The horror visited on the gathering at the synagogue in Pittsburgh was truly evil. A mentally disturbed man shot and killed 11 and wounded three police officers. Not detracting from that tragedy, Chicago had 58 shot over last weekend with six of those killed while 52 wounded. What is the cause of this?

Democrats will say guns, guns, guns. While this is obvious, there were many guns available and in the hands of people for years before without the weekly bloodbaths we see now. What really changed?

It didn’t happen overnight. It has been a gradual march to the bottom of the human decadence abyss. We used to value human life. Abortion on demand has made the nation numb to the violence to the most innocent among us in the womb.

Police are hamstrung on what can be done before a shooting happens. Stop and frisk is said to be unconstitutional. Isn’t being shot at unconstitutional? Drugs are rampant and we are voting next Tuesday on legalizing marijuana growing and use — is this a wise thing to approve? I don’t care what any person says, I’ve seen many of my friends and family members start on weed and progress to harder drugs — it is the gateway drug for other drug use.

Alcoholism is bad enough, but now we’ll have to worry about more traffic accidents/injuries/deaths like Colorado is experiencing since they have made weed legal there. The amount of theft increased as more people wanted the drug, but couldn’t afford it, necessitating stealing to obtain enough cash to get it. Do you want that for Michigan?

Millions of people have poured over our borders for years and years providing cheap labor. However, the burden on public services (law enforcement, hospitals, schools) has increased to the point of ridiculous and is unsustainable. We have accommodated the Spanish-speaking people in the country with instructions in Spanish, signs in Spanish, schools and courts with Spanish interpreters.

Let me state the obvious; does Mexico or any other country below Mexico geographically have dual signs, provide English speaking interpreters, etc? No — so why do we? When will English be the official language of the United States when we all speak it here to survive in society and conduct business and everyday transactions? Seems common sense, but common sense isn’t so common anymore.

The Pittsburgh shootings are interesting in the fact that the most anti-Semitic president ever, President Barak Hussein Obama, behaved poorly and it was patently obvious the Israeli government was detested by the Obama administration. This is not surprising, since young Barak (known as Barry then) was a practicing Muslim and taught in Muslim schools. He repeatedly snubbed Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and the relations between the two countries at the time were icy, to be kind.

It was obvious President Obama bent over backwards to help Muslim countries in relationships with America, even our enemies in Iraq and Iran. Remember the billions he released to Iran? Yes, it was withheld Iranian money in banks, but we should have kept it for all the revenue spent on the war. But again, Obama did not love the country, did not care much for the people, and it was obvious by his sanctimonious arrogant attitude. What happened to the Democrat Party, the once strong unwavering support of Israel and the Jewish people?

President Donald Trump is not a politician — never was, never will be. He is a doer, a “get it done” person. So far, he has been true to his word from the campaign trail — with roadblocks being thrown up continuously by Democrats and RINOs on the few he has been thwarted. So far. He is pro-Israel (moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem — the real capital of Israel), loves all people to have the opportunity to prosper, and wishes nothing but the best for the country. He wants legal immigration and a Wall with a huge door to enter – legally.

Next Tuesday, we will be at the crossroads of the future of the country and state on voting day. Will we go back to the failed Democrat policies and bullsheet from the past, or move forward with conservative leadership and progress? Your votes will determine the fate of the country. Choose wisely!

And to my liberal friends contributing to this publication, especially those commenting every week, please comment and express your views. And Mr. Longstreet, yes, I do have my Trumpy Bear and will be hugging him on vote night!


October 31, 2018
Again, you speak words and thoughts no one wishes to hear... but, as always, the facts are hard to digest. Today, most blame words as the start of violence, this is and always was incorrect. Persons with violent tendencies do not need spoken or written rhetoric to complete their mission of violence. Both the right and left have their radical factions. Back in the '70s the left's most radical were responsible for most of the violence we had. Today the extreme right now instigates violent actions. These extreme groups on both sides have begun to force our country into polarization, which may mean the demise of what was known as the United States. We have to use this, look what they did. What we are doing is comparable. History, things that happened years ago or just yesterday, should show us how to improve not get worse. History of all the horrible, evil events no matter which side is responsible, has to enlighten us so those things never happen again. But this does not happen overnight. The questions that need to be answered are: Will racism ever end? Do we need to control immigration? Do we vote to improve our government from local to the federal level, or do we cast a vote in revenge? The list could go on forever, only you can answer and try to improve or continue in your old historical views. If everyone would try over a period of time things like compromise, what many call common sense, less acts of violence, respect for human life, acceptance of ethnic, religious diversity. etc. This is not easy. I struggle everyday to try to improve.
November 2, 2018
Trust me, my Jewish friends would not agree.
Jake Gless
November 2, 2018
*Barrack* Obama “did not love the country, did not care much for the people“? That’s about as absurd as saying he’s a Marxist. Honestly, what person wouldn’t love a country’s people if that nation twice elected him or her their leader, and subsequently held him or her in regard as the most popular president of the generation? You make no sense. You are living in a fake reality, Rick.
Harry Smit
November 3, 2018
Jake Gless In your comment you mentioned " Honestly, what person wouldn't love a country's people if that nation twice elected him or her their leader " Are your implying that the nation ( Israel ) had a hand of electing President to office twice? If that may be the case, why is the Democratic Party upset if by chance Russia helped elect President Trump?? Am I right to believe that in your line of thinking ,,,if an ethnic group living as citizens of the United States … knew the United States was funding a country or countries that are attacking their homeland . These persons would elect a President helping destroy their place of birth and proclaim the President the most popular of the generation ? I am just trying to understand , so I say without malice please explain .
dennis longstreet
November 3, 2018
Mr Gless Harrys comment makes no sense .I wish to he would explain? No malice either.
Harry Smit
November 4, 2018
Thought the question was pretty straightforward. I can to understand his statement as if the Jewish nation liked President Obama to elect him twice . Hence unless Mr Gless refers to all Jewish people as a nation one could interpret that the Jewish nation Israel helped elect Obama. Based on that interpretation why is the left so upset that the Russians could be affecting our elections ?? The second part of the question asks if the Jewish living in the US believed President Obama in fact funding and supplying a country trying to eliminate their homeland.... does one really think they would vote that person back into office?? As proclaiming him as the the most popular...why would they if he supported funding those willing to destroy Israel??
Don't Tread On Me
November 3, 2018
Only those deluded enough to believe president Obama cared for this country with a $9 Trllion adding of the debt, forcing Obamacare on many and then those not able to afford healthcare doesn't seem like a loving and thoughtful president to me. President Trump has done in 2 years no other modern president has done. More jobs, higher wages, more opportunity for all. Instead of praise, he is constantly villified and called every despicable name ever uttered. He's much better by far for the country than Bush or Obama ever were. You need to open your eyes once in a while. Oh, and Hillary lost - get over it already and enjoy the ride.

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