In the old days of three TV stations (WKZO, WOOD, WZZM) the talking heads of weather forecasting would come on and tell us of the changing weather.  When snow was in the forecast, they didn’t make a big deal of it, it was reported what they thought would happen (forecasts from the U.S. Weather Bureau).  They weren’t meteorologists back then, they were parroting the same information given them from somewhere else, not professional meteorologists hired by the stations (they were hired later).

And I don’t see much of a difference in outcome of forecasts with the exception of excitement and breathless exclamation and excitement that a big storm is on the way and you need to be prepared.  With all the snowflakes (both real and human), it is like the end of the world is upon us.  Once the snow starts, the news is updated hourly to give you the most up to date forecast and road reports.

In 1967, there was a snowstorm (more like a blizzard) for three days straight and school was closed for a week.  The county plows were getting stuck just trying to push the massive drifts and road graders were brought in to get them out.  In 1978, a fierce snowstorm slammed into West Michigan, closing school for days and closing the freeway.  I don’t remember everyone getting panicked and saying it was the worst they’d ever seen, it was what it was.

Through both storms, my father made it to work 20 miles away every day except for in 1978 when the place he worked was shut down, after he struggled to get there on time.  Of course, back then, if you wanted to eat and pay the bills you had to work.

When my folks were young, I can remember my piggy bank being raided a few times to pay for food because the house mortgage and monthly bills had to be met, but there was no money left.  My parents didn’t live on credit cards (back then you couldn’t use them for perishables or foodstuffs) like most people do now.  Everything was cash — if you couldn’t afford to pay for it, you didn’t need it.

‘Schiff-Pelosi Show’ should be all about Joe Biden

The Schiff/Pelosi Show has finally reached the Senate and the confirmation for impeachment has begun.  What a show it will be!  The Democrats want more and more witnesses, witnesses they didn’t get while in the House to produce evidence to remove President Trump from office.  So they want the Senate to make their case?  This whole thing is a sham and should be dismissed, but I know politically it won’t be done that way.

But the underlying scandal is the Joe Biden quid pro quo with Ukraine on video trying to remove the prosecuting investigator into Hunter Biden’s activity in Burisma and Biden saying he would be leaving in six hours and the aid money would not be given “Son of a bit@# if they didn’t fire him!”

The real criminals in this whole sordid affair are the Democrats pursuing the removal of an elected president instead of working for their constituents.  The president has every right to make sure the money a foreign entity receives from the United States is not used for anything other than for what it was intended.  Ukraine received the aid.  There was no stopping of aid.

There was no quid pro quo.  Biden is dirty, his son is dirty, and they are not unlike a mafia family — extortionists.

Well Democrats, good luck with that!  President Trump will not be removed and will be re-elected in 2020 biggly!

The rotting of America from within continues…

1 Comment

mike williams
January 23, 2020
The whole country is in disarray and needs a nominee to be a hero and go against the non-working democrats trying all this stuff and not working "FOR THE PEOPLE" who they supposedly represent. . No, the elected are only serving :" THE PEOPLE" they only work for, not us, NOT US!!!!!!!

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