The last 145 days of Joe Biden’s time in the presidency has been one of drippy honeymoon love from the media.  No daily confrontations like with Trump, it is a lovefest from the Summer of Love (1967).  Yes, I remember it well.  I was a young man on the loose in California!

But I digress.

From America First of Trump to America Last of Biden, it is plain to see the buckling of Biden with other world leaders.  It is clear the other leaders love Biden, not because he is a strong, capable leader, but he is physically and mentally ill and they can get what they want from the United States by being nice to the dementia patient.  Now let us move forward another six months and the scenario is Joe is unable to continue as president and Vice President Kamala Harris is sworn in as president.

Will she take the oath and laugh uncontrollably at the end like she does when asked tough questions?  Is that a physical reaction to verbal confrontation or is she playing for time to formulate a snappy answer?

She, being a Marxist, will go full bore into making sure America is open to weak leadership so more destruction to the country can happen.  Make no mistake about it, she was selected among other qualified candidates because of her sex and race, not because she was the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Inflation? We don’t have no stinking inflation!

A play on words on badges from “Treasure of the Sierra Madre,” folks, we are in deep doo doo.  We are in debt close to $29 trillion and quickly rising under Biden, not that previous presidents controlled the debt much.  But Biden, probably learning from his predecessor Obama (who doubled the debt while in office), knows the public cares not a whit about the debt as long as they have electricity, cheap gas and enough money to have a vacation.  All three are going up in price because the Federal Reserve has printed so much money unbacked by tax money coming into the treasury, inflation has taken hold and taken off like a rocket!

Have you bought lumber or fuel for your vehicle lately?  How about cost of groceries?  Inflation is brought on because too much money ($600 per week for sitting home) chasing too few goods and services creates demand, increasing the cost of those goods and services.

The sad fact is the middle class will be hit hardest by inflation and will be saddled with increasing taxes in the future.  The inflation rate presently is 4% to 5%, it will probably rise to at least 8% to 9% or more by year end.  And there’s nothing you can do about it.  Your representatives and senators in Congress are responsible for the nation’s purse strings.  They have failed the American people.

It would help if we had people returning to work and paying income taxes.  You think that social security check will always be there… not if enough people don’t contribute to it.  Those that are staying out of the labor market, you are doing yourself a disservice by doing so.  Nothing is being contributed in a 401k from you or your employer while you are sitting there at home.  By sitting home, you are guaranteeing you will be working a few more years than you want to retire.

I knew a man working in Grand Rapids in the late 1980s when his company informed the workforce they were closing the plant and moving all the jobs to Ohio.  Because any time there were layoffs and slowdowns, he kept working while his friends took the unemployment and sub pay.

His retirement time added up and when others had to work a few more years commuting to and from Ohio until they could retire, he was retired and getting full retirement pay and working part-time because he hated being idle.  Once he turned old enough to get his social security, he put that money in the bank and lived on his company retirement and his part-time pay.  He paid cash for anything he needed, and I encourage everyone to do the same.

There are hard times ahead, made hard because of poor leadership and failure of fiduciary responsibility to the American people.  The poor will be hit hard, but the middle class will be destroyed with few jobs and high taxes.  They will make a big deal of passing higher taxes on the rich, but that will amount to so little to pay the yearly deficit, let alone the burgeoning overall debt burden, it won’t make much of a difference.

The coming summit — Biden vs. Putin

President Joe Biden and Russia’s Vladimir Putin will be having a “conversation” soon at the leadership summit this week.  If you think dementia Joe will be a competent verbal  jouster with Putin, you are delusional.

This meeting will not be pretty and put America in a dim light because we have an incompetent leader, but let’s hope the president has a magical day and perform against the former KGB official well enough to at least say it was a tie.

But I don’t think President Biden is up to the task.  If you have extra money and they are betting on the meeting in Vegas, I would put it on Putin.  You could retire early!

A note to my fans and detractors

To my fans;  please comment if you have something to add or bring up.  We all know more if we contribute to the conversation.

To my detractors; I use a “non-de plume” name because I made an agreement with the esteemed editor I would contribute by only by using another title.  My family has much different political stances and opinions than I and I don’t want them to be attacked for my comments. They are not theirs, they are mine.  If this causes you heartburn, tough.

Please comment your disgust or opinions at will.  I encourage you to do so and I always read all comments.  I don’t want your approval, I want you to comment.

The rotting of America from within continues… in earnest!


Ed Bergeron
June 18, 2021
Mr. Ranger, in response to your request for comments, I'll suggest looking up and understanding "confirmation bias." Remember it as you watch events unfold in the days and weeks ahead, and decide what to see and believe, what to ignore, and how it all affects your opinions. Confirmation bias burdens us all to a greater or lesser degree, and it often determines whether we see the world through rose-colored glasses, or blinders. “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” - Isaac Asimov
robert beck
June 19, 2021
RR. I have read the poison you write and the hate displayed for Biden. Why you will not sign your name to your writings is now known. You sir, are a coward. Afraid your family will find out how you feel and what you write will be offensive to them. Cowardice to the greatest degree possible.

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