A group of students who participated in the nation-wide walkout Wednesday at the Allegan Vocational Technical Center are not pleased with the statement State Senator Tonya Schuitmaker made to WZZM-TV about the development, a protest for school safety and changing assault weapons laws..

Austin Marsman, a senior at Martin High School, one of the key organizers of the ceremony, said in a prepared release:

“As students who participated in a national walkout to demand an end to gun violence in schools, we are saddened by the response by Michigan Senator and Attorney General Candidate Tonya Schuitmaker. It reads, in part:

‘I am greatly disappointed in the adults who are encouraging these demonstrations which are nothing more than a statement which solves nothing.’

“It is an administrator’s duty to encourage positive outlets as they educate students, or the next generation. The walkouts at both Allegan High School and the Allegan Tech Center remained civil and were student-driven. We care about gun violence and school safety. We want our lawmakers to take note.

“Attacking a peaceful protest gets nothing done. Senator Schuitmaker’s statement is the epitome of a broken system. At first, we were shocked by the senator’s remarks. That shock wore off when we visited her website to learn she is a proud life member of the National Rifle Association and consistently receives an ‘A-rating’ on their annual report card.

“Senator Schuitmaker’s membership to the NRA is very concerning. We believe she should be ashamed to call herself a member. Today, we demand that Senator Schuitmaker cut all ties with the NRA and publicly apologize for her statements.

“Lawmakers like Tonya Schuitmaker are not listening to us and they are ‘greatly disappointed’ that we spoke up. Our response to the negatively charged comments is simple: We mean what we say, and we will take it to the polls in November.

“Please call the senator’s office at (517) 373-0793 and share your disappointment in her words.”

Sincerely, Austin Marsman Ashley Nichols, Matthew Cogar, Miller Johnson, Ashley Haluch, Allison Bowden, Delanie Nahikian, Jenna Kutscher, Kelsey Clark, Nevada Henrickson, Olivia Duron, Taryn Orr, Thomas Loftus

— Student Organizers from Allegan High School and the Allegan Tech Center


Harry Smit
March 15, 2018
Gotta love how this young man can demand which organizations an adult can be a member of... It's this type of mind thought that is causing the "rotting of America from within".. These young do not believe in history...must likely because it is not taught to them. No sane person wants mass shootings... but to fix this problem is is much easier to focus on an object or organization than the true causes. Most of these young people (adults) are so easily offended, they fail to except there are mental health issues, education issues, economic issues that lead to these horrible events. If all who protested would think on their own, do research on these subjects, get the best education possible, and vote intelligently when they can... then things like this will happen less frequently. Again it is easier to jump on the knee jerk band wagon than intelligently approach the problem .. The start of the new America ...heaven help us. ( sorry for you being offended by the word heaven )
Free Market Man
March 20, 2018
Harry, you hit a home run! Great points.

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