A pop can drive has been launched to help Cheyenne Williams of Wayland meet expenses for a trip to Seattle to have surgery to correct a defect that triggers seizures and brain damage.
She was born with a small defect in her brain that triggered seizures when she was an infant. She has spent her entire life in physical, occupational, speech and feeding therapies, in and out of hospitals across the country. Three years ago she underwent brain surgery to try and reduce the number of her seizures. The surgery was unsuccessful, and her neurology team feels if they can locate and isolate the source of seizures, another brain surgery to remove that portion of her brain would seriously improve her quality of living.
Her options with hospitals in the surrounding states have been exhausted. Her neurology team feels her best chance is with the team at Seattle Children’s Hospital.
In order for her to begin their series of testing and work up to determine if she is a candidate for surgery there, she is required to attend an in-person consultation. The family will have to travel to Seattle in order to meet with the doctor and his team.
The trip is very expensive on top of Cheyenne’s already expensive medical and daily basic needs.
“Any donations to help get the family to Seattle in order to meet with their neurology team will be very appreciated,” a family spokesperson said. “Please help give Cheyenne her best chance for a successful outcome.”
For more information or to donate, visit the Wayland Community Chat web page and look for her mother, Kassie Williams. Or drop off cans at 309 Sib Rumery or go to Venmo Kassie-Williams-19
Cashapp KassieWilliams1
I went to Wayland community chat not what I expected for a fund drive for a young girl.
Hello everyone! ❤️
309 sib rumery st Wayland is the address if you would like to drop off cans.
We also have Venmo Kassie-Williams-19
Cashapp KassieWilliams1
Facebook is Kassie Williams
Why cant Town broadcast start its own fund me page for Cheyenne. With all the writers readers and commenters I think we can raise some money for Cheyenne I will kick in the first $100.00. I Challenge you all to do the same or what you can.
With 1100.00 views $5.00 each is $2200.00 DO IT!!
Sorry $5500.00 Masses can make Millions DO IT!!