Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0I encourage everyone to view the great economist Dr. Thomas Sowell on “Dismantling America” on YouTube – a 2010 critical look at President Obama’s past and present performance and future predictions on what he will do. It is insightful in that Mr. Sowell accurately predicts what has and is happening in an America on the downslide.

As of this date, Mrs. Clinton is at the top of the Democrat ticket for president. It has been said she is the “smartest woman in the country,” however, she failed the Washington D.C. bar exam (of 817 people taking the exam, 551 passed that cycle). She did pass the Arkansas bar exam, so she could practice law in Arkansas.

Carl Bernstein claimed the Washington D.C. bar exam was hardly the most difficult bar exam in the United States to pass. In comparison, he noted the Arkansas bar exam was decidedly easier to pass. This is hardly the performance from the “smartest woman in the country” one would expect.

As an assistant attorney with the prosecution on the Watergate trial, she was again controversial. Another head attorney, Jerry Ziefman didn’t fire her, as was earlier reported, but he explained his displeasure with her work and why he didn’t like her or recommend her for any future job openings:

“Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”

Her legal career was spotty, at best. While at the Rose Law firm in Little Rock, she performed daily duties most lawyers can perform without difficulty.

In her race for the Senate, she was a carpet bagging candidate to take over the senate seat of a confused and confounded Patrick Moynihan, who was on a health downslide when he was approached to endorse Hillary as his replacement for election. He did so, appearing before cameras and giving his support, albeit reluctantly, according to his wife. He did so because he was a Democrat and supported the party. But they both thought she was deceitful and a congenital liar.

As a senator, she was uninspiring, one of 100 members of the Senate and really a silent entity. No major legislation was proposed by her, nor was she always present to vote – she missed more than 9% of the votes while in office. Evidently, she didn’t care she didn’t represent that state while missing votes.

As Secretary of State, she was an unmitigated disaster, alienating our allies while emboldening our enemies. Her handling of the Syrian problem caused the overtaking of the government by the Muslim Brotherhood and caused all the “refugees” from Syria to Europe and beyond.

Her denial of correcting the security of the Benghazi compound after continual messages from the ambassador, her lack of resolve to help the security situation directly led to the deaths of the ambassador and those trying to rescue those in the compound during the attack. Her explanation that the attack was a direct result of a lie about a video causing the uprising and attack on the embassy, while during the same time she told her daughter and the king of Saudi Arabia it was an unprovoked attack by terrorists, really gives credit to Jerry Ziefman’s earlier observations she was a liar, unethical, and dishonest.

During her Secretary of State stint, she unapologetically verbally attacked our allies, especially Israel, and coddled dictators. Is it any wonder the American people don’t trust her? According to polls, she is the most untrustworthy candidate of the presidential election slate.

We had eight years of turmoil under her husband, Bill Clinton. His whoremongering, womanizing and rapist attitude towards any woman he desired and presently desires is still first and foremost in his thoughts. He is glad his wife is away from Chappaqua so he can dally with his “energizer bunny.” True, he is twice the politician President Obama or his wife ever was or will be — a consummate silver tongue and a gift for the English language. Unfortunately, his political acumen will always be overshadowed by his personal shortcomings and carnal hound dog ways.

Her recent health issues are troubling in that she wants to keep everything secret so the public has no idea what health issues she was suffering.  Dizziness, unsteady on her feet, fainting spells, falling down on airplanes have all been reported by those unidentified observers on the campaign. What are her health issues? America has a right to know.

Donald Trump recently said “she lies about everything.” No matter your feelings or attitude about Donald Trump, he is spot on in his analysis. And he should know – he gave her tons of money over the years and they’ve been socially close, as both Donald and Bill and Mrs. Clinton attend the same social functions together.

Mrs. Clinton’s refrain “Don’t you want to see a woman president some day” is answered a resounding “Yes – ABY – Anyone But You.”

1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
December 22, 2015
Ask the Democrats and they will tell you it is all fine with them, she can win. The way the Democrats treat Senator Sanders is nothing short of despicable and the media treats Senator Sanders like he is a Republican. Senator Clinton is being ordained not nominated.

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