In our quest to understand why Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 people in Parkland, Fla., we as a nation and the media are horrified by the sudden large numbers of innocents killed by gunfire. Instead of concentrating on the reasons and motivation for the crime, the media attacks the weapon used. After all, it is a semi-auto weapon, black, military looking “assault weapon,” and not one media moron can explain exactly what is an “assault weapon.”

Who is really at fault for these deaths? The NRA, the gun dealer who sold the weapon, the weapon manufacturer, anyone but a deranged punk former student Cruz. Notice how this works — project all attention on everything but the person pulling the trigger.  

I am like all the rest of you reading this, I was shocked at the killings, however, I was not surprised. Will this become more and more familiar? You can bet on more and more violence of this kind to be in our future. Why is this? As I always say, “The rotting of America from within continues…” and some people take offense at these words. But it is true.

We devalue life at every turn; in music, videos, movies, television, radio. Turn on the radio to any rap or hip hop station and listen carefully; bitches and hoes, n-word and heavy on the swearing and bang bang shoot em up! Watch the videos your kids are watching. View the movies and video games they watch or play with and you will be inundated by gratuitous violence, bloodshed, and use of weapons in killing.

Mr. Cruz was known to be fighting with others before he was suspended.  He was a known screwed up kid — the FBI and local police departments knew about his violent ways and thoughts, but their hands were tied because he didn’t pose an immediate threat.

The statistics for three or our largest cities for firearm deaths in 2016 (President Obama’s last year in office):

Chicago: 762

Los Angeles: 290

New York:  334

Notice anything peculiar? Chicago, the bastion of gun laws prohibiting handguns within city limits has more deaths from gunfire than Los Angeles and New York combined! How can that happen with the strictest gun laws in the country?  President Obama, that I know of, never commented on the carnage in his old home town, a town he abandoned once he was the White House and now after his term in office. I guess the “Windy City” was too windy for him. He certainly interjected himself in gun deaths in other cities.

The attitude and violence toward women, the debasing of women through actions and words, porn easily accessible to anyone and everyone and you wonder why beating and killing women is “normal” now?

We devalue life with the number of abortions performed, approximately 3,000 per day; 40% of pregnancies end in violent death upon the most innocent among us – babies in the womb. 

Seventeen killed in one day by a weapon, 3,000 killed every day “legally” by abortion. Before you attack me for this comparison, look in the mirror, look into your soul. Our combined silence and one messed up Supreme Court decision has led us to this. If you are incensed about 17 innocent people killed In one day,, why not 3000 per day?  It is true, abortions have gone down… to 3,000 per day.

And to those who say Australia, England, New Zealand, etc. are the models of non-violence because of their strict gun laws is a farce. If you look closely at the statistics, law-abiding citizens are being attacked daily by gun-wielding thugs who don’t care a wit about laws, especially in the country, where the police are non-existent. The media ignores the stories about armed home invasion, because as we all know that can’t happen with the laws against possessing firearms. 

One poor old man was assaulted in his own rural home, and when the scumbags were ransacking his house, he produced a double barrel shotgun he used for hunting and predator dingos killing his sheep and held them until authorities arrived. The would-be thieves were held for assault, but the gentleman was arrested for possession of a firearm!  Since he wasn’t dead, he was later tried and given probation but was held that night until he was processed at the police station and arraigned the next day. If he hadn’t that firearm, maybe he would be dead instead of defending himself.

And you wonder why I say “The rotting of America from within continues….”?


February 27, 2018
Yeah, we'll be better off once we drain the swamp. Don's not getting it done. Maybe Meuller can.
Robert M Traxler
February 28, 2018
"Chicago, the bastion of gun laws prohibiting handguns within city limits has more deaths from gunfire than Los Angeles and New York combined!" The Chicago courts and justice system normally gives 6 months probation to felons arrested with concealed handguns. A very progressive attitude and a lot of dead people.

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