The Martin Township PlaMedical MJ buildingnning Commission will have a public hearing at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 1, on a proposed medical marijuana ordinance amendment.

The hearing will take place at the township offices at 998 Templeton, Martin.

The subject will be proposed amendments to the Martin Township Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 30, as amended) to define and regulate medical marijuana dispensaries. More specifically, the amendment proposes to add a definition for a “medical marijuana dispensary” to the zoning ordinance. In addition, a new and additional section is proposed to be added to the zoning ordinance which would prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries in Martin Township, as well as set the penalties for violation of the ordinance.

The hearing is in response to a “head shop” opening for business on 124th Avenue in Shelbyville, where authorities say they suspect medical marijuana is being dispensed.

A full copy of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment can be reviewed, inspected or purchased at the township. Public comments are welcome at the public hearing and written submissions will be considered by the Planning Commission up until the time of the public hearing if received by the start of the public hearing.

PHOTO: Martin Township is considering a proposed ordinance amendment to prohibit dispensing medical marijuana. This small business in downtown Shebyville is where local officials have contended such activity is taking place.

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