It is interesting to watch the Democrats and how they are trying to stay relevant.  Joe Biden has a video from his house basement intending to spark his supporters.  The only problem, every question that is posed to him he doesn’t seem to realize what the answer is and if he does, his response dances around the question with an incomplete or senseless response.

Poor Joe, he had his chance in 2016 until Barak Hussein Obama told him to not even think about it, it was Hillary’s election to shine.  Besides, she was so far ahead of the idiot Trump that she didn’t need help. Way up in the polls and the media gushing about Hillary’s premeditated victory.  There was no way a bumbling fool like Trump could win… was there? 🙂

Joe has painted himself into a corner, saying he wanted a vice president who was a woman of color.  How many does that leave on the list for him to choose from?  Tulsi Gabbard, Stacey Abrams or Kamala Harris.  Or Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren. Would she qualify now that she has been found out to have no Cherokee genes?

They hate Tulsi Gabbard as a candidate, Stacey is a sore loser Georgia governor candidate, and Kamala is still in the senate, as is Elizabeth.  Stacey has been on many programs of late, espousing identity politics that kept her from winning the Georgia race, though none of the assertions she has made have any validity.

There are a few others that have been mentioned like our governor Gretchen Whitmer.  But Joe made it clear he wanted a woman of color.  Is that still the requirement?  He could certainly select Whitmer, but then we would have a governor select  Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist, who’s even more to the left than Whitmer, if that is possible.  Guess I better re-evaluate my wish, otherwise Michigan will be worse off than now. Can you say Obama II (no jobs, no growth, no future).

But the Democrat Party has a real dilemma.  They need to keep Joe in the cellar so he will keep his gaffes to a minimum.  He has been a disaster when he speaks.  How will he be able to take on a powerful debater like Trump without all his physical and mental faculties at full strength?  His physical appearance is essentially a doddering old man, without focus, and his mental acuity is sorely lacking. He acts like a person with the beginnings of dementia.

But the Democrats will stay with the horse they selected to carry the banner of identity politics, sanctuary cities, open borders, everybody can vote without being a citizen, mail-in voting (can you say ballot stuffing!), free college, and more free stuff!  Woo Hoo!

Michigan is becoming a wasteland

Gov. Whitmer isn’t showing signs of dementia, but she is bending that way.  Her early stay at home orders:  No power boats, no playing golf, no going to a vacation home up north, no motorcycle riding, no driving unless going to the store, etc, etc.  But, of course, she has never held a job outside of politics, so how would she know about having a business, paying bills, meeting payroll, paying for insurance, all those things business owners do and are now crying to open their businesses to save them.  When you’re in politics, those things are for the “little people.”

I’m really disgusted with my fellow Michigander citizens. They give up freedom and liberty for security.  That works for a little while, but two plus months?  And all the blather from “experts” about what works and what doesn’t , the virus will never go away, it will come back in the fall, etc.

So what did the stay at home order do for us?  It killed the stock market, ceased all production in industry except for food producers.  Hospitals are going broke because they cannot do elective surgeries. Local businesses are closing, going bankrupt, or just giving up and walking away.

Have you viewed downtown Wayland lately?  The Retro Room folded, the storefront to the west is open for lease, the flower and gift shop sold, and how long can the bars and eateries in town keep going with just takeout?

I’m a realist. I live and work in Realville, not the make believe Nirvana of the Democrats.  We are now almost $6 trillion more in debt because of the Communist Chinese Coronavirus.  China is responsible for this, not Trump, not Mexico, not Canada — China!

Our governor said on state and national television that there were Nazi and Confederate flags present at the recent demonstrations by citizens wanting the state to open up.  I viewed many media reports and never saw a Nazi or Confederate flag.  Now come on folks, you can’t make this stuff up (tip of the hat to Army Bob)!

If there had been Nazi or Confederate flags present at the demonstrations, it would have been led in news headlines on national and state media and on every newspaper and electronic posts.  You know it, I know it, but still our governor lies about this.  She knows if she says they were there it would be reported. Who is the truth teller, who is the liar-in-chief for the state, who is the race monger? Governor Whitmer.

If you want to see a responsible leader, look no further than Florida — Gov. Ron DeSantis.  Research what happened in his state and how they met the pandemic with an older population and small loss of life per capita.  That’s leadership!

Gov. Whitmer needs to go next election.  She is a liar and disaster for Michigan.

The rotting of America and Michigan from within continues…

1 Comment

Harry Smit
May 19, 2020
Ranger Rick In my opinion, "hair sniffing Joe" has an excellent chance of winning. The hate for President Trump is so great and this pandemic will alter the minds of many who supported him. Sadly, Joe has a better chance than Hillary did. Whether our governor gets the VP nod or not is immaterial. If this lasts two months longer in Michigan, our economy will be so far down the hole. So many will try to play the fear card and not go to work or will show up with a magical 100-degree temp. Wear a hat, run two blocks and see how your temp rises, and if it's 70 out no sweat, you are sent home and getting paid. She just has to keep Michigan from voting Republican... bad economy, free rent, free money, free food... of course, there will be limited education, limited jobs, etc. Why not vote Democratic? Our governor has set the stage to show the country Democratic governors care for the people, not money. If you have a strong shepherd it is hard for the self thinking sheep to break away. If you doubt it, just look at your Republican friends who are following blindly. They will do the same come election day,

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