Public safety services in Dorr Township are getting busier all the time, the Township Board was told Thursday evening.

Fire Chief Gary Fordham reported his department has responded to 37 calls in the first two months of 2018, compared to just 19 in the same period a year ago.

“It’s been busy, but there’s been nothing major,” he remarked.

Former Supervisor Don Kaczanowski, retired, but now serving as a liaison on the Wayland Area Emergency Services Board, reported the ambulance service, which covers 11 townships in northeast Allegan County and Barry County, handled 398 calls from Dorr Township in 2017, up from 363 in 2016. He said Dorr has the second most calls of any municipality covered by WAEMS, exceeded only by the City of Wayland’s 556.

He said the WAEMS Board recently had its annual meeting and elected Chris Rhinehart of Monterey Township as president, Penny Post of Dorr vice president and Ron DeWeerd of Wayland treasurer.

He stated the WAEMS boasts of 130 volunteers total, serving in a variety of functions, mostly as EMTs and paramedics. They average about six patients per day.

Kaczanowski also said WAEMS also has special arrangements for being reimbursed by the Gun lake Casino, but it is not an official member.

Finally, the Sheriff’s Department deputies who cover Dorr and Leighton townships dropped off a couple of recovered bicycles at township hall and suggested anyone who is missing a bike stop in to make arrangements to claim them. Otherwise, they will be taken later to Allegan County.


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