To those who claim skeptics of Global Warming or Global Climate Change are kooks, nuts or any other words of derision, let me remind you what “science” is, and the best quote I could find to describe the convoluted thinking by the majority media and supporters concerning “consensus” (also known as groupthink) is below:

“Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science, consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.”

Michael Crichton – American best-selling author, screenwriter, film director, producer, and former physician

How many of you reading this know anything about science and the scientific method? I doubt there is 5% or less of the population that is knowledgeable about either. I know the media is clueless, they just quote the ‘scientific consensus,’ those ‘scientists’ that rely on grants and outside money to fund their study of the environment. How do you get more money but to sound alarm about what you are professing? If they said the climate changes but is within the normal ranges that have been observed previously, and we expect no significant changes, how much money would they receive for climate change?”

I hardly heard of global warming until former Vice President Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” – an overblown film about climatic catastrophe about to be unleashed upon the world, given to us by the blowhard himself, Al Gore, the same man who barely passed his science class in college, was professing to be an expert. And the media ate it up.

When I was graduating high school, they were warning of a “new ice age,” not warming. Then, when the higher temperature claims were debunked because of faulty data sites, the term “global warming” was thrown to the side of the road and “global climate change” became the new mantra, because that covered both hot and cold periods. Yes, true, climate changes daily. Was it extreme? – hardly.

Next, the claim came about excessive carbon emissions (CO2) causing the climate change. See how this works – keep throwing ideas out and something might stick and gain traction. Again, the media ate it up and professed to be followers of the almighty climate king.

Let’s use something that never ever is used anymore – logic. There were periods of much warmer and much colder temperatures and higher carbon dioxide (CO2) levels on earth than what are exhibited now. This is something on which all scientists agree. How did that happen – there was no human activity, as this was thousands to millions of years ago – no SUVs, not smokestacks, no pollution other than erupting volcanos? There were many changes over time on earth with the atmosphere and weather systems, depending on location. How did the extreme temperatures and CO2 levels occur without human activity?

Could it be the earth moves in cycles and it changes slowly over time, creating years, decades, eons of change that can’t be explained? Why does this happen? Because the earth is a living thing, constantly evolving, tectonic plates moving, species (plant and animal) living and dying, pressure building and molten lava finally making it to the volcanic surface to renew the land from within. Populations grow, thrive and expire; or adapt and start over, for humans, plants and animals. This is nothing new.

For those of you drinking the climate change Kool-Aid, please think. I know it has gone out of style – you let the media and talking heads do that for you because you are engrossed in watching vapid TV shows or using your thumbs on your video games. But please, take time and think.

There are many scientists, climatologists, weather experts, and many other educated people whom believe there is no global warming or significant climate change. It changes every day and throughout the year – it’s called changing of the seasons.

We see extremes in weather every year but not unlike other years and every once in a great while there is an anomaly; larger than normal tornado, terrible hurricane, volcano activity, large snowfalls, driving rain, etc. and it is blamed by the talking heads, all parroting the same message on every outlet, on global warming or climate change. Really?

Take a breath, calm down and think. It really works when you use logic instead of experiencing panic attacks and exclaiming outlandish claims of future doom. The media lies, and lies regularly and keeps you repressed with doom and gloom. Open your eyes and ears and read, listen, and open your mind to opposing viewpoints and use logic, not emotion to form your opinions about changes in climate and weather.

The rotting of America from within is slowly improving. Just remember, the media lies regularly and with fervor, usually to push an agenda, so listen to it with skepticism and don’t fall for nonsense.

Do you listen to popular Hollywood and entertainment people spout nonsense and believe it just because they are famous? They are probably less educated than you and don’t live in the real world that you and I occupy. They play other people for a living and make millions while doing it and then have the gall to tell us we are the stupid, unwashed, idiots?

Anytime you hear “… the consensus shows….” your skeptic antenna should be working and asking questions because consensus is not science.

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