Democrats never get any sleep and it is making them loony.  They need to take a breath, get outside once in a while, talk to constituents, walk the dog, and try to get a life.  Trump, Trump, Trump is all they talk about.

Impeachment is all they dwell on.  Democrats, Never Trumpers, RINOs and New World Order types are chomping at the bit.  Any vote that isn’t for a Democrat is now in question because if you don’t vote Democrat, you are a reprobate.  That means 63 million plus voters are scumbags and need to be discounted in another election.  And for sure, get rid of the electoral college!

Given what is known now, there is no way President Trump is guilty of any high crimes in misdemeanors in this new charge by the Democrats.  Since Russia, Russia, Russia and Mueller Investigation didn’t work, they must come up with another storyline.  It didn’t work last summer, and it won’t work now.  It is B.S.!

Even old “Plugs” Biden admitted in a TV interview he had a billion dollars for Ukraine but he wanted the investigator to cease and desist or be fired.  They fired him and they got their billion dollars.  Where was the investigation and quid pro quo for Biden’s son?  He was receiving $50,000 per month (some reports said $80,000) for being on a natural gas/oil company board though he has no background in oil/ natural gas production, marketing or sales.  His only qualification he was the vice president’s son.

Back in the 1960s, the quaint and news controlled public was told a CIA/communist/Russian citizen turned back into an American citizen named Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots from a bolt action 6.5mm Italian Carcano rifle ordered through a catalog.  Then there were the conspiracy theorists because nothing added up.

The “magic bullet” theory, was there three shots or five, but how did they corner Oswald so quickly, and Jack Ruby did the deed that killed the only person that could blow the cover on a CIA/Mob hit on President John F. Kennedy.  The only person to give credence to a real scenario was James Files, the shooter who says it was he that fired the killing head shot from the right front (aka shot from the grassy knoll).  Another Mob assassin (Chuck Nicoletti) shot from the rear and when Files knew the president wasn’t fatally hit, he was to take the head shot.

Now there is proof of what he said while in prison doing time for another incident with police.  He related to a retired FBI agent the story of how everyone was assembled in Dallas.  Files drove an auto from Chicago and Chuck Nicoletti and another mobster came down in a CIA transport flight (DC3).

Once the shots were fired from Nicoletti’s rifle and Files took his shot, Files took the shell out of the Remington Fireball pistol he used, bit the neck of the brass casing because he liked the taste of gunpowder and placed it upon the white wood fence.  It was later found by a man and his son using a metal detector and it was found to be a bite mark from a human incisor.

Now there is one way to prove Mr. Files is telling the truth.  He said his bullets were drilled out and mercury placed inside the lead to make them more deadly frangible exploding missiles.  If the body of John F. Kennedy was exhumed and examined for mercury residue within the inside of the cranium, it would prove Files is telling the truth.  He said he knew Oswald but didn’t know his job in the whole hit job, but he knew Oswald didn’t fire a shot.  That was a set-up for the phony story.  Questions abound but there are three most investigators find puzzling.

1) Why was the president’s remaining brain tissue lost or more likely stolen so it could not be examined?

2) Why wasn’t Oswald tested for gunpowder residue on his hands, face, or head?

3) What happened to notes in interviewing Oswald?  Did he ever confess? He said he was a patsy (and this in all likelihood is true).  He was too late in figuring out his role in the assassination and how he was set up.

This was the most complete coup d’état ever perpetrated by any government in modern times.  Kennedy was sacrificed, it is speculated, by his father’s actions during the election asking the Chicago Mob (Sam Giancana) to get votes for his son to win Illinois, which he did.  Later, Robert Kennedy was the Attorney General and made war on the Mob.  Giancana knew killing Robert too small a target, to get everyone’s attention, you had the “cut off the head of the snake” – thus John Kennedy was murdered because of his and his father’s ambition to get him elected.

So how does this story have anything to do with the latest Trump impeachment inquiry?  Back in 1963, the big three (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were the only game in town and relied on the government giving them information to create storylines.

Now, there are various ways to get information and keeping secrets are harder to keep close to the vest.  Since the Mueller investigation went bust, the Democrats had to get pressure back on Trump.  Is there a real “Whistleblower” or is it a hoax, a statement from a likely CIA agent about the Trump phone call to the president of Ukraine.  Or is it a Deep State hold-over from the Obama administration — a federal employee?  Or is it completely made up out of phone call that happened but not in the same way that is in the released phone transcript released by President Trump?

They can’t control the narrative like they could in an open and shut case like in 1963 – Kennedy dead, they had Oswald, Ruby killed him, case closed.   No more discussion, but the story won’t go away, but enough confusion reigned, so the truth is buried.

The Democrats are still in a fury about Hillary Clinton losing to whom they feel is an unqualified, inexperienced, business person (or worse) to beat the most qualified person to ever run for president.  If they are really honest, Hillary Clinton couldn’t even run a popcorn stand, but I let my bias show.

It is interesting to watch the Democrat candidates visiting GM picket lines and union leaders.  Sucking up for votes when they don’t give a damn about any vehicles with internal combustion engines.  What a dichotomy.  Sorry thing is the UAW will probably vote for a Democrat even though Trump has helped the auto industry and its workers more than any Democrat.  Are they going to visit Wisconsin or just bypass it like Hillary?  I bet she wishes she would have followed her husband’s advice before the election.

