Washington Post writer Dino Grandoni posted an article titled “Climate Change?  They’re suing.”  Anyone reading my screeds in this rag (the editor’s description of this fine publication) knows I am a skeptic when it comes to “climate change.”  Yup, it changes every day, every week, every month, and every year.

The Post article states local governments and states are demanding the nation’s energy firms pay for the cost of dealing with “climate change.”  Connecticut, Minnesota, Delaware, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and cities of Baltimore, MD; Oakland, CA; San Francisco, CA; Boulder, CO; Hoboken, NJ; and Imperial Beach, CA are saying the energy companies must be charged and held accountable of the dangers their products posed and created a public “nuisance.”

On the energy producers side, they state it is impossible to determine what emissions source results in what harm — causation is impossible to determine.  Is it any wonder all of the states and cities suing are Democrat controlled?

The same tree-hugging crowd that helped fuel out-of-control wildfires spread unimpeded through forests and housing subdivisions, causing millions of acres to go up in smoke and billions of dollars of devastation to public and private lands!  No forest management, no harvesting of trees, no fire-break clear-cuts, no logging/access roads to enter and fight fires by the professional firefighters.

They are the same folks who are bringing you this nonsense.

Let’s for a minute say “climate change” is real and expanding exponentially.  What is the solution?  Where is the “magic bullet” to solve all our problems?  How do we put the genie back in the bottle, so to speak?  Oh, I know, join all the world environmental organizations that do nothing to solve the problem.

The leaders of these so called “climate” organizations fly all over the world, many in private jets, hob-nobbing with other like-minded liberals that have good feelings about what to do.  They talk and discuss and come up with points of emphasis that will hopefully lead to a solution.  This has been going on for years with nothing accomplished so far.  More hot air, contributing to more climate change.

Battery operated vehicles are the answer, they say.  Do you understand how these batteries are made using rare earth materials?  Is not the production of these batteries causing other problems to the environment?

Of course, many of the battery components are made in China, so as long as their lands are stripped of natural resources and polluted, so much better for us.  Besides, Vice President Biden has good relations with China, and Hunter is his front man in dealing with them.  So if he is elected, we’ll get our batteries!

Let me pose these questions;  Do you want to ride in your comfortable vehicle to work or would you rather ride a bicycle (in heat, rain, wind, and snow)?  Do you like air conditioning?  Do you like your refrigerator, your stove, your microwave, your freezer?  Or will we revert to riding horses or being pulled in carriages by horses?  And what to do with all the road apples?  Do you like riding your motorcycle, snowmobile, or piloting your boat?

All these modern conveniences were made possible by the oil and gas industry (and a small amount of atomic power).  The young generation blaming us for the destruction of the environment can’t live without a cell phone glued to their ear and playing with computers.  Do they understand where the power comes from to operate these wonders of engineering?

I have a brilliant idea.  Take Greta What’s Her Name and about 100 like thinking socialist brats to an isolated forest in an environment like Michigan; no cell phone service, no conveniences.  Give them shovels, axes, bows and arrows (since they abhor firearms), and a knife or two (I would give each of them a knife if they wouldn’t poke their eyes out).

Let them figure out how to survive.  I doubt any would make it to the end of the month.

We are faced with an enemy, and it is us.

The rotting of America from within continues…

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