For the past 30 years, Republicans have been playing defense. Every time there was a complaint about what a party representative or senator did or said, out would come the over-done apologies for even the slightest of what would be considered something needing an apology. The election of Donald J. Trump has changed all that, and rightly so.

He doesn’t need to apologize to Remocrats or the media, and especially the Democrats – he doesn’t owe anything to anybody as far as favors for monetary support – he paid his own way to the presidency. He’s got his own jet and mansion in the sky, so he didn’t need a presidential plane or the White House to stroke his ego. He has a warm vacation retreat in Florida. In short, he doesn’t need the job. That’s what is so great about Trump – he isn’t beholden to anyone except those whom voted for him in the presidential election.

That’s got to be an American first – a president not beholden to anyone for support in pursuing the presidency. He doesn’t even owe the media for all the coverage he received, they willingly sought “The Donald” every day and ignored his competition, sucking all the oxygen out of the room just so they could say they had a question or interview with Trump.. what a bunch of hound dogs. They acted and still act like ambulance chasing lawyers.

Trump gets scathing criticism because of his social media writings. Good. The media cannot misquote or control him. Talk about having direct communication to the masses! He has the media enthralled, salivating like Pavlov’s dogs and awaiting his every tweet, every stroke of the keys, and commenting as soon as they appear. Look who is controlling the media! Trump is the master at creating focus on him. And it works. And the Democrats and media hate him for it. If I owned a newspaper, I would fire all my White House correspondents – Trump is doing their job, so they won’t be needed while he is president.

I’m rather glad my preferred candidate, Cruz, did not get the nod and Trump did. Army Bob and I tried to convince the other of the qualifications of the candidates, and I thought Trump was not the right person. I have to apologize to my literary friend – you were right. When you want to change politics, you have to change players, and change we did!

For all of you who are embarrassed to admit you voted for Trump – hold your head up, speak in a command voice, and declare, “Yes, I voted for Trump and damn proud of it.” To those who voted for Mrs. Clinton, get over your butt-whupping, she was a lousy candidate, take a breath and calm down. Learn to enjoy the ride and watch what happens. I assure you it won’t be for the faint hearted.

Did you see the market after the election (no, it wasn’t because of anything Obama or the Democrats did), it was because of the election of Trump. Companies beware; bring back your business to this country, and your profits from overseas, and you will be treated better than ever. The Democrats are gone and the adults are now running the show. Regulations will be changed for the better, taxation will be much better, and the country will grow because of your efforts to put America first.

Make America Great Again!


Bob Moras
February 7, 2017
I just finished reading "Guilty As Sin" by Edward Klein. Yes, he has been a torment to the Clintons for some time. But, the book is not just hyperbole and opinion. It is a fact based indictment of Hillary, in particular. After reading it, I am very glad I voted for Trump. Even Hillary's friends had reservations as to whether she could handle the job. And as many have opined, I do believe the FBI had much to do with trying to keep Hillary from being elected. Many would say that the FBI had no business in interfering in the election, but I say that if the FBI had reservations about Hillary as president, they did us a favor. Many times, because of politics, our law enforcement and intelligence agencies must remain muzzled. The FBI knew way more about Hillary than we, the voters, did. So, if they worked behind the scenes to keep her from being elected, I find it somewhat inspiring that someone would have the courage to act in the interests of the people, rather than go along with the same old political game. In the book, Obama tried every way he could to muzzle Comey and to hinder the FBI investigation of Hillary, as well as making investigative facts known to the public. Even though Obama tried his best to get a couple of other people to run, including Joe Biden. Obama truly hated the Clintons and was forced to back her for the sake of his own legacy. Very interesting book. I recommend it highly. And Yes, I am proud I voted for Trump. Over the years I have repeatedly heard, from friends, that we need to get rid of the establishment politico's. But when given the opportunity, most of those very same people wimped out, and instead became frightened into voting for Hillary. I agree with your comment, "If you are going to change things, you need to change the players". In addition, I will add Einstein's definition of insanity "To Do the Same Thing Over & Over and to Expect a Different Result, Is Insanity".
Mike Williams
February 7, 2017
The SWAMP doesn't want to be drained! Imagine that America.

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