Once this Trump/Ukraine issue is no longer, expect another impeachment inquiry for something else by the Democrats.  They can’t help themselves.  They need to impeach him because they know they can’t beat him with Elizabeth Warren, “Plugs” Biden, or any other Democrat they elect to represent them in 2020.  And they are desperate!

The real question Democrats need to answer is do they hate their country more than they hate President Trump? I think it has to do with the past presidential election and their hate for Trump when their actions and focus are not on the health of the nation by not doing their jobs as legislators.  Democrats, if you wish for another civil war, keep up your childish tantrums (for an excellent example of a Democrat out of control — view Robert DeNiro’s latest rant).  Start doing your job and work for your constituents instead of for yourself.

The rotting of America from within continues…



October 2, 2019
Trump admitted he solicited help from a foreign government to interfere with an American election. By the way, Rick, I can't believe you, a Trumpkin, mock the hair of Biden. Your conspiracy theory is weak. Was the moon landing faked, too?
October 2, 2019
For a person who would never vote for a Democrat in 2020 and praises our current President at every turn, why doesn’t Ranger Rick point out why President Trump deserves to be re-elected based on his record? I’ve read nothing from you praising President Trump for having Mexico sending billions of pesos to the US Treasury to pay for The Wall. I’ve seen nothing praising the the changes President Trump has proposed to replace the Affordable Care Act with promised improvements. No praise of this President’s ability to cut the federal deficit or cut the Washington bureaucracy. No opinion on President Trump’s campaign promise that if elected he’d be so busy running the country he wouldn’t have time for golf. In fact, President Trump has recently transferred $3.6B billion from the military budget to pay for The Wall. The Mexican government hasn’t sent any money to the US Treasury. The Trump administration has not sent Congress or the US Senate any proposals to replace the ACA. The Tax Act of 2017 turned out to be a windfall for corporations, cut federal revenues to the point Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had to ask Congress to increase the federal deficit ceiling because the tax cuts have only increased the deficit President Trump said tax cuts would shrink. Instead of shrinking the bureaucracy, President Trump has proposed adding another branch rather than assigning the existing military new tasks. President Trump has golfed 220 times since he was inaugurated. That works out to golfing once every 4.5 days he’s been in office. Since Ranger Rick comes across like a no excuses guy so maybe he’s just missed things while he’s been concentrating on Democratic Presidential hopefuls
Robert M Traxler
October 3, 2019
Mr. Couchman, Sir, To clear up few of your points. 1.Mexico has sent, per CNN 15,000 troops to the boarder, a human wall paid for by Mexico. 2.The ACA was redone in the first year of President Trumps administration. 3. CNN, a very liberal network, reports 92 visits to the golf course by President Trump. The 220 number is from a WEB site I never heard of before called presidential golf tracker? What they did was add up all the days the President has been at one of his resorts even days spent meeting with world leaders as golf days, the numbers are close. 4. Folks said the same things in 1947 concerning the founding of the Air Force you stated concerning the Space Command.
dennis longstreet
October 3, 2019
Mexico was to pay for the cement wall, not a human wall. How many times he golfed is not news, how many times he used his own property to host world leaders is. Who pays Trumpy for that? We do. Space command just another military force to steal funds from for personal gain.
dennis longstreet
October 2, 2019
It seems funny a Republican can lie cheat and break the law but we are to turn our heads. Trumpy is a crook . I did not say that even if its o n national TV that he did . Trump did not help the auto companies Obama did Trumpy was against it.Mueller report said i can not bring charges against a sitting President I cant say NO colusion or courption
October 2, 2019
He solicited help in investigating corruption by a previous Vice President of the United States. Care to address that? Or does potential past wrong doing only count when it is someone you don't like? Certainly didn't when it was the Ukraine helping Democrat candidates. How strange...
October 4, 2019
Wildcat: I'll try to address you concern. It is illegal to solicit help from a foreign government to interfere with American elections.
October 3, 2019
Nothing to clear up, Mr. Traxler. Candidate Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall. Mexico hasn't paid for Trump's Wall. Sending 15,000 troops to a border doesn't take away the fact President Donald Trump said the Mexican government would pay for The Wall. Never mind we have existing U.S. military stateside bases in dire need of repairing base housing for military families. The U.S. military now has $3.6B billion less to spend on bases for infrastructure repairs because those funds are going to The Wall. President Trump's change to the ACA was to turn over insurance to states, give people a way to avoid penalties for going "naked" or uninsured and lets insurance companies use more than 20% of their premiums for marketing, administrative costs if they show spending more of premiums on internal costs than subscriber claims. It wasn't "Repeal and Replace," as candidate and then President Trump promised. President Trump made a big deal about his predecessor's golf and vacations. But he's golfing more than the past two Presidents. Confirmed visits to 220. Confirmed golf is 102 rounds. Every time President Trump goes to his resorts the Trump resorts are billing the presidential entourage (like Secret Service, staff) for food, lodging and golf cart rental when they accompany the President on the course. I pointed out the incongruity of complaining about bureaucracy then promoting a new military branch. If Trump had been in the U.S. military as an officer or enlisted, he would have been written up and probably discharged for lying and exposing national security secrets. I'm sure there are some who will justify Trump's lies on multiple subjects until they take their last breath.

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