by Phyllis McCrossin

In my previous life (before retirement) I used to talk to a lot of people. I could strike up a conversation with a total stranger and was always up for learning a little something.

When we retired and took to the road, I was certain I would continue to do that, but I’ve found that isn’t the case and I rather like keeping to myself. That’s why yesterday, while watching our grandsons enjoying the campground playground, I surprised myself by having a conversation with a mother and grandmother who were visiting for the day. One woman was from San Diego and the other from Lakeside – in other words they were locals.

The younger of the women told me about the Gorilla on the Mountain, clearly visible from the playground. I looked, it took me a few minutes but after concentrating there was no mistaking he was there. I can’t NOT see him any longer – and a quick Google search, by the way, confirmed he is a local legend.

Sometimes I pays to converse. We miss a lot when we keep to ourselves.

Yesterday King and I also took the boys out on Lake Jennings in a row boat.  Lake Jennings is a water supply reservoir in San Diego County.  It was created in 1964 to provide water to the local residents in Lakeside, Calif., and is owned and operated by the Helix Water District. There is an on-site water treatment facility on the lake. It is a great fishing spot. The lake is routinely stocked with rainbow trout and lake bass.

We had the option of renting a boat with a motor but King and I thought being able to row along shore and look for eagles, ducks and fish swimming in the shallows would be fun. It wasn’t. Oh, don’t get me wrong, we had a good time and the lake was great. Our rowing strength and stamina was a little lacking. 

Years ago my younger sister and I would swim across Lake Mill in Gobles, Mich. One of us would row while the other swam and once we reached shore, we would switch. Back then I was clearly in much better shape than yesterday.

King started with the rowing duties; I took over. He spelled me. We let the boys try. We drifted a lot.  I guided us into the dock. We rented the boat for a half a day. We were on the water about an hour.

Today we brought the boys home, didn’t stay for lunch, came back to the trailer and King is napping. I will be sleeping as well within the hour.

While I was lying in bed last night, trying to find a comfortable position so as not to put too much pressure on my aching arms, I decided I needed to start walking to build up some stamina. I plotted my route in my head, downloaded a walking app, downed four ibuprofen and fell asleep.

Today napping sounds like a better plan.

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