In a recent edition of “Meet the Press,” moderator Chuck Todd said that his show was “not going to give time to climate deniers.”  Just like politics, where it is hate President Trump all day, every day — it also extends to those climate deniers, those folks who believe there is no climate change caused by humans, but a function of solar energy (sun spot activity) and climate cycles that have been established for centuries by Mother Nature.  Yup, every hour, day, season, year is different.

It is a fact there have been as many as four Ice Ages with periods of warming have occurred since the beginning of the Earth.  This has been scientifically proven through drilling to examine core boring samples.  Not my conclusion, but climatologists and geologic scientists.

There have been many theories about climate — warming, cooling, no change.  Human activity induced, natural warming and cooling cycles, sunspot increasing/decreasing, etc.  In the 1970s there was fear of a global cooling trend.  In the 1990s there was a fear the climate was warming.

Then there was Al Gore with an “Inconvenient Truth” theory with the hockey stick of dramatic temperature increases, rising seas because of melting polar caps at the North and South Poles.  It turned out the predictions of the seas rising, hurricane and tornado increased activity and severity, and Manhattan underwater by 2014 didn’t pan out, the “global warming” was changed to “global climate change.”

But enough about scientific scholar Al Gore and the minions believing in such clap-trap.  He and others that believe in global warming/climate change continue to consume in abundance and fly thousands of miles in private jets wasting thousands of gallons of aviation fuel to climate meetings, usually in snowstorms.  But such is irony.

But I’ve written about the charlatan hustler Gore before, so this is old news.  Just a basis for what is below.  A grifter is a grifter, and old Al is the best, making millions on the “Inconvenient Lie” and selling his share of TV station stock to Al Jezzera.  Helping the Muslim integration and hate groups, those hating America have a foothold in our avenue of communication.  Mr. Gore should be ashamed and his supporters have been fooled by his actions after political life.

Now, anyone denying global warming/climate change is banned from many publications and now “Meet the Press,” forever renamed “Meet the Depressed.”  The moderator Chuck Todd, so much different than his predecessor, Tim Russert, declared in a recent program he would not allow any climate skeptics onto his show during a full hour special on the subject.  For a person of undeniable Democrat and liberal leanings it is not surprising to me he would take such an unprincipled stance, but such is the world of Chuck Todd and NBC, a once proud nameplate of television news — now a joke.

Mr. Todd explained “We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it.  The Earth is getting hotter.  And human activity is a major cause, period.  We’re not going to give time to climate deniers.  The science is settled, even if political opinion is not.”. How eloquent and refreshing.  At least he doesn’t deny he is a Kool-Aid drinker.

The popular phrase, “97% of scientists agree climate change is happening” is propaganda at its best, because the people who are the scientists don’t even agree on what the causes are.  When asked if their viewpoints and theories are represented in the “97%” cited, most major scientists deny it represents accurately what they believe.

Poor old Chuck had an epiphany while on the “Daily Show” with Trevor Noah.  When being pressed about why he didn’t allow the other side of the debate to be on the program, Chuck tried to squirm out of answering.  Then he said in explaining his position:

“I had a relative on their death bed, didn’t really believe in religion, but on their death bed, they did.  Well, okay, it’s an insurance policy,” Todd said.  “Even if you’re not sure, it’s changing in front of us.  Okay, so if it’s Mother Nature doing it, you still have to adapt.”

Gee Mr. Todd, finally the truth after all that posturing!  You might not believe it either, it may be anything but what you say it is, but your bases are covered.  I knew you were a lightweight “journalist” before, and after Mr. Russert died and you were chosen to take his place, I knew you weren’t the right person; a sniveling, vile little person you are.

Mr. Russert was a journalist of the highest order, a Democrat to be sure, but at least he had both sides voice their positions.  A man of principle and fairness.  You, Mr. Todd are nothing of the sort and can’t hold a candle to how Mr. Russert  ran “Meet the Press.”  You sir, are a fool.

