“The Arctic Ocean is warming Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0up, icebergs are becoming scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard of temperatures in the Arctic zone.

Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelt which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.”

Sound familiar? This has to be recent information, because the media has reported since the warming of the planet has taken place, glaciers are disappearing and the seas are warming, resulting in increasing sea levels. Or is it?

This report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post – almost 94 years ago!!

Yup, long before “global warming,” or “global climate change,” or any other name the crazies want to pin on the natural changes in the environment we had warming… and cooling. Do you see a pattern here?

When I was a kid about to graduate high school, the science articles and newspapers touted the beginning of the new Ice Age was upon us. How did they come to that conclusion? The recent winters of the time were longer and colder. Sunspot activity was low. Very scientific! Yup, it was going to get colder and we should prepare for the inevitable. Just because the media reported it didn’t make it so.

Then in the 1980s we had several light winters and warm summers — suddenly – “Global Warming” was created. The planet was burning up – get ready for the new paradigm of higher and higher temperatures. Since overall in the last 17 years, there has been no measurable change in the overall temperatures and is trending slowly getting cooler, oops, now we have to call it “Global Climate Change,” so both the cold and hot times were addressed by the all-encompassing phrase to cover all scenarios. Just because the media reported it didn’t make it so.

I have been called a kook, cretin, ingrate, loser, know-nothing, idiot, and stupid for not going along with this masquerade of words and phrases to keep you afraid of natural occurring changes in the weather. Earth has been much hotter and colder, with much more carbon dioxide and much less carbon dioxide eons ago, without the intrusion of human activity. How did that happen? We are told the newest phrase “global climate change” is totally caused by human activity and pollution. How do we know this? Because the media reported it was so.

I’ve been a skeptic for years concerning this, and I’m more convinced than ever this is a totally made up hoax, perpetrated for one purpose only – to get more power and control. Controlling energy production and consumption by the government and using tax money for “global climate change” initiatives will directly affect you and your family. Does this not resemble the Marxist initiatives old Karl put forth almost 150 years ago? Is this not Saul Alinsky (a Marx disciple) thinking that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama so closely embrace? When a politician touts a theory as fact, there is a reason, and that my friends, has an ulterior motive – another way to separate you from your money. When a politician opens their mouth with climate change scare tactics, hold onto your wallet.

“Global Climate Change” is not settled science, like the media always spouts, there are plenty of scientists, climatologists, and meteorologists that do not agree with this hoax. At best, absolute best of scenarios; it is an overblown, flawed theory.

If you look at writings from many years ago, the weather was much more unpredictable than it is now – winters were brutal. The winter of 1888 paralyzed the Northeast, especially New York and Boston. They had no massive machinery to clear the snow and nowhere to move it. People had to shovel themselves out or wait for the thaw. In the 1930s, the heat and wind made the southern Midwest a dustbowl. The ground was dry and susceptible to wind erosion. And the winds were terrible during those years, creating huge sandstorms. Millions of acres of fertile soils were lifted and blown in the wind, making the underlying soil, mostly sand, unacceptable for crop production.

Farms and ranch families couldn’t grow crops or raise livestock for sale; the banks repossessed the properties and sold them for pennies on the dollar owed. Families moved west or east to find relief, work, and new lives. The scene of the “Okies” moving west on Route 66 was no joke, it happened. Famous pictures and articles about the migration made the magazines, newspapers and art shows in photographs. Some came to the north to cities like Chicago and Detroit, where they found work in factories and put down roots. I worked with many second generation family members in factories here in Grand Rapids. They would tell me of hardship and hunger while their families struggled to survive when their parents were young and telling them of family stories of why they moved to Michigan.

What happened to the land? It was revived with crops that could survive what soil was left and enriching the soil by modern agricultural practices; crop rotation and use of fertilizer. The “Dust Bowl” turned into the wheat, barley, oat, corn, soybean and alfalfa bowl. Farms and ranches were re-established and the area prospered. All through the heat, cold, floods, and all manner of weather most of us call normal for the region. Some years were hotter, some colder, but overall, the weather most people expected.

If you allow yourself to be sucked into the media spun and led “Climate Change” mantra, so be it. You will be another willing idiot for the government to squeeze you for more tax money and special taxes for energy, food, transportation, heating and cooling.

It is a big hoax, a way for the government to rule over your lives and resources. Take it upon yourself to research both sides of the climate story, you’ll find it is just a theory, not truth. If you just listen to the media, you’ll remain a willing idiot.

The rotting of the nation from within continues…


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