The Democrats are getting desperate.  They have called on John Dean — the chief squealer in the Watergate episode.  They think by trying to tag Watergate on the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign and election using the decrepit Dean to say something to the effect this crime is similar to Watergate!

John Dean knows less now than he did in the 1970s, and yet he plays along because he gets another 15 minutes of fame in the Jerry Nadler circus.  Almost three years of building a fraudulent case based on lies and no connection to the Russians and the Trump campaign based on the Mueller Report.

Well let’s examine what allegedly happened and who was in charge:

• When did the Russians interfere in our election?  2016

• Who was President?  Barack Hussein Obama

• Who was the head of the CIA?  John Brennan

• Who was the National Intelligence Director?  James Clapper

• Who was the head of the FBI? First Robert Mueller, then James Comey

Yet, it’s 2019 and they are all trying to blame President Donald J. Trump for what happened in 2016.  They were in charge. Why didn’t they stop the Russians if they were interfering with the election?

Even the underlings (Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page) knew Hillary was going to win, but they wanted insurance in case she didn’t, thus the inclusion of the false Steele Dossier into the mix to smear Trump and the Trump campaign with “collusion” with the Russians.  Even Senator John McCain, in his hate for Trump, pushed the dossier up the legal/political ladder to the joke it became.  Even the esteemed, honored, and upstanding Robert Mueller knew it was bullshit when he took on the investigation, using all Democrat lawyers and contributors to the Clinton campaign.

But that didn’t make any difference.  If they could get enough convictions for other crimes they could and would make up, they could mound enough dirt on Trump to make him look dirty.  It was all smoke and mirrors, a made-up crime hoping to catch enough peripheral players to stink up the investigation, then just a small jump to conclusions.

The only problem was they couldn’t find the frog to make the leap.  Every good and smart lawyer knows you must know the answer before you ask the question of suspects or witnesses.  They didn’t have a clue what the answers were, they just kept asking questions, hoping for the link.

Well, now it is mid-2019 with approximately 17 months until the 2020 presidential election.  All the Democrats are lining up with the same old song and dance.  Tax the rich, free everything, you won’t have to work for a minimum stipend from the government, every illegal alien is a good person, no voting identification to vote, abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy, etc.  The party of death, destruction, and to hell with America.  Nobody has to work any more and the government will provide everything you will need.

In 2008, Senator Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States.  Less was known about his history than any other presidential candidate in U.S. history, and the media liked it that way.  No need to find out anything — we like this guy — besides, he will be the first black president.  Everyone in the media wanted this guy to win, then when he won, Tom Brokaw looked at a colleague and said “There is much we don’t know about Barack Obama.” Duh?  To Tom and others like him, it’s your job to find out about all candidates and let the American people know what you found out.  Mr. Obama was the first to never, ever not get examined under a microscope running for president.

But he was elected fair and square, and he was our president.  We had to endure eight years of an amateur president and his amateur administration.  Probably the biggest bunch of unintelligent, law breakers ever in the White House, but the media was asleep as more and more Americans were killed, targeted for investigation just for being from the opposite side of the aisle, and more and more rights were violated and more and more regulations piled on businesses and producers making it more difficult to make a living.  Less liberty, less freedom.

For better or worse, he was our president and Americans rallied around his leadership, no matter how poor he and his administration proved to be.  Americans are like that, they rally even if they know something isn’t right.

President Trump has been under investigation from the beginning of his administration – 2 1/2 years!  And look what he’s accomplished — more jobs, higher wages, more women and people of color working than ever before.  The energy sector is producing more energy than ever – we are now the leading producer of oil and gas (and prices are starting to reflect the abundance).  More manufacturers coming back to the country.  Mexico now in step with stopping illegal aliens at their southern border (of course with the tariff possibility if they didn’t), China now at the bargaining table for free and equal trade.

More countries now admiring a strong leader and strong America.  Everything that should be up is up and everything that should be down is.  What an accomplishment!  Just think what he could have done without the harassment of being investigated for the past 2 1/2 years!  Everything President Obama wasn’t.

Some people don’t like his tweeting, but think of the media he has to put up with.  Not one media outlet is ever complimentary to anything he does or says.  Once in a while Fox might say something truthful or encouraging, but the rest never do.  It is hate Trump 24/7 – 365 days a year.  When will the American people support a real president?  One that actually does what he says he wants done.  Thank God for Donald J. Trump – the right person at the right time.

Democrats, please keep it up.   The 20-plus candidates you have to select from will be winnowed down to one socialist/liberal bordering on communist.  Good luck with that.

Crazy Uncle Joe can wear his friendship bracelet on the campaign trail, but I bet he never gets President Obama’s endorsement!  He’s now officially seen the light and wants abortions provided with taxpayer money through Planned Parenthood — abandoning his Hyde amendment support.  Can you say p-a-n-d-e-r-i-n-g?  I guess old Joe isn’t a man of convictions after all.

The rotting of America from within continues, just less with Trump!    


Jeffrey L Salisbury
June 11, 2019
The Mueller Report Was Just Released. Here's Where You Can Read It Online for Free
Jeffrey L Salisbury
June 11, 2019
Robert Swan Mueller III served as the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 2001 to 2013. A conservative Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush; President Barack Obama gave his original 10-year term a 2-year extension, making him the longest-serving FBI Director since J. Edgar Hoover. James Brien Comey Jr. briefly followed Mueller as the 7th Director of the FBI from 2013 until President Donald Trump abruptly fired Comey on May 9, 2017, just 110 days after Mr. Trump's inauguration. Mr. Trump's explanation for firing Director Comey (concerning the "Russia thing" after only 3 months as a member of his administration, can be found at this link:
June 15, 2019
"Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it." — Georges Santayana

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