When will we wake uRanger Rick Art_7_0_0p?

With former President Bill Clinton and current U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch meeting in a Lynch’s private aircraft, with orders for no audio, no photos and no media allowed, and Mrs. Clinton being investigated for lying about her handling of confidential military and government communications and the Clinton Foundation improprieties, what would a thinking person conclude? Nothing here, move on, nothing to see or comment on.

So the media, the fine Democrat lapdogs they are, don’t squeal too loudly, just enough to quiet the critics. The FBI and Justice Departments are supposed to be non-judgmental and impartial. The Attorney General, by meeting with Clinton, shows she is anything but impartial or non-judgmental, just by the optics of the situation.

However, both Clinton and Lynch know by recusing herself from the investigation and selecting an independent prosecutor to investigate would delay the investigation and conclusion for months, if not years. A classic Clinton tactic – the drip, drip, drip of information so the media and general public will tire of the situation and agree; move on, nothing to see here, life goes on.

Do the Democrats have no shame in viewing these despicable tactics unfold? Only a few Democrats have condemned the meeting and the tactic and fallout from this meeting. The rest of the media yawns. Would it be such a non-event if a Republican did the same thing – it would be a constant drumbeat of screaming and yelling by the leftist media (which is about 95% of the total media) asking for resignation of the Attorney General.

For old-time’s sake, let’s revisit all the Clinton scandals against Mrs. Clinton and her sidekick husband, Bill:

• Email Server Scandal

• Paula Jones Scandal

• FBI Background Scandal (700 FBI background reports on rivals)

• Norman Hsu Scandal

• Vince Foster Scandal

• Jorge Cabrera Scandal

• Sniper Fire Scandal

• Personal Email Scandal

• Monica Lewinsky Scandal

• White House Theft Scandal

• Whitewater Scandal

• Clinton Foundation Scandal

• Benghazi Scandal

• Cattlegate Scandal

• Clinton Speeches Scandal

Now, being the country bumpkin hick I am, I defer to my wise mother when she said, “You are judged by the company you keep” and “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Reading the partial scandal list above, that’s a lot of smoke. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t have the trust of the American people. But she is not her slick husband. Willie got away with much more and his supporters would laugh and just say, “That Willie, he’s such a cad, you can take the hillbilly out of Arkansas but you can’t take Arkansas out of the hillbilly.”

Evidently, the behavior of a president is explainable, but cheating on your wife isn’t? How is it people will punish those close to them, but don’t hold public office holders to the same standard, when it should be just as high as the ones we claim to love? Public servants used to be punished when found to be lacking in either private or public behavior or stealing for private gain. Where has that outrage gone? Is it because we see ourselves through our elected officials?

I am frightened for our country and its citizens; we are not the people we used to be. We tolerate too much, demand too little, and ask no sacrifice from our elected officials. We spend too much, consume too much, and add constantly to the national debt. It will end when the country is past the point of no return, when tax revenues can no longer service the debt because of mandatory spending and what’s left over is not enough. We could do something about it now, but it won’t get done, because the public doesn’t demand our elected officials to put a stop to it.

Don’t look now, but HELL is right around the corner.

The rotting of the country from within continues…





1 Comment

July 5, 2016
How anybody can read the FBI report, and the Post’s summation, and feel good about the result is beyond me.

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