The hit parade of Democrat governors and others telling their citizens to mask up and social distance doesn’t include them.  California’s Gavin Newsome (Mr. Do as I Say, Not as I Do) was found at French Laundry (the most expensive restaurant in the U.S.) with no mask and no social distancing.

New York’s Andrew Cuomo was given an Emmy for his updates on Covid19.  Even though he sent many to their deaths by sending them to infected nursing homes.  Oh well, nothing to see here.

Gov.  Kate Brown of Oregon stated that it would be a good thing to squeal to the police on neighbors if you saw them having Thanksgiving and having visitors.  Heil Kate!

Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago, addressed a crowd after the election without a mask or socially distancing.  She also said she could get her hair cut and styled even though all the other hair salons were closed to the public.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi also had the same thing in San Francisco.  Mask, mask, a mask is for the little people!

But these folks are the best of the best, much more deserving and elevated above us lowly peons.  How dare we criticize even though our hair was uncut and a mess.

These folks are examples of the perfumed princes and pampered princess’ —  the reason Trump won in 2016 — we didn’t want politicians telling us what and how to do it, but to DO IT!  Get it done.  Thank You, President Donald Trump.

And last, but not least our Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the “Iron Lady” of Michigan, the masking and socially distancing is in place and at least around our area is being followed, the infection rate is almost 14%.  I thought all these precautions were to control and lessen the spread of the virus?  But of course she lifted the travel ban to northern Michigan just before she was to attend a graduation in Traverse City.  How convenient!

What if there was no Covid to stop Trump?

I’m not going to comment on the election, just that something is rotten in Denmark and the USA.  But I digress.

Let’s go back to early in the year when we didn’t know a damn thing about Covid-19.  Let’s just imagine the virus never got to our shores.  The economy was going great, the stock market at an all-time high, wages were rising, all races and sexes were employed and finding jobs.  If Covid-19 had not happened, do you think Joe Biden would have stood a chance in hell of beating a over-performer like President Trump?

Biden was and is weak, dementia is apparent, vigorously so at times;  like when he can’t remember where he is, what office he is running for (senate?), or who is his wife.  Jill Biden and the Democrats should be ashamed of taking advantage of a visibly old and sick man.  The only thing he had going for him was the anger over Covid-19 and the shutdown of the economy.  These were state directives, but the President kept getting the blame.

Answer this, if the virus came from China, how is it we never hear of huge infection and death rates among the Chinese population?  Government controlling the information (lying)?  Or did they release it upon the world and not suffer the effects themselves?  Maybe Beijing Joe had more influence than we thought.  This was the first biological attack upon the world (and that is exactly what it was) because it was created in a laboratory in Wuhan and released.

What happened with our little town land development

After the brouhaha about the commercial land sale involving Josh Otto, Keith Nickels, Mayor Bala and the City Council — What is going on with the land?  It was supposed to start development within two years of consummating the deal.  Where are the plans, what is proposed, when will dirt be moved and building commence?

Since the buyers got a great deal on the land, when is something going to be started?  Maybe our esteemed editor will get his investigative reporting skills going and find out for the unwashed masses, the lowly citizens of Wayland.  We await with baited breath!

The rotting of America from within continues …


John Jones
November 25, 2020
Crap from the king of crap. Follow the science, scientists are correct and not wrong. Trumpy is gone forever.
Harry Smit
November 27, 2020
Mr Jones It is so refreshing to always read your words of wisdom. You so eloquently describe the authors of articles you disagree with. I'm guessing you have scientific evidence that President Trump is gone forever. If by chance you could list the published scientific findings I would truly enjoy reading them.

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