The more than five-year run of the monthly Rabbit River folk music programs will conclude this Saturday evening at the Vibrant Grains Bakery and Restaurant, 142 S. Main St., Wayland.

Series organizer J.D. Gonzales noted the concerts started Oct. 8, 2011 and will end on Feb. 4, 2017.

“The first band to play was my own, Angels’ Share with my buddy Phil Long, mainly because I was still getting musicians lined up for the coming months and I needed an extra month to get things rolling. Besides, if it totally flopped, I could always blame the band,” Gonzales quipped.

So for the last gathering, it seems fitting that Angels’ Share closes out the run.

“We must have done something right,” Gonzales said.

The band will play a shortened set of 30 minutes, “because we want plenty of time for open mic to give all those who have come out to play over the years the chance to share their music one last time,” Gonzales explained. “Then, of course, we will have a jam session to ‘put a bow’ on it.”

The session will begin at 6 p.m. and then open mic and jamming will follow, starting at about 6:30.

“For those who cannot attend, yet are regulars, I know you would if you could,” Gonzales said. “Thanks for the memories and I have little doubt I will see you about at the festivals and other music venues. Know that you are missed on our last show.

“For those who can make it, let’s make it joyous and celebrate what we had over the years and not what is not to be in the coming years.”

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