The Corona Virus (CV) is among us!  Oh no, anything but that!  While no one likes to think they will contract the CV, we have experienced pandemics before — H1N1, swine flu, Asiatic flu — whatever it is named in its various virus forms, it sickens and kills some among us.

Usually those most affected are the elderly, those with compromised immunity systems, or afflicted with difficulty breathing (asthma, COPD).  Why this is deemed worse than any of the previous flu virus strains is news to me.  But the media hype is such that it is scaring the poop out of everyone!

I have to ask the question;  if Barack Obama was our president, would the media hype be as intense as during President Trump term?  I seriously doubt it.  Politics is even in everyday story reporting now.  The TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) marches on.

Great Lakes problems come and go in cycles

For you believers in Climate Change (yup, it changes every day!), I was in the Upper Peninsula on Lake Huron last summer and water levels were the highest I’d ever experienced.  I told that to the marina owner and she informed me in 1986 it was higher, much higher.  She showed me a picture of the water in the parking lot and breaching the breakwater.

I remember in the 1960s, Lake Michigan beaches were huge and the lake edge was hundreds of feet from where it is now.  I’ve experienced at least two low/high cycles that I remember in my lifetime on Lake Michigan.  With the excessive rain in the past years and some rough winter snows, especially in the Upper Peninsula, it is no wonder the lake level has crept higher.

I see the destruction of the shoreline along Lake Michigan and my heart goes out to those losing property and houses, that is tragic.  But the lake will reclaim what it has throughout the many cycles since creation of the Great Lakes.  Maybe in ten years we will be lamenting the low level of Lake Michigan?

Natural gas is crushing wind and solar power

The price of natural gas is the lowest it has been in years, lower than 15 years ago.  The United States is the Saudi Arabia for natural gas.  It is a fossil fuel, but it is unlimited, contrary to what we have been taught in school and by the media.

Scientists are now saying oil and gas is a natural occurrence within the earth and not just created through bodies of ancient creatures and plant matter.  The conventional wisdom is slowly being stood on its head.  Maybe God had this in his plan when he made the Earth? (For you non-believers, just disregard that last sentence).

With the massive expense of windmills and solar farms producing power and the entire working supply we have, which is massive, only contributes 3% to 4% of the national entire electrical supply, is it worth it?  Not when you look at clean natural gas to power the electrical grid along with existing nuclear power.

The few coal plants still in existence in the U.S. are being changed to natural gas.  The United States continues to reduce its carbon emissions into the atmosphere at a faster pace than any other country in the world.  Natural gas is the big reason this is happening.  Natural gas is the wave of the future.  It is the cleanest fuel source, the cheapest fuel source, and the most readily available.

Michigan primary vote between 2 old white guys

Well, well, well.  After all this time and it comes down to two old white guys.  One a communist professional politician with a bum ticker; another a bumbling, creepy hair-sniffing, senile life politician.

Bernie Sanders never had a real job before coming mayor of Burlington.  It was reported he stole his is downstairs neighbor’s electricity by running an electrical cord into her power because he couldn’t pay his electricity bill.  Just like a commie!  I hope Comrade Bernie is on his way out and his last hurrah will be in the next week or two.  Just what we need, a socialist/communist know nothing telling us how to live our lives, like most Democrats.

Joe (Plugs) Biden has been a career politician.  He rubs elbows with world leaders and CEO’s and gets things for his family, like high paying board memberships in Ukraine and getting family members running his campaigns so they can have a job.  Plugs supports everyone in the family, just like the Mafia.  His mental acuity has slowly diminished to the point it appears to be a liability.  He stumbles and bumbles through speeches and his answers to debate questions sometimes make little sense.

Ranger Rick hopes the American people can see through these two charlatans and snake oil salesmen.  We have a carnival barker now, but he gets things done, so I can put up with the Tweets and comments if it means the United States is protected, productive, and a place where all have opportunity, IF they grab the brass ring and take advantage of opportunities.

The rotting of America (especially under Democrats) continues…

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