President Obama, armed with the sRanger Rick Art_7_0_0peculation of “thousands of scientists” with scientific “consensus” the world is coming to an end because of Global Warming, er, Global Climate Change, or whatever it is called now, and the melting of the polar ice caps and the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2), keeps addressing the American public, the world, and anyone else who will listen.

With his vast knowledge and intelligence (and a teleprompter) on the subject, the media lapdogs eat up every word. To those folks too lazy or ignorant to do their own research, the President sounds like he is speaking the truth. I’ll admit, President Obama is a great teleprompter reader, and he knows how to spin a good tale, however, bullsheet begets bullsheet and I’ve never heard a better bullsheeter than President Obama, even better than William Jefferson Blythe Clinton (you know, Mrs. Clinton’s husband).

Perhaps the president got some of his research from the crew of the Canadian CCGS Amundsen during their four-month global warming expedition — you know, before they had to bail on their mission due to ships getting stuck in Arctic ice! Or squawking about the disappearing ice in Antarctica, when it is confirmed the ice is growing by NASA and other scientific research. Damn, those stubborn facts have a way of getting in the way of the false information this President spreads.

There was another leader who lied over and over and the lies were finally accepted and the Holocaust happened and 8 million Jews were wiped from the earth. With President Obama’s known vilification of Israel and his love of Muslim countries, maybe we are looking at the second Hitler? I wouldn’t go that far, but it is fodder for thought.

With the lies and smears of the Bush administration and the seemingly love by the media of Obama, who knows? They haven’t exposed President Obama or asked any in-depth, probing questions before or during his administration to now, why should they start now? As he said, “I have a pen and a telephone” when commenting on his actions when Congress won’t act (mostly for good reasons), on his initiatives.

Could it be Global Warming, or Global Climate Change, or whatever they want to call it, should be changed to Global Cooling, based on the relatively recent ceasing of solar flare activity to an unusually low amount, causing the earth to cool? If you get your head out of the Obama sand and look at real science, you will discover there are many contrarian real scientists and climatologist who agree, Global Warming, Global Climate Change has stopped and Global Cooling has started.

You may want to read S. Fred Singer, professor emeritus at the University of Virginia and the founding director of the Science & Environmental Policy Project. He is an expert in remote sensing and satellites. Professor Singer agrees, the climate heats and cools, it is a cycle as old as earth itself. And the main cause of this activity, among many other minor factors, is solar flare activity. The earth, contrary to what the media force feeds you, has been very slowly cooling for approximately 17 years now.

Professor Singer doesn’t deny the earth has warmed and cooled many times over the history of the earth, even to more extremes than have been experienced by humans – in fact it happens for a period of 100,000 years of glaciation and 10,000 years of inter-glaciation (we are now in a 12,000-year period, so we are overdue for cooling) There have been 17 glaciations in the past 2 million years on earth. We are now in the warm Holocene period, which is expected to end soon – very soon in scientific terms.

Please, to those reading this with a brain, do yourself a favor and put down the newspaper, Time magazine and all the other mainstream media claptrap publications and read real scientific research. The “global warming” hockey stick presented by Al Gore was a hoax formed with insufficient and faulty data. It has been documented as false. Open your eyes and open your brain to another point of view and read the data.

We need to move forward with knowledge, not political rhetoric and calls for funding (see the pattern? – needing funding and control by politicians). We need facts, not rhetoric. And President Obama is nothing without rhetoric – more hot air from a know-nothing politician.

The rotting of America from within continues…





September 8, 2015
Why do you allow this fool to continue to fill this page with this blather? The cooling of the last 17 years is so slight that temperatures actually have risen...but don't worry that's the initial stage of cooling. Everyone knows when you put things in the freezer they get warmer first before cooling down, lol! I get wanting to have a balance but this dude is off his rocker. At least it seems like most have learned that opening his posts are a waste of time as he makes no sensible remarks but just appeals to emotion. It's a classic example of riling up those who agree while everyone who can think for themselves sees no value in his statements and just ignores him for the whack job he is. I guess on second thought keep it up! It makes for great comedy, lol.
Free Market Man
September 10, 2015
Yes, you are correct, Mr. Gore is a whack job and has been most of his life. And a loser.
Robert M Traxler
September 9, 2015
"The cooling of the last 17 years is so slight that temperatures actually have risen...but don't worry that's the initial stage of cooling " and Ranger Rick makes no sense?

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