Whenever I need a good laugh, I watch the meltdown by the media on election night on YouTube. Scene after scene with a breathless and unbelieving Wolf Blitzer with a projection of Donald Trump taking state after state and watching the gathering for a Hillary Clinton coronation/victory party crying and wringing their hands in stunned disbelief.

It was delicious and I never tire of watching it repeatedly. A victory for the citizens of the United States, a defeat for the fake news media and the political establishment.

Now, after 20 months since the election, what has happened? Taxes, unemployment, food stamps, and welfare are down — way down. Jobs, stock market, employment, jobs for recent graduates, and jobs coming back from overseas are up, up, up!

Bad news for Democrats who want everyone dependent on government, and for Remocrats who hate President Trump as much as Democrats. Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well, especially in the media.

A few weeks ago at some unwatched awards show ceremony, Robert DeNiro said “F” Trump — twice. Being a famous actor gives him an audience to voice his hatred of the president. I give him some leeway since being a high school dropout, his ignorance and obvious lack of manners come to the forefront.

If he would have said the same thing about President Barack Obama, he would have been roundly criticized and ostracized. Instead, the audience of prominent New Yawkers applauded his remarks. And the media wonders what has happened to civility?

I and many others believe and knew President Obama was and is a Marxist, and never did anything positive for this country, but he was elected our president because of white guilt despite his lack of experience was glaring with no substantial accomplishments. I respected the office of the president, not the occupant. He will eventually be judged as one of the worst presidents ever after all the psychophants disappear.

Well Statists, Democrats, Remocrats; the Deplorables have spoken with their votes and Trump was elected. Get over it already. The success of this president is overwhelming so far and more success on the horizon. Mr. DeNiro, go back to acting, the only thing you know and do well. Let the Deplorables do the thinking and voting, you idiot.

Now the summit with North Korea, something no other president before him has accomplished, President Trump can alter the course of history. Depending on what is agreed to, instead of lavishing money or energy by Presidents Obama and Clinton, respectively, there may be peace on the Korean peninsula.

Who would have thought a NY businessman would accomplish more than “professional” politicians? Those damn Deplorables are so stupid they voted for someone who comes through on his promises! What a concept!

And Mr. DeNiro, please understand when you say what you did, I and many others will take someone who does what he promises than someone with nothing but hot air like President Obama. You may want to get some coaching on public relations, but a smart high school dropout like you and “wiseguy” evidently didn’t go to finishing school or learn basic manners. Besides, outbursts like yours will just help get him elected again with more votes because of your disrespectful outburst.

Just keep it up, you have almost six more years of President Trump left!

The rotting of America (and DeNiro) from within continues…


Robert M Traxler
July 3, 2018
Welcome back we missed your column.
Lynn Mandaville
July 5, 2018
I don't think you can chalk up Mr. DeNiro's eloquent comment to lack of education. I believe that his comment came from deep seated hatred and frustration with the amoral man who you find so praise-worthy. Whether or not the president has delivered on his promises, he is still a man of low breeding and immaturity. I would hazard a guess that some people with doctoral degrees echo DeNiro's sentiments exactly.
Robert M Traxler
July 6, 2018
Ms. Mandaville, To Quote you "Whether or not the president has delivered on his promises, he is still a man of low breeding and immaturity". Low breeding, Low breeding? darn what are we the British with royalty, the French with royal blood lines? An American is not a blue blood, bread to rule, we do not judge a persons blood lines or at least we did not. Do you truly want to judge people on their birth place or parents, not their ability and drive? I do agree education means you are educated in an area but not necessarily smart. Please rethink the "low breeding" comment it sounds elitist, exclusive and just plane anti American.
Lynn Mandaville
July 6, 2018
According to dictionary.com: low breeding: adj., characterized by or characteristic of low or vulgar breeding; ill-bred; coarse vulgar: adj., 1. characterized by ignorance or lack of good breeding or taste. 2. indecent, obscene, lewd. 3. crude, coarse, unrefined. No mention of British or French royalty or royal blood lines. No mention of parentage or place of birth. Only references to qualities of one's character, or lack thereof. It is to those failings in the president's nature that I refer. I do not judge by place of birth or parentage. I do judge the person who fails to exhibit maturity or high standards.
Robert M Traxler
July 7, 2018
Per your comment “low breeding: adj., characterized by or characteristic of low or vulgar breeding; ill-bred; coarse”. Please understand breeding means family/linage, when in a hole stop digging. Thank you once again for making my point.
Jake Gless
July 8, 2018
I believe when you cut through the ticky-tack semantics, that what Mr. Traxler is arguing is that Trump is of good character. His point is proven.
July 8, 2018
Don’t pay too much attention to Ranger Rick or Army Bob. Both are plagiarists. Ranger Rick quoted a tweet verbatim sent by Trump’s daughter-in-law spreading a fictional account of Saul Alinsky. Army Bob has used Trump Derangement Syndrome, acting as if it’s his own when it’s a regular phrase used by Fox commentator Sean Hannity. Neither attributed their source. Same with the constant use of “triggered” and “socialists.” If you really think Army Bob is a “friend” when he thinks he needs to describe you as a “leftist friend,” you don’t need many enemies.

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