Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0The Mrs. Clinton lovefest is over, time to get back to reality. Being someone whom never liked the Clintons (I never support Marxists, statists or socialists), I have a natural distaste listening to whoppers being told by main liar-in-chief Bill Clinton. In his shaking fingers, the same ones he shook in our face on camera telling us he never had sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky, he emphasized one lie after another about his “wife,” whom I’m sure he hasn’t slept with as husband and wife for years.

Besides, he has another “bed-warmer” at home in Chappaqua, NY, codeword by the Secret Service: “Energizer Bunny.” If you think I’m lying, please look it up yourself.

Bill really needs to see a specialist to determine if the shaking in his hands is a result of disease or just a result of all the drugs he indulged in when he was younger with his brother. He doesn’t look so good, with that big red nose, shaking hands and fingers, emaciated body (he’s a vegan, or so he says), and even his voice has lost its edge and volume. Poor guy just looks unhealthy.

At the end of the convention with the balloons raining down, Bill looked like a little kid on steroids. Is he senile now — he seems to have lost it — both physically and mentally? Maybe it is the result of all those sexual encounters, both consensual and forced, with all those many women over all those years? Did he contract a sexual disease? How many did he give to others because of his recklessness?

Who really knows if Bill is telling the truth or lying, he does both so well — intertwined with words and composition so as to deceive and convince the listener of his deceptions. I think at times poor old Bill forgets if he’s telling the truth or lying, he lies so well. Some say politicians all lie, to which I agree, there’s some truth to that.

However, most of the time, if you are a good listener and have a B.S. internal meter within your brain, you can discern or at least doubt most of what BS someone is telling you. You have to admit, Mr. William Jefferson Blythe Clinton is the “Master Bullsheeter,” above and beyond anyone else.

Mrs. Clinton has none of the abilities to even come close to her “husband.” She isn’t liked, unlike Bill – he’s like the cousin you know is a scamp, but you like him anyway just because he’s fun to be around. She has never had that problem because she is not likeable, she isn’t trusted and nobody believes what she says.

With her history of secret servers and criminal mishandling of classified and secret information, how would she ever get a clearance needed as president to handle such information in the future if she were to be so unlucky to be elected president? And if she loses, all the evidence should be reviewed to see if charges should be brought by the Justice Department for illegal handling of classified materials all the way up to traitorous actions.

Now back to the show, the Democrat National Convention! Where were the American flags during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights? Only on the last night were American flags prominent. This just reinforces the idea that Democrats hate America and only use the symbol of the country as a prop and they think America is evil. That said, if you’re a Democrat and love your country, please take a good, hard, unbiased look at your party and ask yourself if what I just cited is not true and give evidence to the contrary (yeah, comment on this screed, you scared little weasels).

Mrs. Clinton went on about what improvements she would make — evidently those in power now (Democrats) have not done a good enough job of screwing up the country. Did you ever hear her talk about self-sufficiency, individualism, responsibility, morality, respect for human life and the like during her speech? No, and you never will, because only through government help is what Democrats think is the only way you’ll get ahead.

She talks about the Declaration of Independence and Constitution as part of the “it takes a village” idea she always touts, however they were anything but what she espoused. They were about forming a government of limited power and how the individual had more power than the government and those documents put limits on what the government could do for and to the individual citizen. This is what grates on the Democrats, as the government is the only way they gain and hold power. Like most Democrats, she doesn’t understand the documents (nor has she probably read them in their entirety).

Donald Trump rightly cited the idea that the Russians confiscated Mrs. Clinton’s emails and to return the 30,000 that she said she deleted. If the copies of what was leaked by Wikileaks had been created and sent by the Republicans, there would be no end of investigations and non-ending media coverage – you know it, I know it.

Resignations, especially with the racial epithets and scheming to get Bernie blocked from the presidency in the notes, should be happening. The media response; attack the messenger. Not asking whether the information was true and confronting those involved in composing and sending/receiving such notes. The media yawns and goes back to sleep. The Democrats and media have no shame, no pride, not one bit of truthfulness and honesty in this whole mess.

Notice anything missing from the speech? Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, 1998 (when Monica Lewinsky became a household name), Gaddafi, Libya, Russian reset, sale of uranium to Russia, speaking fees from banks and investment companies, Iranian $1.5 billion payoff, among many, many others. The Clintons are dirty, and so is the Democrat party. They have lost their way from the party of Kennedy to now.

I hope she loses, if only to get the Clinton name off the national scene and hopefully they will just fade away (we can only hope). Chelsea should stay at home, enjoy her life, and stay out of politics. However, I doubt she will, as she is delusional as her mother.

The rotting of America from within continues…




1 Comment

Free Market Man
August 4, 2016
Ranger Rick, I guess Clint Eastwood is right! Sniveling little weasels.

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