by Phyllis McCrossin

Saturday was my last day of work at the department store in South Haven. I liked the job, enjoyed the people I worked with, and even the customers were pleasant (for the most part). But I’m also relieved it’s over.

I’m not one to be able to handle a schedule and demands to be a certain place for a certain amount of time. It’s why retirement agrees with me. The extra income was nice, enjoyable even. But I can tighten my belt and be content with what I have.

But before my second retirement, the week was fairly busy.

This past week the Michigan Flywheelers hosted their Antique Engine and Tractor Show at their museum on 68th Street east of South Haven. According to their website The Michigan Flywheelers Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration and preservation of antique gas/steam engines and tractors. It’s located on clost to 80 acres and features displays of old farm machinery, a sawmill and shingle mill along with “Olde Town” – a 1920s era community filled with businesses such as Over The Forge blacksmith shop, Abbert & Sons Farm Machinery Repair and Old Tyme Jail.

On Thursday this week the Flywheelers hosted an antique tractor parade through South Haven. It went past the store while I was working (twice – down and back to South Beach). Though the group was led by a Van Buren County sheriff patrol car, I was taken aback by the drivers at stop lights who decided when the light turned green they could go.

It took a couple of bystanders to hold them back, but only for one or two lights before the drivers could no longer be patient. We have a word for those drivers – especially when their license plates indicate they are from another state. But being an outsider six months of the year myself, I’ll refrain from sharing it.

On Friday King and I decided to adopt another shelter dog. As I predicted we didn’t go long without a dog.

Yes. One can love a dog unconditionally no matter the circumstances and love another just as much. We decided after the passing of DK we had room in our hearts to love again. The shelters are full and good dogs and cats need homes.

So Friday morning King and I came home with Petra. She is our first foray into welcoming an American Staffordshire Terrier/Lab mix (pit bull).

Petra is a transfer from a shelter in Louisiana and tested heartworm positive when she arrived in Michigan in April so she’s been at the local shelter receiving her treatment, getting her vaccinations, etc. Other than being grossly overweight that’s all we know about her. (Being grossly overweight I would assume she was well-loved before she went to the shelter).

From the two days she’s been with us we’ve learned she can sleep through the night (no 2 a.m. potty breaks), loves to snuggle, can play fetch (four throws and she’s winded), adores people and loves to kiss children (we will have to work on that).

She knows to “sit” with a hand command and is completely unaware that because of her breed people fear her. She loves car rides (which is fortunate for her) and adores King and me.

They say it takes a good three months for a shelter dog to adjust. I’m not so certain that is the case with Petra. She’s already asking for tummy rubs and knows King is a soft touch for giving treats. I’ve already washed and cleaned her doggie bed and will be donating it to the animal shelter as she is quite convinced people beds are much more comfortable.

Petra is three-years-old (or thereabout) and will be with us for quite some time. We loved our senior dogs, but are not quite ready for the heartbreak of a short-lived stay with us.

I’ll keep you posted on our progress.



Robert M Traxler
September 13, 2021
Good for you, pets do bring the best out of us all.
Don't Tread On Me
September 13, 2021
Good for you. Always had a dog and probably always will. Good luck.
Pat Brewer
September 13, 2021
Congratulations on the family expansion. I'm sure she will be a good fit for both of you!

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