Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0The recent BP (the hated British Petroleum of Gulf of Mexico oil spill fame) gas refinery breakdown in Indiana caused a spike in gas prices – pushing gas to high $2 range.

I noticed many questions were asked when the announcement came out of the breakdown and we were told the spike in prices were due to concerns for gas shortages. The bigger question after the BP gas refinery coming back on-line should be what gas stations ran out of gas during the refinement closure? A BIG, FAT NONE!

Was this a media caused scare? Was it a BP caused information propaganda effort? Is the governor’s office looking into this about price gouging? I doubt it.

Speaking of gas, Global Warming, Global Climate Change, or whatever it is called nowadays, is steaming forward to cause all humans peril and will kill all of mankind eventually if it isn’t stopped!

In an ABC special in 2009 called “Earth 2100,” it was warned about the dangers of climate change. Bob Woodruff reported the show “puts participants in the future and asks them to report back about what it is like to live in this future world. The first stop is 2015.” A Harvard professor says “We’re going to see more floods, more droughts, more wildfires.”

Are we really seeing more of these disasters? More compared to what? Predicted sea level rise hasn’t happened and there has been a long pause in warming temperatures. The doomsday predictions for 2015 go further and include $12 for a gallon of milk and $9 for a gallon of gas, if there is any gas at all that is left! Guess they were a little off in that prediction. Oh well, our intentions were good.

Wind driven fires in the West – gee, I’ve never heard that before! Excessive rain causing floods, must be a new phenomenon! Storms and tornadoes, wow, didn’t know they existed before!

This 2009 story is unusually wrong. If scientists can’t even get right what’s going to happen in six years, how can they make the claim they know what will be in 2100? More media hype and bullhocky.

When are the President, Congress, and the media going to wake up and understand this “climate change” isn’t change at all but more of the same we’ve experienced many, many times before? Climate changes daily, we all know that – warmer, then colder, warming more, colder more – yes, it changes by hour, day, month and year!

This century (I include the 20th and early 21st as the same) is no more extreme than earlier centuries when there was minute human activity. In fact, look at the earlier periods of warming and cooling and you will see many more extremes that what we’ve experienced. I would be more concerned of the earth being dramatically affected from volcanic activity or being hit by an asteroid. You need to understand historical geological and climatic fact and keep the hyperbole (for you low information types, it is “bullsheet”) dished out every night on TV in perspective.

As for the President telling you his opinion, he is a mouthpiece for mayhem, so his opinion is his, not science. Follow the money – those that are part of the “consensus scientists” have their grants and working funds provided by the government. When in Rome, do as the Romans. They aren’t about to be skeptics if they are beholden to those in power for their livelihood. Broaden your horizons and read opposing viewpoints to global warming. Science isn’t a “consensus” – only in the media.

The only thing the Obama administration has done is make us weaker, far more in debt, destroyed foreign diplomacy, made enemies friends and friends enemies, and reversed racial relations back to the 1950s. And we all thought electing an African-American President would help relieve tensions and repair racial divide – so much for thinking. He is a Marxist, before, now and forever – don’t doubt it. He said he was going to “fundamentally change America” and he hasn’t shirked away from that promise – we just didn’t understand it was for the worse.

I knew this guy would be bad (I had researched his past), I just hoped for the best. Nobody investigated nor reported on his past, and he was very, very successful in keeping it under wraps and still does. Gloaming onto “climate change” is a political idea to get the government involved where they don’t belong — Classic Marxist ideology. And the majority of the American public has taken the bait — hook, line, and sinker — fed nightly by the willing media!

Open your eyes before it is too late and the government gets more power over your life. Freedom and liberty is the only thing you should want from your government… and the money you paid into Social Security.


Jake Gless
September 1, 2015
Bill Byers
September 2, 2015
But Jake, global public health concerns should be handled by the individual free citizen and the ethical conscience of industry. And government is overstepping its bounds by listening to mountains of evidence pointing to a proactive....I just lost it, I can't do this :-)
September 2, 2015
If only deRangered Rick had warned us about George Bush being an egocentric war monger.... Imagine how many young men and women would not have died in vain in some far off sandpit.
Robert M Traxler
September 4, 2015
And President George Bush has what to do with the subject of this very well written column? Mr./Ms. Boot51 please stay with the issue.

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