Let’s examine cities run by Democrats for years and years — San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York.  All bastions of socialistic governments and run overwhelmingly by Democrat mayors, city councils, and administrations

For those of you old enough to remember the 1967 flower power song “Are You Going to San Francisco” by Scott McKenzie, extolling the wonders of freedom and happy people in San Francisco (mostly drug induced), you would be appalled at the downtown area now.  They aren’t even writing about it nicely any more in local SF newspapers.

Feces is the nice, antiseptic word most used before, now it is described as shit in the streets and on the sidewalks.  Businesses are forced for clean the sidewalk and street in front of their establishments homeless use as a toilet.  SF hired “professional” pooper scoopers to suit up in haz-mat suits and wield scoops and hoses to clean and disinfect the areas that are affected.

Of course, this is a daily job, so they keep coming back to the same areas where homeless use as a toilet.  Instead of taking care of the problem, they treat the symptoms.  Normal Democrat/Socialist ideas.

Los Angeles is another problem city where homeless are involved.  They live on the sidewalks in cardboard boxes or tents, shit and piss in the streets, and throw refuse everywhere.  The unhealthy living conditions and trash attract vermin such as rats.  The rats in turn infest buildings close to the homeless.

The LA Downtown Police Department is literally plagued by rats, which carry fleas and diseases such as typhus.  Several officers and office workers have been diagnosed having typhus.  The department has recently had outside exterminators and health clean up of the building.  This causes problems with the employees getting sick from being around flea killing sprays used.

This is a temporary fix with the problem of homeless on the streets attracting the rats.  Will the city finally do the right thing and remove the homeless?

Chicago over the weekend had 27 people shot, three fatally.  Drugs and gang violence rule the city, especially on the South Side.  Police don’t even go in those areas knowing their presence will attract violence if not gunfire.  The good, hard working, honest people living within these areas are at the mercy of the gangs.  Yet the Chicago blood letting isn’t even mentioned by the fake news.  Doesn’t look good before an election.

And New York has officers being drenched with water and walking away from confrontation.  What the hell has happened to the populace when they feel they can get away with disrespecting officers? What if the liquid thrown was battery acid or lye instead of water?  Would injuring an officer just doing their job be allowed with no retribution or arrest?

I’m sure veteran NYPD officers, recognized as one of the best police forces in the country, cringe watching their replacement officers being treated this way and the mayor not backing them up. I wonder, since this started happening, has police recruitment been down?

What binds these four of our largest cities during these incidents?  They are all run by Democrats and have been for some time.  Isn’t it time for a change to get real results in addressing these cities problems?

I don’t expect change as these are totally Democrat entrenched cities and they would rather live with the problems instead of doing what is needed to correct them.  Democrats have proven they really expect change when doing what they’ve always done.   Insanity is alive and well in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York.

The rotting of America from within continues…


August 27, 2019
Insanity is alive and well, and we don't have to go to a big city to find, do we Rick? You're perseverating on a Fox News/Rush Limbaugh theme that is bizarre, and not based on evidence.
Robert M Traxler
August 28, 2019
Mr. Basura, Sir, because Fox and the Rush Limbaugh program point it out does not prove it is not true. If you can not fight the facts attack the messenger. Please go to the FBI Uniform Report and check the numbers. Thank you for your service.
Lynn Mandaville
August 27, 2019
Blame Democats all you like. Homelessness and violence in any major city are symptoms of deeper problems at work in our social structure. Poverty, poor education opportunities, and systemic racism are just three of these underlying problems. Both parties have a hand in not addressing the basic problems. One doesn't want to fund the treatment of symptoms that the other would be happy to do if the funds were available. And neither wants to get down in the dirt with the real problems. Neither wants to work with the other because it's all about gamesmanship rather than serving the people. When Washington realizes that the people don't care which side wins as long as something is done, we'll be on the right track.
Don't Tread On Me
August 27, 2019
All you need to do is watch the news each night.. unless you don't believe the fake news? Rick, as Basura asserts, you are insane. But maybe Basura and Ms. Mandaville don't agree with ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and all the other alphabet fake news? They eat it up every day. They know what you indicate in this piece is correct, they just won't admit it because the Democrats running these hell holes are out of control and have no allegiance to the taxpayers and kowtow to the leftist political crap that is killing this country. Basura and Ms. Mandaville, this is your Democrat Party - left, more left, socialist, and nuts. Good luck in 2020 with the candidates you have.
Lynn Mandaville
August 28, 2019
DOTM, the reports of people defecating in the streets are true, though to what extent no one knows. Wherever people are homeless there will be issues with public health that must be taken seriously. What you are not taking into account are the reasons why so many are homeless in the first place. Stereotypes of laziness and drug abuse are not the norm anymore. The American middle class is suffering greatly. Assigning blame does nothing to solve the underlying problems of underemployment, severe cuts in social services, or the erosion of public education funding. When college students are living in their cars because they cannot afford student housing, when families live out of their cars because they can't afford rent- these people have no bathroom facilities or trash pick-up. What do you expect will happen when "nature calls" or the trash piles up? Cities suffer because you and I don't insist that humane solutions be found. We are a greedy lot. I got mine. Leave me alone. Democrat, Republican, Independent? The poor don't care what we are. They need help and solutions, and we are all complicit when all we do is bitch about the "losers" rather than contact our legislators about taking action. The rotting of America does continue. In me and in you.

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