Clark Galloway, co-developer of a proposed airstrip near 144th Avenue and Kalamazoo Avenue, has fired the first salvo in the public relations battle on the issue that will be settled in the Aug. 7 primary.

In a letter to all Leighton Township voting residents, purported to be from him and his wife, Debbie, Galloway attempts to explain his controversial proposal for the airstrip, accommodating up to seven aircraft, and four homesites.

The development was proposed two years ago to the Leighton Township Planning Commission and afterward to the Leighton Township Board.

Galloway’s partner in the project is Township Supervisor Steve Deer, who has recused himself from any deliberations or voting on the matter.

The Township Board voted 4-0, with Deer abstaining, to approve the project, but over the objections of neighbors, who recently gathered enough petition signatures to have the issue placed before Leighton voters in the Aug. 7 primary.

Neighbors oppose the project because of noise and safety concerns and they insist it will result in negative impact on the rural character of the area.

The letter, paid for by the “Improve the Airstrip Committee” follows (with minimal editing):

“Back in 2015, we purchased 53 acres of the Martin Estate which includes the existing airplane hangars and a portion of the 44-year-old grass airstrip. Our goals have been and continue to be to relocate and improve the current airstrip by moving it further from the closest neighbors, and eventually to provide four homesites for our family adjacent to the relocated airstrip.

“The new location of the airstrip will benefit our closest neighbors by moving the current aviation activities almost a half mile away from their homes. The airstrip will be wider and longer for safety purposes. We have agreed in writing with the township to restrict the airstrip usage to seven hangered aircraft to exclude night landings and takeoffs, to restrict use to invited guests only and to exclude any commercial aviation activity.

“Expert witnesses on all sides agree that this project will significantly improve safety and that this project will help to reduce substantially the number of homes that could otherwise be built in this location — preserving green space on a

large parcel.

“The use of the existing 44-year-old grass airstrip has been definitively affirmed by the Township after nearly two years of research and testimony.

“Additionally, the proposed plan to relocate and improve the airstrip has been unanimously approved by the Leighton Township Board. The existing airstrip will continue to be used until the relocated airstrip is opened and then the existing airstrip will be closed and removed.

“Five neighbors who have all moved adjacent to the current airstrip within the last 18 years (after the current airstrip had already been in use for over 20 years) are not only attempting to shut down our proposed 53-acre improvement, they have also sued us personally, sued our other supporting neighbors, sued Professional Code Inspections, and sued Leighton Township in an effort to stop our continued use of the 44-year-old current grass airstrip that we purchased to continue to use as an airstrip. This litigation has cost us, our supporting neighbors and your township literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend our continued use and our property rights that were established over four decades ago.

“Over the next few months, you likely will be receiving letters and pamphlets from supporters and opponents of our development. It was not our choice to drag this battle into a public vote forcing us to campaign our neighbors to protect our existing property rights, but the opposition was able to secure 300 signatures to bring this matter that had already been approved by the Township Board to a public vote. We have been informed by several of the ‘signers’ of the ballot petition that they actually support our proposed improvements for this parcel, but they mistakenly thought their signing would help to approve our plan.

“Regardless, we promise to run an honest campaign for ‘Galloway Landings.’ Please watch for more information from supporters and the opposition. We also promise that our supporters will NOT be knocking on your front door and interrupting your dinner hour to ask for support. We will communicate by mail, pamphlets and publications. Please do not be misled by the opposition.

“Please vote “YES” to Galloway Landings on August 7th to support our grass airstrip relocation and 4 parcel development. Visit for more supporting information. You may also call or contact me directly at 616-309-8182 or

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