Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0

I understand your predicament — Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump, Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump, Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump – you’re standing there trying to mark who you want to be president of this country for the next four years. More of the same or change?

Well, let’s examine where we’ve come since President Obama took office to now, the same direction and policies which Mrs. Clinton says she will double down on, which will contribute hugely to the already stressed government and economy:

  • Poorest economic recovery of all time since World War II.
  • More regulations and laws which are a burden on growth and productivity.
  • More than doubled the national debt in less than eight years. (July 2016 – $19,343,541,768,824.00 or 19.34 trillion, YES, TRILLION dollars!!
  • More people on welfare (109,631,000 on some type of welfare program).
  • More people on food stamps (43.6 million total).
  • Almost 94,000,000 able-bodied people of working age not working.
  • More racial strife and tension.
  • Obamacare failing – exchanges running out of resources, insurance rates far higher than projected.
  • Mrs. Clinton has never had a job outside of government, other than lawyer for Rose Law Firm (which was given to her because her governor of Arkansas husband asked if they would hire her) and her tenuous time on the impeachment of Nixon, in which her superior said she was dishonest and didn’t recommend her for another job. She was never in a productive job where she was responsible for her own performance, or responsible for others until she was senator and secretary of state, and we all know how those turned out! She is never responsible for anything.

Last week, with Warren Buffett at a campaign stop, she stated:

“Because while Warren is standing up for a fairer tax code, Trump wants to cut taxes for the super rich,” said Clinton. “Well, we’re not going there, my friends. I’m telling you, right now — we’re going to write fairer rules for the middle class and we are going to raise taxes on the middle class!” Freudian slip or what she actually wants to do to YOU?

No comments were made about the approximately 45% of Americans who do not pay federal income taxes. In 2014, well over half of total federal income taxes were paid by individuals earning $250,000 or more.

Another fact: There are 105,862,000 full-time workers. Of that total, there are 16,685,000 government workers. There are more people on welfare of some kind than there are full-time workers. Do you understand the implications? There are more dependent on government largess instead of providing for their own living. Or are you a Democrat with your head in the sand, like the last 7 ½ years?

Let’s examine Mr. Trump. He doesn’t hold back and is bombastic at times – no “political correctness” for him – he says what he thinks and doesn’t take crap from anyone. You attack him; he’s going to attack you. What a refreshing change – a guy who says what he will do and does what he says.

He’s not a politician (Thank God!), he’s a smart businessman. He’s an enormously successful and employs thousands – actually providing livings for people working for his companies. He was visible and at the media forefront for years and never, ever called a racist. When he says we should not allow Syrian refugees in temporarily and building a wall to regulate immigration from Mexico – the “racist” words started.

By recommending common sense reasoning to those we cannot know whether they are ISIS plants or actual refugees, he is displaying responsible immigration policy. The “wall” to be erected on our southern border with Mexico was authorized years ago, just not funded. In the liberal media and the Democrats – the “racist” chant starts immediately. And the media does nothing to examine the issue, just reiterate what the liberals are chanting.

Well, let’s look at the record. He employs minorities and women, and at pay and compensation levels not usually seen in architectural jobs before. The vast majority of people working for him are very satisfied with their pay and benefits. They praise him as a great leader and boss. Mrs. Clinton cannot say the same, she pays her female staff much less — 67% of what a male makes.

His projects work with union labor in places where union labor is required and everyone who’s worked with him say he is extremely astute in construction, knows good work, and demands great performance. And he gets it, and those working with and for him are complimentary in their opinion of him. Great leader, great boss.

When the ice rink reconstruction in Central Park was stymied by city bureaucracy and construction delays for seven, yes, seven years, Mr. Trump told the city he would get it built and financed, just stay out of the way. The plans were approved; construction was done under budget and on time. Without Trump, it would still be a mess.

If you want a person of action in the White House, you certainly wouldn’t vote for someone like Mrs. Clinton – a known liar and person the 67% of the public says is dishonest. With her private server being compromised, putting the United States and our allies in jeopardy and you would consider voting for this dangerous and sickly person, both mentally and physically? Her coughing fits and physical disabilities, allegedly from her brain aneurism complications, make her vulnerable. She was recently seen being helped on each side of her men taking hold of her arms, supporting her up stairs – she cannot navigate a small staircase – and she wants to be president? She recently called Trump her husband – and she doesn’t have a mental complication from the brain damage? When will she release her health records so the public can see if she is fit to serve?

She was a disastrous secretary of state, between her and President Obama, the duo has made the world more unsafe than ever. Their disregard of United States borders to invasions from Mexico and not deporting illegals are harming this country by increased public

assistance, burdening our legal and law enforcement, and local economies and states near the border are burdened with the increased population. The “wall” needs to be built and the border controlled.

The argument that Mr. Trump is not qualified because he never served in public office is laughable. Look at the present President, and you see a rank amateur who never rose above mediocre in any of his initiatives or exploits while president. He was an amateur when he entered the office and never matured; displaying petulance and hubris by enacting “executive orders” instead of working with Congress. A man child in a suit.

And to those who have served in government with all that “experience” – how has that worked out for us? We are essentially bankrupt, our infrastructure is a mess, and not enough people working. Who made that mess – “experienced politicians”!

The Trump revolution, and revolution is what it is, rankles the establishment Republicans because they can’t control them or him – he is messing with their and Democrat plans of One World Government, open borders, free health care, and all the other socialist claptrap that has and will bring more disaster upon this country.

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