 50-50 basis, retoring a policy from bygone days.

• Was told by Supervisor Steve Deer that Road Commission Engineer-Manager Larry Brown is retiring at the end of September and will be succeeded by Greg Abbott.

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