The situation at the border is either;

1) A catastrophe in the making.

2) All a phony story to get more money for a Wall.  There is no urgency and all is well.

There are two types of people trying to get in;

1) Those going through legal channels to gain access to the country and eventual citizenship.

2) Those entering illegally and claiming they are seeking asylum due to whatever their story is.

Let’s examine the situation at the border.  According to Democrats, there is no problem at the border and we can absorb all those illegally crossing to gain a better life.  Those reporting from local stations (TV and radio) examine what border officials at the scene are saying about the onslaught of hordes of people coming in and claiming asylum.

The shelters for temporary housing, food, and medical help are  above capacity.  The local municipalities are saying they are overwhelmed and cannot keep up, neither with capacity nor with funding.  The local hospitals and schools are overwhelmed with illegals taking beds and spots in classrooms.

The courts give the asylum seekers a date for returning to adjudicate their application for asylum and are released to return at a later time.  A high percentage, a reported 90%, never return for their appointed court dates.  Of course that is one report, some say the majority return.  What is the truth?  Do you trust the media to report the truth?

If it is as the Democrats explain, why the divergent view from locals and border officials on scene?  Who has the most to gain by lying?  You decide.  I put my money on the Democrats to gain more support (and possible votes) and to overwhelm the system to get more people dependent on government support.  Who votes to have the gravy train end?

Let’s examine the people trying to get in the United States.  I have no doubt some may want to enter the land of opportunity to build a better life for themselves and loved ones.  I also harbor no reservations there are many that want to enter for fast money, drugs, criminal activity and police with rules.

Lately, Africans, Chinese, and others are being seen on the border trying to enter.  The Africans have rolls of $100 bills (can you say George Soros?)  That little weasel seems to have his hands in everything non-American and trying to turn the country to socialism/communism/Marxist.  He had an ally in President Obama and was sure to continue under Clinton, but that damned Trump won the election!  Have no doubt,s Americans, the Democrats and RINO’s want socialism.  And they love Soros’ money.

President Trump and most Americans agree with legal immigration based on merit.  The need for a person’s education and skills to help the economy grow and become American citizens is good for everyone.  That also includes some at the lower economic scale, but that is most of what is coming across now.  Those folks sometimes end up becoming a drag on the economy and services if they cannot support themselves and their families.

The border states are in peril.  Not enough funding to support those at the border area.  Just recently, Mexico has agreed to more soldiers at the southern Mexican border to stop those from entering Mexico and eventually to the U.S.  We are at war, not with guns and warfare, but with words and rhetoric.

The people in their respective countries don’t deserve the drug lords or criminals to shear them like sheep.  But the U.S. is not the salvation for the world.  Just like U.S. residents at the time of the Revolution (mostly English citizens), they must take back their countries from oppressors.  And make their countries into what they want for themselves and their families.  We did it against England, France, and Spain.  They need to do it with their internal enemies.

I propose to President Trump this:  Stop all foreign aid to all countries and spend all the money on veterans and homeless, instead of giving it to dictators and tyrants.  Open drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers with the money.  Spend it on our own people.  You folks saying we need to have Christian values and hearts, I agree.  Not any more Christian than helping others help themselves.  Then we can talk about changing immigration laws to only allow those people who do it the right way and get in line.

And build the Wall.  Prisons have walls to keep prisoners in.  Celebrities/politicians have walls/high fences on their properties to keep others out.  We need to do the same on the border.  Walls work, always have, always will.  Along with a border patrol supported and financed to provide excellent service protecting the country.

Only then will we have a southern border worth having and keeping other countries citizens where they belong….  in their own country making changes for positive outcomes.

The rotting of America from within continues…


June 19, 2019
Did you forget that Dirty Donnie has solved the immigration problem with a secret agreement with Mexico? The problem is solved, and we don't have to worry about it any more. The agreement is a secret, but that doesn't mean Trump was making it up. We don't need that big beautiful wall that Mexico will pay for.
mike williams
June 19, 2019
All Americans are law abiding citizens...….
Lynn Mandaville
June 19, 2019
Just a couple off quick points from "the front" in AZ. Today is was announced that Dems are finally changing their tune about the crisis at the border being a manufactured one. I hope that means they see that this crisis isn't new (the influx has been happening for decades), and wasn't created by the current administration. Statistics bear out that the overwhelming numbers of immigrants are families escaping the drug violence in their home countries. Honest data also bears out that medical and educational needs of these immigrants are being met (and I use that language loosely) in the detention camps, which are horribly overcrowded. Local hospitals see only those immigrants too close to death for the feds to risk that happening in the camps because of the bad PR when someone dies. Education, such as it is, occurs within the camps. Local towns are, indeed, inundated with those immigrants the feds dump by the hundreds at local McDonald's locations and the like, dumping them without money or resources or transportation out of those towns. The towns are rallying to deal with the situations humanely. Cities like mine help deal with those released to await court dates (two years out or more) through church groups who shelter, clothe and feed them as they prepare to move out into the country with relatives. The "fine people on both sides," Dems and Reps alike, are using the immigrants and the situation, as pawns to further their own divergent agendas - The Wall and failure to address invalid, outdated immigration policies. But I think what bothers me most about your remarks is your statement "You folks say we need to have Christian values and hearts. I agree. Not any more Christian than helping others help themselves." You appear to place some qualifier on Christian values and hearts, some limitations that I don' believe I ever intuited from the teachings expressed as those of Jesus Christ in the Bible. Jesus didn't say, "let the children come unto me, those who can learn to help themselves." He never put qualifiers on who he would help or those he admonished others to help. So either embrace Christian values in total, or don't pay lip service to them. It demeans us all.
Harry Smit
June 19, 2019
Ranger Rick It is nearly impossible to get some to believe that the "bad" immigrants out number those willing to be American using the system correctly. It's so much easier to "bury" your head in the sand and believe every thing is fine. Yes, walls work, remember the Berlin Wall, Most Americans have "no stomach " for such a wall. It would have to be in the south and northern borders to work. Meaning not only fo the illegals stay out but the legal citizens would not be able to freely cross the borders. We have a real mess with this immigration issue. Blaming everyone, name calling, sarcasm, believing it doesn't exist will never fix it. The question is do we really want to fix this issue??
Lynn Mandaville
June 24, 2019
It is equally nearly impossible to get some people to look at the honest facts about immigration from Mexico and Central America. These families don't just wake up one morning, gather their children around them, and say "Hey, let's start out on a two thousand mile hike today so that, IF we make it to the promised land of America we can rob, steal, rape, and abuse the systems of another country." It is far more likely that they plan for weeks, accumulating what financial resources they can muster (if anything at all) before they start out on a truly scary trek on foot, hoping that facing the dangers of the journey has more promise than staying in their villages where murder, rape, torture, and indentured servitude to drug cartels is the way of life. You are correct that the immigration problem is extremely complex. But it doesn't speak well of the richest nation in the world to sentence the immigrants to detention camps where life for them doesn't even meet the basest living conditions most Americans provide their dogs and cats. Democrats and Republicans need to quit posturing for votes and get down to brass tacks. Deal with every aspect of immigration from our basic philosophy to the financial demands to how to humanely deal with those that come from such misery for just the hope of a better life. I don't think anyone believes that "everything is fine." Blame doesn't feed, clothe, or bathe little children who have been separated from their mothers and fathers. Real work is needed, and we all need to contact our elected officials to get them off their misguided butts and take action.

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