Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0With all the latest information coming out about Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills and selling of body parts and whole fetuses, I was physically ill from the descriptions and the undercover footage. In my younger days I was a Pro-Choice supporter and a staunch Democrat, Union member (UAW), and consumed large amounts of alcohol, something I’m not proud of, but it is fact.

As I aged and re-examined my life and political and personal beliefs, my heart softened and I rejected the Pro-Choice viewpoint and have been a Pro-Life supporter now for many years and no longer consume alcohol except an occasional beer or wine with dinner once a week.

I encourage everyone to examine their core beliefs, both political and personal, and always critically examine why you believe the way you do. Norma McCorvey, the person in the lawsuit that became Roe vs. Wade; which paved the way for unrestricted abortion, changed her political and personal viewpoint about abortion, accepting the “fetus” or “fetal tissue” or “blob of tissue” was in essence a baby. She became a Roman Catholic and was accepted into the church. It is never too late to admit you’ve changed and convert to a Pro-Life person and oppose abortion.

I’m not going to lecture anyone viewing this, as people are usually set in their ways and beliefs. What I am going to do is present facts about death in the womb:

If the “thing” living in the womb is allowed to live, it is born a baby. Abortion rights supporters believe anything not yet born is a blob of tissue to be aborted at any time before birth. At late term, the only way to accomplish is to collapse the head by evacuating (for low information folks, the word can be replaced with “sucking” by a vacuum) the brain from the head, causing the head to collapse so the baby can be pulled from the womb.

In earlier terms of development, the blob of tissue can be evacuated (sucked) from the womb with less work for the doctor and stress on the woman during the procedure.

Planned Parenthood does approximately one-third of all abortions performed in the United States. The large majority of these “clinics” are in urban communities. The majority of these abortions are done on African-American women. While anyone can use the Planned Parenthood services, the focus is on African-American women and dismembering black babies.

Other facts:

From Roe v. Wade in 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions were performed in the United States – an average of about 1.4 million abortions per year. At 2008 abortion rates, three in ten U.S. women will have an abortion before age 45.

Of abortions reported in 2011 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.3% were undergone by women who had three or more previous abortions.

Just think, 53 million (through 2011) babies aborted. If left alone and allowed to be born and raised into an adult, how many people would we have paying taxes, maybe even some becoming scientists and research technicians to find cures for deadly diseases.

In your heart, you know what is within a pregnant girl or woman has all the potential to become a baby. If our society sees fit to allow us to kill the most innocent of innocents among us, what a stain upon this country, what shameful acts with blood on our collective hands!

The cheap and coarse culture is reaping what it has sown, and the Devil is laughing at our depraved people and souls. As the comic strip character “Pogo” exclaimed, “We have met the enemy, and he is us” aptly describes this horrid period of our history where we kill our young for the inconvenience they would provide the “mothers.”

The rotting of the country from within continues…


Robert M Traxler
August 27, 2015
Outstanding column! Well said, great way to put out the facts and educate us. You just may change a mind or two.
Free Market Man
August 28, 2015
People have been brain-dead for 42 years, I doubt anything will change now. At least "Planned Parenthood" was exposed for the abortion mill and horror show it is. if viewing those videos about PP "doctors" and technicians joking about human baby parts and selling whole dead babies doesn't turn your stomach, you have no soul left.

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