And to those of you reading this and thinking how much a fool I am in not believing in Global Warming/Climate Change, how’s that global warming working out for you this winter?  🙂

The Earth has been cooling since 1999, ever so slightly, but decreasing nonetheless.  Are you worried about another cooling trend and possibly another Ice Age?  You may well be faced with it, because we are overdue for a cooling trend and Ice Age.  You can contend with higher temperatures, but you can’t with cold and snow.  Nothing will grow — mammals will starve and be wiped off the face of the Earth.  Is this outlandish to think?  Just about as outlandish as the clamoring for global warming/climate change.

Please think for yourself and not be influenced by the media.  They lie, they cheat, they don’t tell the whole story (Mr. Todd is a classic socialist example).  If you rely on the media for your only source of information, you will be sorely disappointed and misinformed.

If you consider yourself a Democrat, please look at the candidates lining up to run against Trump.  Every one is a socialist at the very least, and most are Marxists.  The majority of the Democrat Party is now controlled by extreme socialists and they talk nothing about freedom and liberty but more laws, more taxes, giving those that refuse to work a yearly stipend to allow them to sit on their asses while the rest of the population works to support themselves.

Face it, the “extremists” by far are Democrats by a large margin and they no longer support the average American, in fact, they don’t believe in America any more, just strife and upheaval on a grand scale.  President Barack Obama was just a peek into what could be for the future of the country — no growth, no jobs, no opportunity, more taxes and misery.  These candidates for 2020 are Obama on steroids and not afraid to tell the American public to go to Hell because they are in charge and you’ll regret it every day they are in office.

They call themselves and the media hangs the moniker “progressives” instead of Democrat or socialists on the campaign trail.  They are anything but because they are all socialists, and everywhere it is tried, socialism/communism/Marxism fails the people.  Don’t be fooled, or you will  have another term or terms with a president that hates the country and you, just like Obama.


Harry Smit ( the amateur essayist )
February 13, 2019
Ranger Rick Another super article ... Yes, we are headed in the direction of a socialist nation Socialism has been with us for years, but most don't recognize it as socialist. I'm speaking of public schools, and Social Security. Both built on the principles everyone owning property pays for public schools. That is why so many are against private and parochial schools and the vouchers for schools drives them crazy. Social Security is funded by workers but is many times paid to non workers or the fund is robbed by politicians. Socialism has infiltrated our government from local to state and federal levels. Their next step should be controlling all product manufacturers and food production. It looks like the climate change crisis is the way. History shows us socialism doesn't work. Because socialism and communism are so very close. The government sees socialism is failing, it quickly becomes a communist controlled from of government. Where once again wealth returns and profits are made, but now the government controls and keeps the profits. Since socialsm and communism fail, as history has proven, the next choice would be a dictatorship. Which history says will eventually turn to a capitalist form of government. The unknown factor in this is... the country being conquered by another during these changes in governmental form.
Lynn Mandaville
February 17, 2019
I'm a bit puzzled by your statement about Global Warming and "how's this winter working out for you?" Do you believe that global warming means we'll have hot summer year round all over the earth? No more snow? No chilly days when a sweater is needed? Global Warming is a misnomer. Climate change is more accurate. The warming part refers to the fact that surface temps of the earth, particularly of the oceans, are rising and continue to rise. A degree or two may not sound like much. (After all, what's the perceivable difference on a cold day between five and seven degrees, or a hot day of ninety-six or ninety-eight? They are both damn cold or damn hot!) But in the big scheme of things, that consistent difference causes the melting of ice caps and rising of seas. It causes the frequency and severity of winter and summer storms. And when push comes to shove, on which side of the argument do you want to be when your grandkids ask why our generation didn't stand up and demand the reversal of climate change that threatens their existence? The availability of food, or the ability to breathe easily? I prefer a conservative approach to the fast and loose approach of this administration which seeks to undo the progress gained so far.

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