The media, Democrats and RINOs are flummoxed — here is an orange-haired billionaire developer who ran for president with zero political experience, other than bamboozling New York City government into letting him develop the skate rink in Central Park, under budget and in record time, just like he said he would.

For years the city had wanted to get it done, but the political wrangling got too much and they needed someone like Trump to jump into the fray.  He’s a doer, not one willing to sit on the sidelines and let others do what he knows he can do better than anyone.

He was sick and tired of watching for 16 years under RINO President Bush then Marxist President Obama as jobs left the country, the economy stumbled and staggered, and we were told by Obama we should get used to low growth. Those days of Reagan were over, you know, The idiot Reagan, former Governor of California elected President twice and we experienced an expanding economy and job creation not seen in modern times.

President Obama also said America was not an exceptional country. Yep, he actually said it.  And all those veterans and people who loved and fought for this country were ostracized for loving the country.  Americans were told get used to this new life, those jobs sent packing overseas and manufacturing jobs were going away and never, ever coming back.

While Reagan said anyone running for president who didn’t think America was a great and exceptional country shouldn’t ever run for president.

Enough about Obama and his shortcomings. Democrats will never admit he was the weakest and poorest performing president ever -— even worse than Carter, but facts speak for themselves.  President Carter, a good man and Navy veteran, was in over his head in solving the problems during his administration.  But even Obama was worse in job creation and total people out of work  since WWII and on food stamps. So Jimmy is off the “worst president” hook!

Media pundits said candidate Trump was in over his head.  He would soon be in the rear view and Jeb!, Cruz or a myriad of other potentially strong Republican players would overtake the polls and Trump would be yesterday’s news.  Then something happened in the heartland.  The crowds at Trump’s rallies were huge and growing bigger every day.  As Trump’s popularity grew, the media attacked again and again.

Any other candidate would wither from the everyday media cannon fire, but Trump struck back, he wouldn’t relent.  And his crowds responded with larger turnouts.  Trump was a different politician, someone who would fight the good fight instead of sticking tail between the legs and running off from the heat. I’ll admit, I was a Cruz supporter, but Trump kept my interest.  Then there was one.

Evidently Secretary Hillary Clinton believed she had it in the bag.  The “smartest person” to ever run for president.  That smarmy smattering of “basket of deplorables”  remarks who supported Trump, turned around and kicked her political ass.  Yes, she did win the popular vote, but everyone knows you need to win the electoral college vote to win the presidency and Trump ran the table to put the proverbial nails in the coffin of Hillary’s presidential aspirations when he won the states needed in the heartland to get the win.  Hillary was admonished by William Jefferson Blythe Clinton to campaign in the heartland, as he knew where her weaknesses appeared and he was undoubtedly correct.  She was wrong AGAIN, just like when she couldn’t kick a political neophyte Obama eight years previous.

Usually there is a “honeymoon” period for at least a few months to allow the new president and their administration to get in office and running government.  President Trump has received not one day since he took office without media attacks.  Fake news, with Mueller investigations going on for 2 1/2 years and nothing of substance was found, late show attacks, daily and nightly news attacks, an ongoing onslaught of epic proportions never seen before against a sitting president.

Yet still President Trump managed to get most of his agenda moving — tax cuts, eliminating laws and regulations to free up the economy, a robust and expanding economy with record setting employment numbers for all Americans.  In short, everything that should be up was up, and everything that should be down was down, much different than during Obama years.

Now with defense budget money moved to Wall construction, the Wall is being built.  The trade imbalance with China has been a problem for years, and with NAFTA killed and a new trade contract with Canada and Mexico, the Chinese have had lowering economic activity and the U.S. is in the best position to get concessions from China in years.  The Bush and Obama years saw no or little push-back on the Chinese/U.S. trade imbalance and their stealing of business designs, trade secrets, and intellectual property.

We should all applaud the Trump Administration for encouraging China come to the trade negotiation table.  It will happen once the Chinese realize they will have no other option. Their economy is in a tailspin.

Democrats have many candidates in the running against Trump, but with their left, Left, more LEFT ideas and scare tactics, Green New Deal, idiotic global warming/climate change.  CNN recently had the candidates each be questioned about global climate change, but it was and is a dead issue with the vast majority of American voters and was a flop for CNN as a network.

I hope they keep up with the issues they debate about every time they get together to show Americans how disjointed they are in relation to the electorate.  They helped create the Trump phenomenon; they will be beaten by him again because Trump is doing what the majority wants done.

Liberalism is fascism – it is not the Republicans and Conservatives creating distress, discord, violence. It is Black Lives Matter, Antifa, politicians like Maxine Waters, socialists and Marxists, racists and anti-Semites, wanting this country to resemble the USSR or China, where everyone is equal, equally miserable.

There isn’t a reasonable candidate on the Democrat side running for the Democrat presidential nomination.  They are all tax, tax, and more taxes, especially on the rich.  But the middle-class will be screwed too because they are the largest majority of Americans to pay taxes.  Most of the readers of this publication will be in the proverbial cross-hairs of aiming to increase taxes.

The country is broke… yes, broke.  We don’t have enough money to cover our debt ($22+ trillion and growing every day) unless the government finally comes to its senses and starts cutting government expenditures and controlling programs.  Trump realizes this, Republicans realize this, but what is easier, stop printing money and treasury bonds to be sold to other countries to prop up our debt or grow the debt because you know the Democrats will never face the truth and both sides will do what is right?  It won’t happen until something catastrophic occurs such as a deep recession or depression.

Can the country, as divided as it is, survive?  I used to think so, as other generations before us have bonded together and rode out the rough seas of financial despair as happened during the Depression of the 1930s.  Can we do this now with so many dependent on debt (mortgage, vehicle, consumer, college) to get through life?  I seriously doubt it.

Democrats, you want to really know who created President Trump – look in the mirror!

The rotting of America continues…


dennis longstreet
September 11, 2019
YOUR LORD TRUMPY is a doer he will do anybody who will sign a disclosure statement.He claimed he was pulling hoses with firefighters on 911 that was proven false years ago but he said it again today. his agenda tax breaks dont see it must be to poor .the honeymoon is over.
September 13, 2019
Trump has his fans, but I'm not one. He seems to lack a moral compass. He lies frequently. He is corrupt financially. He is lost dealing with international relationships (but, Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin and Duterte seem to like him. Those that hate abortion seem to give him a pass on his own history in that area - which seems oddly inconsistent for those known for binary/black - white, all yes or all no thinkers. But those fans are his are very loyal.

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