Donald Trump — Is he for real? Sure looks like it.

When you consider the oppositRanger Rick Art_7_0_0ion is a communist/socialist old man (Bernie Sanders), a nobody (Martin O’Malley) and a sexual predator enabler and law breaking Secretary of State (Hillary Clinton) – he looks great.

With the funny looking hair (at least he has hair), scrunched-up face, outstanding businessman background and more money than all of Congress, he can’t be bought. He doesn’t need Air Force One to get around – he has a better plane. He owns some of the most beautiful golf courses in the world and commercial properties in the most upscale areas in many cities.

Those facts certainly don’t make him the best politician, but that is exactly what some people are evidently looking for, a non-politician president. There is no requirement the president must be a politician or hold any political office to qualify running for the office.

He isn’t a Democrat, nor a Republican (even though he espouses free-market principles and claims he is Republican), not a liberal, conservative or independent. He is Donald Trump, and who knows what he thinks or believes. He gets things done, like building hotels or golf courses — bought, cleared, built and making money. He is a doer.

“Doer” is not a political class or description, but it should be. Neither party has done anything worthwhile, other than spending money it doesn’t have, plunging us further down the rabbit hole with no chance of seeing daylight. He doesn’t suffer fools, and you attack him, he isn’t polite, smiling and replying in a genteel fashion. He goes for the throat and doesn’t back down. I love a guy with passion for standing up to the media and know-nothing, citizen pandering politicians.

I will admit, I’m for Cruz – Conservative, smart, legal mind and smarter than all three Democrats put together, by far. The Establishment Remocrats (or RINO’s – take your pick) hate Cruz because he promised his constituents he would represent them and defend and follow the Constitution, that is exactly what he’s done, much to the chagrin and detriment to his Remocrat/RINO colleagues in the Senate. Why do they hate him? Because he does what he says he will do. The RINO/Remocrats only say what they think the voters want to hear, then do just the opposite once back in the capital.

Cruz has fought the Obama regime at every opportunity, angering his Senate leadership. It is telling that Remocrats do everything they can to diminish his campaign and destroy his chances at winning the nomination – he represents his constituents and doesn’t pander and collude with other senators to screw the citizens with nonsensical support of the president and Democrats initiatives and policies. That’s not what they wanted nor expected after they voted them into office.

Regardless, the Republican nomination is completely open for the time being, so it is Trump’s to lose when looking at the poll numbers. Of course, poll numbers are just that, numbers, not votes.

There are a number of things being debated and in the mix for political wonks to examine, and if Mr. Trump wouldn’t have entered the race, wouldn’t be talked about or at least not in the forefront of conversation. Those are:

  • Illegal Immigration and building the “wall”
  • Upholding 2nd Amendment
  • Trade imbalance
  • Iranian “deal”
  • Debt, debt, and more debt (none of it President Obama’s J – All caused by Buuuush!)
  • ISIS/ISIL and Muslim “refugees” inundating Europe and President Obama wants to allow here
  • Obamacare and its effects on the populace
  • Economic landscape and lack of growth
  • Too many people still out of work
  • Too many part-time workers
  • Lack of manufacturing jobs in the U.S.

The American people look at their “leaders” and find empty suits; talking heads saying nothing of importance to the average person. Republicans siding with the President and Democrats on most things and not ever discussing whether a bill is unconstitutional, but will it pass! What good is it if it’s not constitutional?

Republicans (RINO’s and Remocrats) want to be loved by the media, don’t want to challenge the president (viewed as racist if they do). Americans are appalled when no opposition is presented to budget busting bills and programs, just a rubber stamp approval with little or no discussion on the House or Senate floor.

The stage is set for a non-politician to run for president. Trump is one smart guy, and he is taking advantage of a disgruntled populace for a government revolution, changing of the guard, so to speak.

Right now, it is Trump’s to lose. I’m not a good prognosticator, but I’m not so sure he’ll be there at the end, but he sure has everyone’s attention now. And everyone is talking about him… just what he wants.

If Obama had ruled from the center, worked on the debt, addressed radical terrorism, dropped political correctness, addressed tax and entitlement reform instead of Obamacare, Trump wouldn’t be where he is.

Whether you love him or hate him, Trump is interesting to watch. The Democrats have nothing to compare with Trump or Cruz. Not enough intellectual or political savvy. Clinton is an albatross around the Democrat’s neck and might be a criminal (FBI still investigating). Time will tell if the Clinton’s can slither out of another debacle or their hubris actually strangles Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.

My opinion is I certainly hope she in indicted so we don’t have to suffer more screeching, scheming, pantsuits and that haggard looking face (that makeup isn’t working anymore). She’s had her 15 minutes of fame – time to be Grandma, she’s been a DISASTER in every role she’s had in government – First Lady, New York Senator, Secretary of State.

We’ll have to endure the hound dog face of Sanders if Mrs. Clinton is exposed for the criminal she is. At least old Bernie is truthful – he says he’s a committed socialist/communist. You gotta have respect for someone who is at least truthful. Clinton(s) never were and never will be. However, I didn’t know I lived in Ameriker!


January 26, 2016
January 26, 2016
E.A.R.P. By whatever means necessary....
Robert M Traxler
January 26, 2016
Mr. Trump is a creation of President Obama, an insightful observation. Mr. Trump is in all things the anti-President Obama and folks are looking for a completely new path for the nation. .

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