The first Democrat debate was a timeRanger Rick Art_7_0_0 warp back to the 1960s. Free love, free drugs (all the candidates seemed like they were high on love and drugs), free from government, free from paying taxes (except those working or rich now), free college… everything free. The exception is for those hard-working Americans paying taxes at an ever-more burdensome amount or rate. And don’t attack the woman in any way.

I heard free college uttered many times. How does that work when tuitions and fees are rising exponentially higher than any cost of living rate? The government pays for that program now with assistance being paid to colleges and loans to students now administered only by the federal government.

The reason tuition is so high is because of all the federal money pouring into colleges. If they were allowed to just subsist on money from tuition with no additional money coming in, the colleges wouldn’t be able to build new buildings and sports facilities and would concentrate on students instead of administration expansion and Taj Mahals they build. With that top-heavy administration and never ending building on college campuses, where do you think that money is coming from? Answer: Look in the mirror.

Then students graduate,can’t find a job, and the vicious cycle of disappointment, frustration, and declaration of bankruptcy happens because they can’t repay their loans. Without a vibrant economy, there are few jobs – and it has been that way for seven years. There are jobs out there, but only those needed jobs in medicine, business, and construction, but usually because of replacement of those retiring, not because of a massive expansion in the need for more workers.

Any time more taxes are levied on those providing jobs, you get less of what you want instead of more. Less in corporate tax revenue, less in income tax, less in anything tax related. Why? Because business people didn’t get where they are by being stupid. The expansion of the business would be delayed, more workers would not be hired, would do with what they had and ride out the misguided tax increases.

The Democrat presidential hopefuls are the same as all those Democrat presidents we’ve had in the past – spend, spend and spend some more. I will give a little credit to President Clinton, since he is a pragmatist when cornered into doing what is right, he signed bills from a Republican Congress, even though he was kicking and screaming. He even vetoed some down, but eventually he signed them, vowing they wouldn’t work. But when they did, he was the first to take credit – remember “ending welfare as we know it”? It worked well until rescinded by President Obama.

You want to know where the middle class workers have gone? Nowhere. They’ve died, retired, or tired of working for less, as the government at the federal, state, and local level wrings them dry of any money they earn to feed the government Leviathan. Gas prices are down, helping those driving to work excessive expenditure for gas. Cost of living is up because of commodity price increases. Food costs more, needed hardware for household repairs is up, and other products are priced more. Taxes never go down. The only thing not going up is wages.

The dirty little secret the Democrats don’t want you to know is they play both sides of the coin. On one side, they can blame Wall Street, CEOs, and the “rich” SOBs “stealing” money and keeping wages low. On the other side, they encourage illegal immigration for more votes and by doing so; they keep wages low because of cheap labor provided by the those streaming across the border that they refuse to enforce immigration laws.

They take manual labor jobs in construction, farming and general labor, driving wages down, forcing legitimate construction businesses out of the business. Besides, Democrat and Remocrat legislators need their apartments or houses cleaned, what better way to employ someone cheaply! If you think I’m daft, look at all the people in Congress or put up for federal positions by the President, only to find out they have problems with illegal immigrants being paid as housekeepers or nannies with no taxes reported on their wages! Then they have to bow out because of the dust-up in the media and avoiding embarrassing the President.

If you want an extension of the Obama no growth economic plan (the only job growth was in government), nonsensical foreign policy, more debt, more deficits and eventual collapse of the currency because of massive treasury note printing, vote Democrat, no matter who the candidate finally is at the top of the ticket. It won’t make any difference who is the candidate – they are all the same.

By contrast, the third Republican Presidential Debate on CNBC illustrated the media bias against Republicans that is so evident in this election cycle. Senator Cruz said it best when he attacked the questions given to Republicans versus what is asked of Democrats. And the no follow-up of what Mrs. Clinton said to the presidents of Egypt and Libya and her daughter about the attack on the Benghazi being a ISIL/ISIS type attack and then concocted the story of a video stirring up the attack – a HUGE LIE that was perpetrated on the American public. Four good men died for nothing.

Softball questions are presented to Democrat candidates and the attacks on Republican candidates to answer inane questions have nothing to do with what the American people relate with and are worried about every day.

You know why liberal talk radio dies every time it is tried? Because people are tired of hearing the same thing from the Democrats and the media – they have the same playbook. If they were espousing what people wanted to hear, liberal talk radio would be thriving.

The rotting of America from within continues…




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